
  1. 高等教育的国际融合是一种必然的世界大趋势。

    The international merging of higher education is a natural tendency of the world .

  2. 全球化是一体化的客观基础,一体化是全球化基础上更高层次的国际融合机制。

    Globalization is the objective basis of Integration which is the international globalization system on a higher layer .

  3. 主要工业化国家利用本国货币通过国际融合或其它手段发展为支配整个世界经济的全球货币资本,形成了国际金融资本。

    Industrialized countries are utilizing home currencies to dominate the whole world and lead to form international financial capital .

  4. 比较西方资本主义普通法系、大陆法系两大类型典型国家在设置非法证据排除规则的异同,可以发现这一诉讼制度有不断走向国际融合的趋势。

    After that , he compares the exclusionary rules in China with those in Western common law countries and continental law countries .

  5. 受国际融合教育思潮的影响,我国的随班就读经过20年的发展,已成为我国特殊儿童接受义务教育的主要形式,但社交技巧的教学在随班就读中并未受到重视。

    Influenced by the trend of international Inclusive Education , Regular Class , in China , has been a main way to help the Speical Children acquire compulsory education through its twenty years development .

  6. 我国加入WTO,汇入经济全球化潮流,国内市场与国际市场融合为一个开放统一的大市场。

    The domestic market and international market became a whole market after China joined the WTO .

  7. 矛盾的是,我们所处的这个国际紧密融合时代带来了对移民的压制。

    Paradoxically , our era of close international integration has prompted a clampdown on immigration .

  8. 随着我国与国际经济融合的加速,提高企业管理效率,增强企业竞争力对企业而言,越来越重要。

    With the accelerating fusion of enterprise , it is very important to enhance management efficiency of enterprise .

  9. 物流标准化可以加速我国物流与国际物流融合的步伐,能提高我国物流产业的竞争能力,意义非常重大。

    Logistics standardization can accelerate the pace of coordinating with the international logistics and improve the competitive ability of Chinese enterprise .

  10. 我们与国际社会融合最紧密之际,恰恰就是我们最具爱国心之时。只有在全球化这个参照系中,我们的爱国之情才具有意义。

    We are most patriotic when we are most integrated with the international community and patriotism is meaningful only in a global frame of reference .

  11. 我国目前《货币银行学》课程体系的建设存在一些缺陷,难以适应国内金融与国际金融融合的需要,我们应适应两者联合的需要,搞好课程体系建设。

    There exist some shortcomings in the construction of the course system of " Money & Banking Economics ", which fails to meet the needs of the situation in which domestic finance is increasingly integrated with international finance . Therefore reforms should be carried out in the course construction .

  12. 随着我国加入WTO后过渡期的日益临近,占有我国金融绝对比重的国有商业银行必然要面对与国际金融市场融合的新形势,实施国际化经营。

    As China is drawing near Post-transition Period of accession to WTO , state-owned commercial banks , which account for an absolute proportion in our financial industry , are bound to be confronted with the new situation of integration with international financial market and execute business internationally .

  13. 在不失自己民族风格的基础上进行和国际音乐的融合。

    We should make a bold attempt to integrate flute with international music on the basis of keeping its own national style .

  14. 伊朗领导人现在必须做出选择&他们可以履行自己的职责,与国际社会进行融合。

    Iran 's leaders must now choose – they can live up to the responsibilities and achieve integration with the community of nations .

  15. 一旦时机成熟,它将会与国际趋势相融合,内部综合经营型和金融控股型全能银行并举。

    Once the opportunity ripes , it will merge with the international trend , financial holding universal bank and inside comprehensive management universal bank develop simultaneously .

  16. 这使这次交易为东京证券交易市场开了个后门,给它进入国际股票市场融合游戏的筹码。

    This makes the transaction a backdoor listing for the TSE , giving it a currency with which to get into the great global stockmarket-acquisition game .

  17. 我国入世后,必须按市场准入原则向世贸组织成员国逐步开放国内市场,这意味着国内市场和国际市场的融合。

    With the WTO principles , China has to open the market in all respects one by one , this implies the amalgamation of domestic market and overseas market .

