
  • 网络on-load tap changer;OLTC;On-Load Tap Changer,OLTC;ULTC
  1. 基于电力电子技术有载调压变压器的无冲击调压方法

    Non-inrush Voltage Regulating Method for OLTC Transformer Based on Power Electronic Technology

  2. 提出了利用可编程赋时Petri网(PTPN)建立混杂电力系统模型的方法,分析了有载调压变压器(OLTC)的离散调节与连续动态负荷的相互作用。

    This paper proposes a method of programmable timed Petri nets ( PTPN ) for hybrid power systems modelling , and analyzes the interactions between discrete change of OLTC and continuous load dynamics .

  3. 采用时域仿真法分析了有载调压变压器(OLTC)对电压稳定的动态影响。

    The effect of OLTC on the voltage stability is analyzed through time domain simulation .

  4. 探讨以MCS-51单片微型计算机为基础的自动调压装置及在有载调压变压器上的应用。

    This paper introduces an automatic voltage regulating device which is baded on MCS-51 single chip microcomputer and its application in lood-ratio voltage transformer .

  5. 220kV自耦有载调压变压器的波过程分析

    Wave Course Analysis of 220 kV On-Load Tap-Changing Auto-Transformer

  6. 另外对有载调压变压器变比改变时,TA二次侧电流与抽头位置的关系作出研究,提出自动识别变比的电流校正原理,通过在线调整的方式对TA二次侧电流作自适应校正。

    A kind of TA currents correction method based on the analysis between TA secondary sides current and taps position is introduced , which can adjust TA secondary side currents online automatically .

  7. 文中建立了包括DVR在内的线路、有载调压变压器、负荷等相关设备的数学模型,指出了系统的多时标特性。

    Multi time scale characteristics of the system was illustrated after building the dynamic models of distribution line , on load tap changing transformer and load .

  8. 计及感应电动机的励磁电抗,导出了负荷最大功率的表达式,在有载调压变压器(OLTC)变比的正常调节范围内得到了负荷最大功率的不同变化趋势。

    The expression of the maximum load power is deduced as well as its changing trend under normal regulating range of on-load tap changer ( OLTC ) ratio with the excitation reactance of induction motor considered .

  9. 近年来,世界范围内相继发生几起由有载调压变压器(OLTC)引起的大的电压崩溃事故,人们认识到OLTC对电力系统电压稳定性有着重要的影响。

    In recent years , several large-scale voltage collapse incidents due to on-load regulating transformator ( OLTC ) happened in succession throughout the world , which arouses widespread concern about the influence of OLTC on power system voltage stability .

  10. 自适应算法在有载调压变压器差动保护中的应用

    Application of adaptive algorithm in tap - changeable transformer differential protection

  11. 有载调压变压器档位显示转换

    Indication and conversion of voltage - regulating transformer on load

  12. 无弧切换的有载调压变压器

    A new type of on-load tap changer without arcing

  13. 目前,大多数变电站都配备了有载调压变压器和并联电容器组。

    Now most substations are equipped with on-load tap-changer transformers and power capacitors .

  14. 干式有载调压变压器计算机集中监控系统设计

    Design of Computer Integrated Monitoring and Controlling System for Dry-Type On-Load Tap-Changing Transformer

  15. 有载调压变压器;电压稳定性;动态分析;

    On load tap changer Voltage stability Dynamic analysis ;

  16. 微机有载调压变压器自动调压装置

    Microcomputer Automatic Voltage Regulating Device for Lood-Ratio Voltage Transformer

  17. 并列运行有载调压变压器的自动调压控制

    Automatic Regulation Control of Parallel Operating on-load Regulating Transformers

  18. 有载调压变压器直流电阻异常分析

    Analysis of Unusual Direct-current Resistance with Load Voltage Transformer

  19. 关于静态电压稳定中有载调压变压器的作用与控制

    On the mechanism and control of on load tap changer in steady-state voltage stability

  20. 全绝缘有载调压变压器雷电冲击性能的改进

    Improvement on Properties to Withstand Lightning Impulse for Transformer with Uniform Insulation and OLTC

  21. 有载调压变压器变比变化对电力系统电压的影响

    Influence of Variation of Transformation Ratio of on-load Tap Changer on Voltage of Power System

  22. 影响有载调压变压器负调压效应临界点因素的研究

    Research on Factors to Influence " Negative Regulating Voltage Effect " Critical Point of On-Load-Tap-Changing Transformer

  23. 有载调压变压器有载分接开关过渡电阻引线烧断原因简析

    Analyzing the Reasons of Transition Resistance Wire Fused in On-load Tap Changer of On-load Regulating Transformer

  24. 有载调压变压器的错档调压空调动态负荷变步长计算方法

    Regulation in Interleaving Steps of Load - tap-changing Transformer Air Conditioning Load Calculation with Variable Time Steps

  25. 有载调压变压器能够带负荷调节电压,是电压控制的有效手段。

    On-load transformer can regulate voltage with load , and it is a effective means for voltage control .

  26. 变电站监控系统有载调压变压器滑挡保护功能扩充

    The expanded function of gear slip protection of on - load tap transformer in the substation monitoring system

  27. 仿真结果表明了在有载调压变压器能够调节的范围内,系统的模式切换是稳定的,以此证实这种建模方法的有效性。

    Simulation results denote that the model switching is stable and the proposed hybrid modeling method is feasible .

  28. 出口美国的单相自耦533MVA/500kV有载调压变压器的研发

    Research and Development of 533 MVA / 500 kV Single-Phase On-Load Voltage Regulating Autotransformer for Exporting to America

  29. 有载调压变压器抽头位置在线估计的实用算法可调分接头变压器的仿真计算及应用分析

    Practical Estimation Algorithm of Tap Changing under Load Transformer on Line Simulation calculation and application of adjustable tap transformers

  30. 考虑铁磁特性的有载调压变压器无暂态切换过程的理论研究

    Research on the no transience process of the tap change in the load-ratio voltage transformer considering the ferromagnetic characteristic