
  • 网络directed graph;Digraph;DAG
  1. 基于有向图的Web使用模式挖掘算法研究

    A Web usage mining algorithm based on directed graph

  2. 提出Web服务组合中基于有向图的异常处理机制。

    This paper proposes an exception handling mechanism of based on directed graph in Web service composition .

  3. EDG-DCR:一种基于扩展有向图Web服务组合关系描述方法

    A Description Approach to Web Service Composition Relationship Based on Extended Directional Graph

  4. 计费网关中基于有向图的IP地址组织

    Organization of IP Address in Billing Gateway Based on Digraph

  5. 分析了Web服务组合中基于有向图的异常处理方法,在异常处理时会遇到的一些问题。

    Analyzed based on directed graph exception handling in Web service composition , exception handling will encounter some problems .

  6. 系统级BIT设计中基于模糊有向图系统划分

    System Partition Based on the Directional Fuzzy Graph in the System - level BIT Design

  7. 互联网中网页和它们之间的链接构成了一个庞大的有向图,称为网络图(WebGraph)。

    The Web pages and hyperlinks among them induced a large scale directed graph , Web Graph .

  8. 研究了n阶powerful符号矩阵及powerful带号有向图的基指数。

    We study the basis of powerful sign pattern matrices and powerful signed digraphs of order n .

  9. flow是一个有向图,活动被表示为节点,所谓的links被表示为连接活动的边。

    A flow is a directed graph with the activities as nodes and so-called links as edges connecting the activities .

  10. 设k是正整数,D是极小k边连通简单有向图。

    Let k be a positive integer , and let D be a minimally k-edge-connected simple digraph .

  11. 应用它可以方便且有效地求出一个有向图G的有向树多项式。

    Using it the directed tree polynomial of a directed graph G can be found conveniently and efficiently .

  12. 条件有向图需要二种矩阵(连通矩阵C及条件矩阵D)进行表示。

    Conditional digraph is represented by connectivity matrix C and conditional matrix D and an algorithm for computing reachability matrix R is devised .

  13. 提出了一个公开问题&分组Hash有向图鉴别问题;

    Proposing an open problem - Authentication of Packet Hash Directional Graph ;

  14. 有向图X的超弧连通性可以用严格弧连通度λ′(X)来表示。

    The super arc connectivity properties of a digraph X can be measured by the restricted arc connectivity λ′( X ) .

  15. 用有向图实现的ATLAS编译系统中的设备分配

    Implementation of Device Allocation with Directed Graph in ATLAS Compiler

  16. 有向图存在Hamilton圈的必要条件

    Necessary condition about the existence of Hamilton circle in a directed graph

  17. 用Tensor乘积法构造整谱有向图

    Constructing integral directed graphs by Tensor product methods

  18. 针对有限缓冲区的FlowShop调度问题,提出了结合基于有向图的局部搜索和遗传算法的有效混合算法。

    By combining the directed graph based local search with GA , an effective hybrid algorithm is proposed for flow shop scheduling with limited buffer size .

  19. BOM结构的有向图分析

    Analysis of the Structure of BOM with Directed Graph

  20. 提出采用带根连通有向图来描述生物信息二级数据库的Web视图模型,以结合生物信息背景知识设计特定的生物信息Web视图及其间的相关关系。

    After using rooted connected directed graph to describe the Web view model of bioinformatics secondary database , this paper addresses the bioinformatics background knowledge into the designation of the Web views and its related connection .

  21. 该系统采用带根连通有向图来表示XML文档数据模型,并给出相应的文档模式提取算法,XML文档数据的解析以及时Web服务的相关支持。

    We use a Rooted Connected Directed Graph to present XML document data model and give XML schema extraction algorithm . We also offer function of parsing XML document aud support to Web Service .

  22. 本文运用了图的基本理论对Agent搜索生成的回收工艺路径有向图网络进行了分解,为进行理想点相对接近度比较法做了必要准备。

    This paper introduces essential theory of graph to divide the net of recycling processes built by Agent in order to prepare for applying the method of Ideal Point Relative Approaching Comparison ( IPRAC ) .

  23. 细胞(d1,d2)-有向图语言类在集合论运算下的封闭性

    The closure of cellular ( d 1 , d 2 ) - digraph language class under set theoretic operations

  24. 有限群的齐次性Cayley有向图及其求法

    Finite Group Homogeneity Cayley Diagraph and Its Solution Method

  25. 基于窗口导航有向图,提出了顶层窗口覆盖、用户输入覆盖和n长度用户输入序列覆盖准则,并设计了相应的覆盖率算法。

    Top window coverage criterion , user input coverage criterion and length n user input sequence coverage criterion were proposed based on the graph . Algorithms were presented to compute the coverage rate on every coverage criterion .

  26. 一类非正规Cayley有向图

    A Family of Nonnormal Cayley Digraphs

  27. 符号有向图SDG(signeddirectedgraph)是描述大规模复杂系统的一种有效方式,通过节点和有向支路表示了系统变量或局部之间的因果影响关系。

    Signed directed graph ( SDG ) is an effective description of large-scale complex systems , which can express system variables and their cause-effect relations by nodes and directed branches .

  28. 文中根据系统模块间故障影响度和故障传播关系,基于模糊有向图,实现了系统级BIT设计的系统划分。

    According to the influence and propagation of the faults between modules in a system , a method for system partition in the design for system - level built-in test ( BIT ) is proposed by the directional fuzzy graph .

  29. 在第二章里,文章对有向图中最短的有向圈以及C-H猜想进行了一些探索。

    In second chapter , we go on some researches about the shortest cycles in digraphs and about C-H conjecture .

  30. 为评估图形用户界面(GUI)测试用例集的充分性,提出了基于窗口导航有向图的覆盖准则。

    To evaluate the adequacy of a test suite for testing a program with graphical user interfaces ( GUI ), new coverage criteria based on directed graph for window navigation was proposed .