
  • 网络Statistically Independent;statistical independent;Statistical Independence
  1. 然后对这些PC轴进行ICA运算,得到相互统计独立的IC轴;

    Then , ICA is performed on these PC axes to get the statistically independent IC axes .

  2. 对于相互统计独立的信号源经线性组合而产生的混合信号,采用ICA能从其中分离出各独立的信号分量。

    ICA can separate signals that are statistically independent but linearly mixed .

  3. 基于源信号统计独立性的ICA方法的不确定性研究

    Study on the indeterminacy of the statistical independence based ICA methods

  4. 盲源分离(blindsourceseparation,BSS)是指从某类混合信号序列中分离出各个未知源信号的过程,其中假设源信号是相互统计独立的。

    Blind Source Separation ( BSS ) is to separate individual source signal from a set of mixed signals assuming the source signals are independent .

  5. 独立分量分析(ICA)是一种从混合信号中提取统计独立的分量的一种方法。

    Independent component analysis ( ICA ) is a technique which extracts statistically independent components from a set of measured signals .

  6. 独立成分分析(ICA)技术试图将多维数据分解成若干个相互统计独立的分量。

    Independent Component Analysis ( ICA ) is a statistical technique that attempts to decompose multivariate data into many statistically independent components .

  7. 用于盲源分离的独立分量分析(ICA)和扩展ICA算法,基于极大似然估计,给出一个衡量输出分量统计独立的目标函数,最优化该目标函数,得到一种用于独立分量分析的迭代算法。

    The independent component analysis ( ICA ) for blind source separation and the Extended ICA algorithm are introduced in this paper .

  8. ICA的主要思路是求一个分离矩阵使得分离后的信号间统计独立。

    The purpose of ICA is to reach a seperate matrix which allows the separated signals to be statistically independent each other .

  9. 由于分布式天线相隔足够远,阴影衰落效果也必然统计独立,包络服从RiceLognormal分布。

    Distributed antennas were located far enough , so independent shadowing effort was obtained . The envelope of the received signal was subjected to Rice-Lognormal distribution .

  10. 盲源分离(BSS)问题是在缺少先验知识的情况下,从接收到的观测信号中恢复统计独立的源信号。

    The Blind Source Separation ( BSS ) problem consists of recovery sources from the observed signals without adequate a prior knowledge .

  11. 与传统的多维信号分析方法相比,经ICA处理得到的各个分量不仅去除了相关性,而且还是相互统计独立的,并且是非高斯分布的信号。

    Compared with the traditional multi-dimensional signal analysis method , the components separated from ICA are not only irrelevant to each other , but also mutually statistically independent .

  12. ICA(独立成分分析)是一种将混合信息分解为几个统计独立成分的线性组合的新方法,它能够有效地提取混合信息的主要特征。

    ICA ( Independent Component Analysis ) that can extract the principal character of hybrid information efficiently is a new method that decomposes hybrid information into linear combinations of several statistical independent components .

  13. 大气湍流对光学波前的影响可以用Zernike模式分析,由于Zernike模式并非统计独立,需要转而寻找一种称为Karhunen-Loeve(简称K-L)函数的系数,它们统计独立,而且可以展开为Zernike多项式的形式。

    The effects of atmospheric turbulence on optical wavefront can be analysed by Zernike modes . As zernike modes are not statistically independent , another type of function , i.

  14. 基于源信号相互间统计独立性的假设,ICA可以尽量减少成分间的统计依赖性,从而从混合信号中提取出源信号的估计。

    Based on the assumption that the source signals are independent between each other , ICA can minimize the statistical dependence between components . And then the estimated signals are extracted from mixed signals .

  15. ICA是一种多通道信号处理技术,其特点是除源信号相互统计独立外无其它先验知识的情况下,将观察信号分解成为独立的分量。

    ICA is a technology for multi-channel signal processing , whose characteristics are to decompose the target signal into independent components without knowing any other priori knowledge besides the statistical independence between source signals .

  16. Jakes模型得到了广泛应用,但它在统计独立性方面还存在一些问题。

    Jakes model has been widely accepted , but it has major shortcoming in the statistical independence .

