
  • 网络index system;Statistical Indicator System;System of statistical indicator
  1. 我国体育产业统计指标体系及其统计方法的研究

    A Study on the Statistical Indicator System and its Statistical Methods

  2. 建立健全全社会水运业统计指标体系的探讨

    Establishing and Amplifying the Statistical Indicator System for All Shipping Trades

  3. 六是GDP统计指标体系结构不严谨,造成国税收入占GDP比重的状态不明晰;

    GDP statistic index problems contribute tovague figure of the national tax incomepereantage in GDP .

  4. 本文研究了脆性材料强度Weibull统计指标体系问题。

    The problem of Weibull statistics index system is researched in this paper for the strength of brittle mate - rials .

  5. NPP列入生态统计指标体系的潜力分析&以北京地区NPP测算与空间分析为例我认为计算机是潜力最大的行业之一。

    Potential analysis on NPP included as ecological statistical indicators : Taking Beijing vegetation net primary productivity measurement and spatial analysis as an example I saw the line as one of those with the most potential .

  6. 关于科技人力资源状况统计指标体系的探讨

    Study on Stat Index System of Science and Technology Human Resource

  7. 企业自主创新能力的统计指标体系构建

    The Statistics Index System Construction of Independent Innovation Ability of Enterprises

  8. 国外体育产业统计指标体系研究

    Research on statistical indicator system of sport industry in western developed countries

  9. 我国铁路运输业统计指标体系的框架设计研究

    Research on Framework Designation of Statistical Index System for Chinese Railway Industry

  10. 论建立我国专利统计指标体系的战略意义

    The Strategic Meaning of the Construction of Patent Statistics System

  11. 基于因子模型的快速灾情统计指标体系研究

    Rapid Disaster Statistics Index System based on the Factor Model

  12. 可持续发展定量评价统计指标体系的构想

    Suggestions on Statistic Index System for the Quantitative Evaluation of Sustainable Development

  13. 我国林业统计指标体系研究综述

    General Discussion on the Study of Forestry Statistic Index System of China

  14. 现行电力系统通信统计指标体系的探讨

    Discussion on communication statistics index system for electric power system

  15. 我国道路交通事故统计指标体系问题探讨

    Research on Problems About Statistical Index System of Traffic Accidents in China

  16. 论水污染物排放统计指标体系

    Research on Statistical Indicator System of Water Pollutant Effluent Management

  17. 不确定性统计指标体系建立与使用

    The Establishment and Application of Uncertainty Statistics Indicator Systems

  18. 可持续发展角度的经济增长质量统计指标体系的研究

    Research on Economic Growth Statistical Index System On the Point of Sustainable Development

  19. 新型工业化统计指标体系设计

    Index ; The Design of the Statistical Indicator System for the New-type Industrialization

  20. 备件管理统计指标体系及报表设计

    Design of Statistical Index System and the Report Forms for Spare Parts Management

  21. 林业统计指标体系改革的探讨

    Study on the Reformation about Forestry Statistic Index System

  22. 体育消费统计指标体系探讨

    On the Statistical Index System of Sports Consumption

  23. 现代企业经济统计指标体系分析

    Analysis of statistic indicator system in modern enterprise

  24. 我国股份制企业统计指标体系设置初探

    Research of Statistic System Index of Stock Enterprises

  25. 指标体系要与林业统计指标体系相衔接;

    Index ; it should be connected with the statistical index system of forestry ;

  26. 模糊数学在统计指标体系分析中的应用

    The Application of Blur Mathematics to the Analysis of the System of Statistical Indicators

  27. 安全投入统计指标体系探讨

    Probe into Statistical Index System of Safety Investment

  28. 信息产业的统计指标体系构建方法探讨

    On the Statistics for the Information Industry and the Building of the Index System

  29. 论铁路股份制企业运输统计指标体系的完善

    Discussion on the Perfection of the Freight Traffic Statistical Index System of Railway Share-holding Enterprise

  30. 建立适应市场经济运行的经济统计指标体系构想

    On Setting-up of Index System for Economic Statistics Suitable for the Operation of Market Economy