
  • 网络Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency;the International Atomic Energy Agency Board of Governors
  1. 国际原子能机构理事会已经投票来表达其对伊朗的深切关注。

    The IAEA board has voted to express its deep concern about Iran .

  2. 国际原子能机构理事会下星期开会时将审议有关伊朗核项目的最新报告。

    The IAEA is expected to examine its latest report on Iran during a board meeting next week .

  3. 但是国际原子能机构理事会不顾美国的反对,批准了叙利亚的要求,即在规划一个民用核电厂方面向它提供技术援助。

    The IAEA 's board has nonetheless approved a Syrian demand for technical assistance in planning a civilian nuclear power plant over U.S. objections .

  4. 格罗西于周日抵达德黑兰,为即将在维也纳举行的国际原子能机构理事会会议进行双边合作会谈。

    Grossi arrived in Tehran on Sunday for talks on bilateral cooperation ahead of the upcoming meeting of board of governors of the IAEA in Vienna .

  5. 他说,他也希望中国,作为联合国国际原子能机构理事会成员之一,能更公开地批评叙利亚的核野心。

    He says he would also like to see China , a member of the IAEA board , be more vocal in criticizing Syria 's nuclear ambitions .

  6. 国际原子能机构理事会还将讨论北韩以及叙利亚的核计划。原子能机构怀疑,叙利亚的核反应堆被以色列在2007年破坏后,现在又已经接近完成重建。

    The IAEA board also will discuss North Korea 's nuclear program , as well as Syria , which the IAEA suspects of having nearly completed a nuclear reactor that was destroyed by Israel in2007 .

  7. 就像奥巴马政府上周所做的那样,小布什政府也曾说服国际原子能机构理事会对伊朗进行谴责,随后成功推动联合国对伊朗实施了三轮制裁美国新政府明年肯定会效仿这一做法。

    Like the Obama administration last week , the Bush administration convinced the IAEA board to censure Iran and went on to secure three rounds of sanctions at the UN , a course the new administration is set to follow in the new year .

  8. 他说,国际原子能机构的理事会应该谴责德黑兰,联合国安理会应该处理这件事。

    He said the IAEA 's board of governors should condemn Tehran and that the Security Council should take up the matter .