  17. 其基本假设是源信号统计独立,这是一个很宽松的条件,因此ICA在众多领域获得了广泛的应用。

    The basic assumption of ICA refers to that the sources are mutually statistically independent , which is not a strict requirement , thus resulting in a wide range of applications of ICA in many fields .

  18. 这种水印信息滚迭方式,与原有数据库中的信息保持相互统计独立,实现对载体较小而改变嵌入水印信息,利用了ICA方法实现水印图像的提取。

    The watermarking information rolling is kept independent from the original database information , realizing embedding of watermarking information with little change of the carrier . Also , the ICA method is employed to extract watermarking image .

  19. 衬比值比较小,并且CCD记录的散斑图像互相统计独立时,Rayleigh分布函数是实际的积分散斑强度概率密度函数的一个很好的近似。

    Theoretic analysis and experimental results demonstrate that the Rayleigh distribution is an effective approximation function of the PDF of integrated laser speckle data , when the speckle contrast value is very small and the time sequential speckle images are statistically independent .

  20. 方法:工频噪声、心电伪迹以及脑电波源信号之间的关系是统计独立的,满足ICA方法的分离条件,可将α波去噪问题转化为独立分量分离问题。

    Methods : Power noise , ECG and EEG source signal are statistically independent , this features meet the requirements of ICA method , so we can transform the problem of denoising to be a problem of signal separation .

  21. 独立分量分析(ICA)方法把多维随机矢量转换为尽可能统计独立的分量,是现代解决盲源分离问题最主要的方法之一。

    Independent Component Analysis ( ICA ) is a statistical method for transforming an observed multidimensional random vector into components that are statistically as independent from each other as possible , and it is one of the most important approaches to the BSS problem .

  22. 如果源信号是统计独立的,通常采用独立分量分析(ICA)方法来处理。ICA已经成为一类有关图像及信号处理、通信、语音分离和生物信号分析等的理论研究和实际应用的重要工具。

    If the original sources are statistically mutual independent , independent component anal-ysis ( ICA ) is a fundamental tool in theoretical research and practical applications such as signal processing , telecommunications , speech processing , and biomedical signal analysis where multiple sensors are involved .

  23. 该方法以非高斯源信号为研究对象,在它们统计独立的假定前提下,对观测到的混合信号进行盲分离(BSS),从而把隐含在混合信号中的各独立信源信号较好地分离出来。

    This method takes the non-gaussian source signals as the research object and assumes that the signals are statistical independent . Through taking the observed mixed signals to blind source separation ( BSS ), ICA separate the implicit independent source signals from the mixed signals .

  24. 独立分量分析(ICA)已被广泛运用于线性混合模型的盲源分离问题,但却有两个重要的限制:信源统计独立和信源非高斯分布。

    Independent Component Analysis ( ICA ) is a widely applicable and effective approach in Blind Source Separation ( BSS ) with the limitation that the sources are independent to each other , while more commonly situation is blind source separation where sources are statistically dependent to each other .

  25. 理论分析和仿真比较表明它在计算复杂度和统计独立性方面比最初的Jakes模型及其近来发现的改进模型更加简单有效。

    Both theory and simulation show that it is superior to the original Jakes model and its modified models that have been discovered in the aspects of the computation complexity and statistical independence .

  26. 针对组合函数,文中给出了线性统计独立性的概念。

    The concept of linear statistical independence is defined for the combination function .

  27. 分别由大尺度湍涡和小尺度湍涡产生的光闪烁相互统计独立;

    The scintillations caused by small-and large-scale eddy , respectively , are statistically independent ;

  28. 理想的密钥编排算法应该能使生成的子密钥具有统计独立性。

    An ideal key schedule algorithm should ensure the statistical independence among the round keys .

  29. 分析了随机误差(非统计独立的)对环形阵旁瓣之影响。

    The effects of statistically dependent random errors on the sidelobe for ring array are analyzed .

  30. 有条件可能性和统计独立;

    Conditional Probability and Statistical Independence ;