
  1. 其粉剂装于塑料瓶中,54℃下存放14d,有效氯含量平均下降率为9.28%。

    The available chlorine content of its powder packed in plastic bottle decreased by 9.28 % in average after storing at 54 ℃ for 14 days .

  2. 方法:采用正交试验设计系统考察氯化钠浓度、饮用水进水量及出水比例(酸∶碱)3个因素对酸性氧化电位水pH值、ORP值与有效氯含量的影响。

    METHODS The production technology design was adopted to research the effects of 3 factors , including the concentration of sodium chloride , the press of advance water and the outflow scale ( acid ∶ alkali ) on the content of available chlorine , pH and ORP value of EOW .

  3. 有效氯含量测定的试纸法与滴定法的比较

    Comparison of iodometry and test paper for measuring available chlorine content

  4. 强力消毒剂杀菌率及有效氯含量变化的分析

    Variations of effective concentration of chlorine and sterilizing rate of disinfectant

  5. 漂液中有效氯含量检测方法的改进

    Rationality of the Improvement of Efficient Chlorine Content Measurement in Bleaching Liquid

  6. 碘量法测定钠法次氯酸钙中有效氯含量

    Determination of content of active chlorine in sodium-method calcium hypochlorite by Iodimetry

  7. 漂白粉有效氯含量的简易测定

    The Simple and Easy Method of Determining Bleaching Powder 's Effective Chlorine Content

  8. 测试了烧碱质量分数和氯化温度对漂粉精有效氯含量的影响,测试了分盐用标准筛目数对漂粉精有效氯含量和过筛率的影响。

    The effects of sodium hydroxide concentration and chlorination temperature on effective chlorine content of calcium hypochlorite were tested .

  9. 目的:为了解含氯消毒剂在不同实验室间有效氯含量测试值及杀菌效果。

    Objective : To explore the test results of content determination and germicidal efficacy of chlorine-containing disinfectant among laboratories .

  10. 置37℃恒温恒湿箱3个月,该消毒剂有效氯含量平均下降3.32%;

    After incubated at 37 ℃ for 3 months , the available chorine of the disinfectant decreased by 3 . 32 % ;

  11. 通过对氯碱生产中一次盐水游离氯及有效氯含量分析方法的对比,确定了亚硝酸根离子对分析结果的影响。

    After comparison of analysis methods of free chlorine and active chlorine , it confirmed the influences on analysis results from nitrite ion .

  12. 有效氯含量与出厂日期、储存时间、使用时间、使用频率成反比。

    The effective chlorine level had a negative correlation with the storage time , use time , use frequency , and manufacture date .

  13. 微生物学研究表明,有效氯含量范围内的消毒水可有效杀灭大部分食品工业设备表面所发现的微生物。

    Biological study shows that the sterilizing water with the available chlorine content can effectively kill most microorganisms on the walls of food equipment .

  14. 结果,4种浓度的84消毒液随时间延长有效氯含量下降;

    The results showed that the chloride content in 84 disinfectant was decreased with the prolongation of action time for 4 concentrations of 84 disinfectant .

  15. 实验研究了温度、有效氯含量、含盐量等因素对次氯酸钠溶液氧化性的影响。

    The influences of such factors as temperature , active chlorine content , salt content on the ( oxidizing ) property of sodium hypochlorite solution are studied by experiments .

  16. 次氯酸钠消毒液在室温下自然存放9个月后有效氯含量下降率为15.5%~48.5%,但游离碱含量变化不大。

    After the sodium hypochlorite disinfection solution was stored at room temperature for 9 months , its available chlorine content decreased by 15.5 % ~ 48.5 % , but there was no significant change in free base content .

  17. 结论市售次氯酸钠消毒液有效氯含量存在不合格现象,游离碱含量超标明显,但有害金属离子均不超标。

    Conclusion There was ineligible phenomenon in available chlorine content of sodium hypochlorite disinfection solution sold in market , its free base content obviously exceeded allowable limit , but the harmful metal ions did not exceed the allowable limits .

  18. 通过对有效氯含量的监测,可控制消毒剂质量,指导护理人员根据消毒目的和消毒对象合理选用,及时调整使用浓度,确保消毒效果。

    The determination of effective chlorine can help the nurses to control the quality of disinfectants , to use them more efficiently according the purpose and targets , and adjust the concentration in time in order to ensure the effect of disinfection .

  19. 该消毒片存放于54℃14d,有效氯溴含量下降率为0.96%。

    After the Disinfection Tablet was stored at 54 ℃ for 14 days , its available chlorine and bromine content decreased by 0.96 % .

  20. 结果,随工作时间的延长和食盐浓度的增加,有效氯的含量逐渐增加。

    Results : With prolonging the working time and increasing the table salt concentration , the available chlorine content increased gradually .

  21. 四川省农业科学院土壤肥料研究所同国际钾肥研究所合作,在旱地小麦-玉米-红苕轮作中定点连续施用氯化钾试验,研究其效益和对土壤有效钾和氯含量的影响。

    Soil and Fertilizer Institute , SAAS and International Potash Institute conducted a cooperative study on the effect of potash application continuously on benefit , available potassium and chlorine in topsoil in wheat maize sweet potato rotation cropping system on fixed upland .

  22. 多使用碘就可以很有效地预防这种疾昃。碘量法测定钠法次氯酸钙中有效氯含量

    Consumption of iodized salt is a highly effective way to prevent the disorder . DETERMINATION OF CONTENT OF ACTIVE CHLORINE IN SODIUM-METHOD CALCIUM HYPOCHLORITE BY IODIMETRY

  23. 研究了漂粉精母液中有效氯的回用工艺流程,并测试了循环次数对漂粉精有效氯含量的影响。

    The effects of mesh number of standard sieve on effective chlorine content of calcium hypochlorite were tested .