
  • 网络Statistical Population
  1. 用来标明一个统计总体而且可以从样本数据估计出来的一个数量(如均值或方差)。

    A quantity ( such as the mean or variance ) that characterizes a statistical population and that can be estimated by calculations from sample data .

  2. 统计总体是研究目的的具体化和定量化,是数据分析的起点和归宿。

    Statistical population is the specification and quantification of research targets , and starting point and destination of data analysis .

  3. 软件实现计算所需要的损伤参数、统计总体损伤参数和填写各种类型的报表等功能。

    The functions of computing trauma parameters , accumulating total trauma parameters , filling in a great variety of authentication reports are fully implemented .

  4. 地质样品分析数据表现为多个统计分布总体的叠加,对混合分布总体的筛分和单一分布总体的研究,便于矿床成因分析和资源的定量评价。

    Data of geological samples ′ chemical analysis generally show overlap of several statistical populations . Study on screening the mixed population is useful to analyze genesis of ore deposit and quantitative assessment of the deposit ′ s mineral resource .

  5. 设计了基于GIS的统计辅助决策总体框架结构,针对统计辅助决策中信息的多源性,提出了一种基于地理统计单元的多源统计数据组织方案。

    A framework of assistant decision-making of statistics based on GIS has been designed and an organizing method of multiple sources statistics has been put forward .

  6. 经统计分析,总体上,性别、年龄、职称、所教学段对教师有关LLS和SI的认可度没有影响。

    According to the statistics , except for the factor of the years of teaching experience , little impact on teachers ' acceptance of LLS and SI has been put by the other factors such as gender , age , professional qualification , and the teaching stage .

  7. 测试完以后,对统计数据的总体质量进行检查。

    Thus after testing , an inspection on the overall quality of obtained data should be conducted .

  8. (统计)从总体中随机抽取大量样本在平均情况下都能呈现总体的统计数。

    ( statistics ) law stating that a large number of items taken at random from a population will ( on the average ) have the population statistics .

  9. 本文第二章主要从非标准审计报告的统计数据、总体特点和主要涉及事项三方面对我国2003年上市公司非标准审计报告进行了分析。

    The chapter 2 is carried on the analysis to the unstandard audit reports of listed company in 2003 through the data , characteristics and the mainly involved items etc.

  10. 关于统计科学研究的总体思考

    On General Ideas of the Study of Statistical Science

  11. 基于贝叶斯统计方法的两总体基因表达数据分类

    Classification of Two-class Gene Expression Data Using Bayesian Statistics

  12. 现代负荷建模方法的发展趋势是统计综合法与总体测辨法的相互借鉴,相互融合。

    The development tendency of modern load modeling is to reference and integrate the approach of Component-Based Modeling and Measurement-based modeling .

  13. 此外,人口统计变量与广告总体态度以及各个因子之间有一定的关系。

    Beside , demographic variables have multiple relationships with attitude toward advertising , such as males are more negative toward advertising than females .

  14. 从体育统计处理系统的角度重新认识统计总体

    Re-recognizing the Statistical Population from the Angle of Statistical Processing System in Physical Education

  15. 提高体育统计应用水平的关键&正确认识统计总体

    The Key Factor to a Better Application of Sports Statistics : A Correct Understanding of Statistical Population

  16. 本文综述了地理信息系统在统计行业中的应用现状、优势及存在的问题,并对统计地理信息系统的解决方案作了简要分析,给出了建立统计GIS的技术方案和统计GIS的总体框架。

    This paper summarizes the application current status , predominance , exited problems of GIS in statistics , and analyzes simply the solution methods on statistical GIS , gives the total framework on establishing the technical method of statistical GIS .