
  • 网络Independent innovation capability;The ability of independent innovation
  1. 推动风险投资发展,提高自主创新能力

    Develop venture capital to improve the ability of independent innovation

  2. 第六,增强自主创新能力,全面提升软件产业的技术水平。

    Sixth , enhance the ability of independent innovation .

  3. 更进一步地,金融发展即可以提高的自主创新能力,还可以提高FDI的技术溢出效应。

    Furthermore , financial development can improve the capability of independent innovation , but also can improve the FDI technology spillovers .

  4. 基于熵权TOPSIS法的企业自主创新能力评价及其行业差异分析

    Evaluation on Independent Innovation Capability of Enterprises Based on TOPSIS and the Industrial Difference Analysis

  5. 从经验发现,FDI会促进和推动区域的自主创新能力,但也出现了FDI抑制区域自主创新能力发展的例子。

    Found from experience , FDI will promote and facilitate regional independent innovation capability , but sometimes it will also inhibit the development of independent innovation capacity .

  6. 首先,回顾了国内外相关研究的现状,并提出本文的研究思路和研究方法,同时分析了江苏省目前吸引FDI及自主创新能力的现状。

    First , we review the status of domestic and foreign research , put forward ideas of this research and research methods , and analyze the current status of FDI and independent innovation capability in Jiangsu province .

  7. 实践证明:FDI在中国的资本形成、就业、出口与产业结构升级等方面做出了重要贡献,但国内自主创新能力的提高却进展缓慢,甚至在一些产业内形成了严重的技术依赖。

    FDI made contributions in capitalization , employment , export and industrial structure upgrading of China greatly in past years , on the contrary , the promotion of Chinese self-innovation ability is so slow that there is serious tech-depending in some industry .

  8. 研发BPO对海洋生物制药研发的创新既有促进作用也有负面作用,问题的关键是制药企业如何在研发BPO中积累真正的自主创新能力。

    R D BPO not only has the promoter action to the R D innovation of marine biopharmacy , but also has the negative function . The key question is how to accumulate the true independent innovation ability from the R D BPO .

  9. 在构建指标体系和综合评价模型基础上,以HHF企业为对象进行了实证研究,并根据评价结果提出了提升其自主创新能力相应的对策建议。

    After that , this study selected the HHF company to conduct an empirical research , and based on the evaluation results , this paper came up with corresponding countermeasures and suggestions on how to improve its self-innovation capacity .

  10. 江西省利用外资提升自主创新能力的机制研究

    Jiangxi Province Use Foreign Capital Promotion Independent Innovation Ability Mechanism Research

  11. 自主创新能力培养过程中的公平与效率问题

    Study on Fairness and Efficiency in Cultivation of Self-dependent Innovation Ability

  12. 企业自主创新能力的统计指标体系构建

    The Statistics Index System Construction of Independent Innovation Ability of Enterprises

  13. 加强研发水平,提高自主创新能力;

    It is important to increase the capacity of independence innovation .

  14. 开放式创新:提升中国企业自主创新能力

    Improving the Indigenous Innovation Capabilities in Chinese Enterprises through Open Innovation

  15. 高新区创新活动与自主创新能力探析

    Probe into innovative activities & Independent Innovating Ability in high-tech zones

  16. 其中企业家人力资本由创新能力和管理能力组成,企业家能力是提高自主创新能力的核心竞争力。

    Entrepreneur human capital is composed of innovation and management capabilities .

  17. 实施技术跨越战略,提高汽车产业自主创新能力

    Implement Technological Leapfrogging Strategy and Prompt Auto Industry 's Independent Innovation Ability

  18. 关于提高企业自主创新能力的几个问题

    Consideration on Promoting the Corporations ' Capability of Independent Innovation

  19. 增强自主创新能力建设创新型河南

    Strengthen the Capabilities of Self-innovation to Build up Innovative Henan

  20. 汽车产业提升自主创新能力研究&以重庆为例

    A Study on Increasing the Independent Innovation Capability of Chongqing Automobile Industry

  21. 但对企业自主创新能力起作用的主要是技术知识内部化这个步骤。

    However , the step of the internalization plays the key role .

  22. 民营科技企业自主创新能力提升研究

    Research on the Independent Innovation Capability of Non-State-Owned Scientific-Technical Enterprises

  23. 浙江省企业自主创新能力评价研究

    Research on Evaluating Enterprises ' Self-Innovation Capability in Zhejiang Province

  24. 影响我国自主创新能力的内外部环境分析

    Analysis of the environment of the national independent innovative ability

  25. 然后对战略联盟与我国企业技术能力演变进行关联分析,讨论了我国企业在战略联盟不同合作层次中如何培育仿制能力、创造性模仿能力及自主创新能力。

    Then we analyzed the interrelationship of strategic alliance and technological capability .

  26. 提升我国中小企业自主创新能力的法律路径研究

    Legal Countermeasures of Improving Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises'Independent Innovation Ability

  27. 自主创新能力、专利许可与市场结构

    Licensee 's Innovation Ability , Patent License and Market Structure

  28. 增强自主创新能力是非常重要的。

    To adhere to innovation in ideas and systems is very important .

  29. 自主创新能力对地区经济发展的影响和门槛效应

    Regional Economic Influence and Threshold Effects of China Innovation Capacity

  30. 遏制作弊文化提升企业自主创新能力

    Restraining Fraud Culture to Improve Self-Innovation Ability of Enterprises