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tǒnɡ lǐnɡ
  • command
  • commander
统领 [tǒng lǐng]
  • [command] 统率领导

  • 他统领三路人马

  1. 首次任命女性统领空军学院标志着对黄铜天花板的又一次破击,黄铜天花板阻止女性在军中担任要职。

    The appointment of the first woman to command the Air Force Academy marks another breach of the " brass ceiling " that keeps women from top assignments in the military .

  2. 用科学发展观统领城乡经济社会发展

    Command Social & Economic Advance in the Scientific Development Views

  3. 他力图实行技术统领一切的经济政策。

    He tried to implement a technocratic economic policy .

  4. 他的长靴和紫色贝雷帽表明他统领着苏格兰伞兵部队。

    His boots and purple beret identify him as commanding the Scottish Paratroops .

  5. 第一句是统领句,句中的functioning和order分别指“运行”和“顺序”。然后分两点来说,一方面说它剥夺了社会体系最显著的特征,即公平。

    On the one hand , it deprives the social system of its most distinctive feature-fairness .

  6. SOA是当今业界最热的话题之一,在未来的软件开发世界里,它将成为软件体系结构领域的统领者。

    Today SOA is one of the most popular topic in computer industry , it will be the dominator of software architecture .

  7. 在全球化和Internet统领的新经济时代,产品的生命周期比以往任何时候都要短,企业面临的竞争前所未有的激烈。

    In the new economic times leaded by the global internationalization and the development of the Internet , the lifecycles of products are becoming shorter and the competitions are more intensive than ever .

  8. 他说从CEO到董事长的角色转换并没有让他张皇失措:董事长的主要角色是统领。

    He says the transition from chief executive to chairman did not faze him : Chairman is more of a governing role .

  9. 提出以TQM为统领,建立全球供应链TQM战略。

    TQM is proposed as a guide to establish strategies for global supply chain TQM .

  10. 显然,人们在评估Uber的价值时,认为其所统领的新领域将远远超越出租车服务。

    Uber is clearly being valued as the king of a new category that stretches way beyond taxi rides .

  11. 统领全书的是哈尔福德麦金德爵士(SirHalfordMackinder)的影子,1904年他在皇家地理学会(RoyalGeographicalSociety)发表了一篇演讲,开辟了地缘政治学这门学科。

    Presiding over the book is the shade of Sir Halford Mackinder , who inaugurated the discipline of geopolitics with a 1904 Royal Geographical Society lecture .

  12. 中国房地产集团万达集团(Wanda)正联手中国最大的两家互联网企业,共同投资8.14亿美元设立一家电子商务企业,希望借此打破阿里巴巴(Alibaba)对中国电子商务市场的统领地位。

    Chinese real estate conglomerate Dalian Wanda is teaming up with two of China 's largest internet companies in an $ 814m ecommerce joint venture aimed at loosening Alibaba 's stranglehold on the country 's booming ecommerce market , the FT 's Charles Clover writes .

  13. 以科学发展观统领城市房地产经济的发展

    Following the Scientific Development View to Develop City Real Estate Economy

  14. 以科学发展观统领民航工作全局

    Civil Aviation Work Should Be Guided by the Scientific Development Perspective

  15. 我还没见过无法能统领的人。

    I have neveryet met the man I could not master .

  16. 我们只是这一限度内我们灵魂的统领。

    We are captains of our souls to this extent only .

  17. 你取代詹姆森统领马萨诸塞州第二团

    I 'm giving you the 2nd Massachusetts to replace Jameson .

  18. 持续健康和谐以科学发展观统领建筑业汪光焘部长部署2007年建筑业五大任务

    Sustainable Healthy Harmonious & Lead construction industry with scientific development concept

  19. 统领我的理智,本当将我卫护。

    Reason , your viceroy in me , me should defend .

  20. 用科学发展观统领和推动石油经济专业委员会的各项工作

    Concept of Scientific Development to Propel All Work of Petroleum Economics Commission

  21. 用“三个代表”重要思想统领高校改革与发展事业

    Thought of " Three Represents " and Development of Universities

  22. 我要统领希腊所有的国王和军队。

    I want all the kings of greece , and their armies .

  23. 所以撒马利亚人是要他统领全州。

    So Samaritan wanted him running the state all along .

  24. 用科学发展观统领环保工作的哲学思考

    Philosophic Consideration of the View of Science and Development on Environmental Protection

  25. 用科学发展观统领道德体系建设

    Leading the Construction of Moral System in the Light of Scientific Development

  26. 以和谐文化理念统领法制宣传教育工作

    Guiding the Work of Legal Publicity with the Concept of Harmonious Culture

  27. 安德森你统领马萨诸塞州第十团

    Anderson , I want you to take the 10th Massachusetts

  28. 经济决定政治,政治统领社会。

    Economy determines politics , politics leads the society .

  29. 我想请他出来南面为王,统领天下。

    I want to invite him as the king to rule the country .

  30. 建立滇池特区统领风景昆明

    Establishing the Dian Lake SAR to Head Beautiful Kunming