
  • 网络iiw;International Institute of welding
  1. 用国际焊接学会推荐的方法进行统计处理,并和相同接头形式结构钢的疲劳强度进行了比较。

    Moreover , the test data were statistical treated with the method recommended by IIW and compared with fatigue strength of structural steel with identical joint type .

  2. 试验分析说明铝合金5083纵向角接板焊接接头名义应力和热点应力疲劳S-N曲线试验数据拟合斜率为5.62,高于国际焊接学会推荐的斜率为3.0;

    The test analysis shows that the fitted slope of test data to nominal stress and hot spot stress S-N curves for aluminum 5083 welded joint with longitudinal fillet welded gusset is 5.62 , higher than 3.0 recommended by ⅱ W.

  3. 基于国际焊接学会标准和英国标准,结合有限元静强度结果和实测载荷谱,对某出口运煤车车体关键部位典型焊接接头形式进行了疲劳寿命对比分析。

    According to standards of the International Welding Society and British Standards , with the finite elements static strength results and the actually measured load spectrum , the fatigue life comparison analysis is made for the modes of typical welded joints at key parts of an exported coal car body .