  18. 从文化的层面探讨了人体各部位表达的象征意义以及意义指号的性质特征:国际性、融合性和民族性。

    This paper discusses , from the cultural level , the symbolic meanings expressed by every part of the human body , and the characteristics represented by the relevant signals-universalness , diffusion and nationalism .

  19. 因此,在中国经济与国际市场日益融合的严峻形势下,研究企业的竞争风险,探索抑制竞争风险的对策,变得尤为迫切和必要。

    Hence , confronting the integration of Chinese economy and international market , it becomes urgent and necessary to carry out researches on competition risks of companies , and the corresponding solutions to inhibit these risks .

  20. 商务英语是英语语言运用技能和国际商务知识互相融合的一门综合性课程。

    Business English is an integrity of English skills and business knowledge .

  21. 随着国际经济的持续融合,我国食品加工业发展迅速,在竞争越来越激烈的国际市场上,正面临着在世界经济全球化过程中的无限机遇和巨大挑战。

    With the continuing integration of world economies , the food processing industry in China is facing more opportunities and challenges in the process of economic globalization .

  22. 随着国际经济的不断融合,竞争政策对贸易的影响日益增大,协调国与国之间的竞争政策正越来越成为国际社会的重要课题。

    With the international economy mixed up , competitive policies coordinating countries has made a great impact on trades , and become the important international social subject .

  23. 在前四个部分论述的基础上,指出我国银行业监管模式的设计必须结合自身发展情况,逐步地与国际发展趋势相融合。

    Based on the former four chapters , it points out that banking regulation mode of China should be in accordance with local circumstance as well as combining international trend .

  24. 本企业继承历史的传承,吸纳国际制作工艺,融合现代家居安全性的需求,专业研发、设计、生产、销售、服务于一体的现代化企业。

    Our historic heritage of enterprise with professional R & D , design , production , sales and service helps to get advanced international technology , integrate requirement of modern home security .

  25. 二十世纪九十年代末期以来,金融发展理论与国际贸易理论日益融合,关于两者关系的研究成为当前一个快速成长的学术前沿。

    Since the late 1990s , as the theory of financial development and international trade integrate increasingly , the research on the relationship between the two topic becomes a rapidly growing academic frontier .

  26. 目前,国际上对信息融合的研究方兴未艾,国内对其研究刚刚兴起,尚无基于网络环境的成功解决方案。

    The research on the information fusion is just unfolding in all the world at present , and it begins just now in our country . There is not any successful scheme for network environment in national bound .

  27. 新世纪我国地理学研究需要在地表过程深入研究的基础上有针对性地探讨综合集成研究的理论和方法,加快与当代国际地理学的全面融合。

    In the following 5 to 10 years , Chinese geographical study should be aimed at theories and approaches of synthesis and integration on the basis of in-depth study of earth surface processes so as to rapidly mix together with all-round modern international geographical development .

  28. 由于中国与国际金融市场缺乏融合,也由于中国银监会的谨慎监管方式,在全球次贷危机中,中国的银行相对未受影响。至今次贷危机已造成西方金融机构损失近3800亿美元。

    Thanks to China 's lack of integration with global financial markets as well as the cautious regulatory approach of the CBRC , Chinese banks have emerged relatively unscathed from the global credit crisis , which so far has caused nearly $ 380bn of losses at western financial institutions .

  29. 实践中,从规模、产业分布、地区结构、模式和政策等方面也显现出国际贸易和国际直接投资相互融合的趋势。

    In practice , trend to be syncretized of the two theories also can be embodied from many sides such as scale , industry distribution , district structure , mode and policy .

  30. 跨国公司的国际化生产经营方式使得国际贸易与国际直接投资日益融合,贸易与投资一体化成为全球经济一体化的重要表现之一。

    The international production and management of multinational corporation make the integration of international trade and investment step by step . Integration of international trade and investment becomes one of important economic globalization phenomenons .