
  • 网络wire communication;Wired communication
  1. 一种多点长距离有线通信系统的设计

    Design for a Kind of Multi-point and Long Distance Wire Communication System

  2. 摘要传统的有线通信系统是经由主控单元在设备终端间通信。

    A conventional wire communication system communicates between powered terminals via the main unit .

  3. 有线通信主要包括局域网、Internet网、公用电话网;

    The wired communication includes LAN Internet and telephone network .

  4. OFDM技术在馈线自动化有线通信中的应用

    Using OFDM technology in the feeder automation based on wire communication

  5. 一种基于字符设备驱动的Linux性能参数获取方法有线通信的模式与实现

    Char - Device - Driver Based Method for Gathering Linux Performance Data Constitution and Implementation of Communicating with Data

  6. 本文设计了基于GPRS无线通信技术和CAN总线有线通信技术的水位实时监测系统。

    The water-level monitoring system is designed , based on the technique of CAN bus and GPRS net .

  7. 综合业务数字网(ISDN)是近10年来发展较快同时也是代表有线通信未来发展的新型通信网。

    The ISDN is promising telecommunication network which gain great progress in recent years .

  8. 在这些地区,由于造价、地理环境等原因往往没有有线通信设施,adhoc网络可以解决这些环境中的通信问题。

    In these areas , because of cost , geographical environment , often because there is no wired communication infrastructure , ad hoc network can solve the communication problems in these environments .

  9. OFDM技术作为一种未来宽带高速率无线和有线通信的物理层候选技术在当前引起了一股研究热潮。

    As a promising candidate technology of the physical layer for future wide band high-data-rate wireless and wire communications , OFDM has invoked a popular research interest in recent years .

  10. 为了远距离接收在沙漠中采集的数据,我们利用现代GPRS网络进行无线传输,它取代了传统有线通信方式。

    In order to receive the remote data collected in the desert , we use modern GPRS network for wireless transmission , which has replaced the traditional wired communication .

  11. 作为一项高频带利用率和抗多径技术,正交频分复用(OFDM)在无线和有线通信领域的研究和应用正日益受到重视,尤其是在广播电视领域。

    As a technique which has high bandwidth efficiency and can reduce multipath interference , OFDM is attracting increasing attention in the field of wireless and wire communications , especially in the field of broadcasting .

  12. 同时在全国范围内陆续对GPRS网络进行了EGPRS升级改造,以缩小无线通信在带宽、速率上与有线通信的差距。

    China Mobile will continue upgrading GPRS networks to EGPRS , aimed at reducing the gap with wired communications on bandwidth and rate .

  13. 系统采用GPRS无线传输方式作为交通信号控制数据的传输方式,可较好地解决目前城市交通控制系统中有线通信布缆工程成本高、实施难的问题。

    The system adopts GPRS wireless telecommunication as the method to transport the data of traffic signal control . This method can solve the problem of high costs and the difficult problems we faced when we use wired telecommunication cable system at present .

  14. 在发生洪水、地震后,有线通信设施很可能因遭受破坏而无法正常使用,通过adhoc网络可以快速地建立应急通信网络,保证救援工作的顺利进行,满足紧急通信需求。

    In the event of flood , earthquake , cable communications facilities are likely to suffer damage and can not normally communicate , through the ad hoc network can quickly set up an emergency communications network to ensure the smooth progress of rescue work to complete the emergency communications .

  15. 分析了闪电数据的远程传输,分别对有线通信方式中的电子邮件技术和无线通信方式中的GPRSDTU技术进行了研究。同时,研究了闪电数据处理技术。

    We analyzed the remote transmission technology of lightning data , and studied Email mode of wired communication technology and GPRS DTU mode of wireless communication technology , respectively . Thirdly , the lightning data processing technology was studied .

  16. 配电网馈线自动化有线通信方式的研究

    Research of the Wire Communication Method in Power Distribution Network FA

  17. 外界电磁场对有线通信设备干扰的预警探测

    Early Warning and Detection of External Electromagnetic Fields Interfering Wired Communication Equipments

  18. 工业有线通信设备在冶金企业的应用与发展

    Application and development of industrial wired communication equipment used in metallurgical enterprises

  19. 有线通信只适用于固定用户。

    A wire-line system is only applicable to fixed users .

  20. 目前,分布式数据采集系统的远程通信手段主要分为有线通信和无线通信两大类。

    At present , the long-distance communication includes wired communication and wireless communication .

  21. 浅析外界电磁场对有线通信设备的干扰

    A brief analysis on the external electromagnetic fields interference to the wired communication equipment

  22. 因此,对于无线与有线通信网络的集成与融合的研究就显得尤为必要。

    Therefore , it is particularly essential to research on integration of wireless and wired communication networks .

  23. 超五类数据线缆通过信息部有线通信产品质量监督检验中心检验。

    Cat5E data cables have passed the testing by Quality Supervision Center of Ministey of Information Industry .

  24. 与有线通信相比,无线通信尤其是移动通信的区别在于其信道的不稳定性。

    Compared with cable communication , wireless communication suffers from varying channels , especially the mobile communication .

  25. 目前,我国粮情测控系统大多采用有线通信方式。

    At present , grain situation measuring and controlling system in our country mostly use wired communication mode .

  26. 在专网的有线通信系统运行维护中,离不了对电话用户数据的管理。

    This paper discusses the process of development and design of the data management software for telephone communication .

  27. 电话、电视、计算机网络三网合一是现代有线通信技术的发展趋势。

    Telephone , television and computer network merging in one is a inevitable trend as communication technology developing .

  28. 一种有线通信服务系统,其中,每个用户都有一个终端,可与任何其它用户通信。

    A cable communications service in which each subscriber has a terminal and may communicate with any other subscriber .

  29. 无线宽带技术使人们摆脱了传统的有线通信的束缚,让人类进入了移动通信时代。

    Wireless wideband technology let people remove the limitation of traditional wire communication and enter the mobile communication age .

  30. 在智能生产管理系统中,数据传输可以选择有线通信和无线通信两种方式。

    In the intelligent production management system , the data can be transmitted through wire network or wireless network .