
diàn zhěn duàn
  • electrodiagnosis
电诊断[diàn zhěn duàn]
  1. NSD-1型神经肌肉电诊断系统的研制

    The development of model NSD-1 neuromuscular electrodiagnosis system

  2. 电诊断在评定神经损伤程度、制定康复计划,判断疗效,评估预后具有重要意义。

    The electrodiagnosis is a valuable assessment for the treatment and prognosis of nerve paralysis .

  3. 结果:脑电诊断ADHD的灵敏度为83.58%,特异度为82.61%;

    RESULTS : The diagnostic sensitivity of EEG on ADHD was 83.58 % , and the specificity of it was 82.61 % ;

  4. 【结论】MRCT和SRCT可作为评价神经根功能的指标,为骶1神经根病的无创性电诊断提供了一个新的方法。

    【 Conclusion 】 MRCT and SRCT can be used as the new electrodiagnostic parameters for estimation of the sensory nerve root function in patients with S1 radiculopathy .

  5. 健、患侧sEMG幅值变化与ENoG的结果一致,并且sEMG参数反映严重面瘫情况时具有差异性,其作为评价面神经功能领域的电诊断新方法有待进一步研究。

    Amplitude changes of sEMG between the healthy and affected sides are consistent with the results of ENoG , and parameters of sEMG have difference when reflect the serious facial paralysis situations . Meanwhile sEMG as a new method in evaluating facial nerve function field needs further study . 3 .

  6. 面神经瘫电诊断试验的临床价值探讨

    Approach on clinical value of electro-diagnostic tests in facial palsy

  7. 可以说是一种特殊的生物电诊断仪器。

    It was a kind of special bioelectricity examination instrument .

  8. 医疗评价对多发性神经病电诊断评估的影响:一项多中心研究

    Influence of medical audit on electrodiagnostic evaluation of polyneuropathy . A multicentre study

  9. 自动分析电诊断仪临床应用

    The Clinical Application of Computerized Electrodiagnostic Equipment

  10. 重症肌无力的临床分型、电诊断及乙酰胆碱受体抗体的比较

    Comparative Analysis of Clinical Classification , Electrodiagnosis and Antibody Titre of Acetylcholine Receptor in Myasthenia Gravis

  11. 方法:采用上海海研所的NDI&200型神经电诊断仪检测78例聋哑儿童。

    Methods ; 78 cases of deaf-mute children were detected by NDI-200 nerve potential diagnotic equipment made in shanghai .

  12. 神经干性损伤的电诊断及I/T曲线的阳性率明显比神经根性损伤高(P<0.05)。

    The positive ratio of nerve stem injury was significantly high comparing with the nerve root injury ( P < 0.05 ) .

  13. 脑电图由于其性能的特殊性,它不单具有一般生物电诊断仪器的共性,又具有其独特的个性。

    Because of the special of its function , Electroencephalogram has not only the general character of the bioelectricity examination instrument , moreover has its unique individuality .

  14. 我们用直流感应电诊断、强度时间曲线、肌电图、运动神经传导速度等电生理检查及各种物理疗法对436例病人进行了康复评定及物理治疗。

    We have used DC current - induced diagnosis , intensity-duration curves , electromyography , motor nerve conduction velocity for electrophysiological diagnosis and physical therapy for 436 cases with rehabilitation evaluation and physical treatment of them .

  15. 当深、浅层脑电源同时存在时,如何从头皮测量电位中将两者的贡献分离开来,这对脑电诊断及脑电三维成象都是有意义的问题。

    To separate the components of the scalp EEG contributed by deeply located current dipole from those produced by dipoles located in the shallow parts of the brain is a problem Of importance for the diagnosis and the three dimensional mapping of EEG .

  16. 结论:EMG、NCV是有价值的电生理诊断方法。

    Conclusion : EMG and NCV are valuable in diagnosing neuromyositis .

  17. 基于1553B总线的航电故障诊断专家系统的设计

    Design of Avionic Fault Diagnosis Expert System Based on 1553B Bus

  18. 40例宽QRS波心动过速体表心电图及食管电生理诊断分析

    Analysis on the diagnosis of ECG and transesophageal atrial pacing of 40 tachycardias with a wide QRS complex

  19. 目的建立拇短展肌R1波的肌电检测方法,并测量国人正常值,探讨其在电生理诊断方面的临床意义。

    Objective To study the physiological examining behavior of the abductor pollicis brevis R 1 response and measure normative data .

  20. 方法:使用美国Nicolet多功能电生理诊断仪,检测正常和视神经损伤大鼠的闪光视觉诱发电位(FVEP)。

    Methods : Using Nicolet multifunction electric physiological instrument made in USA , the authors monitored changes of F VEP in mormal and optic nerve crush rats .

  21. 方法:使用美国Nicolet公司PathfinderMEGA电生理诊断仪对30例处于气功态的气功师和28例气功所致精神障碍的病人及30例正常成人的事件相关电位(P300)进行对照研究。

    Method : The auditory P 300 recorded in 30 Qigong masters while practising Qigong , 28 patients with active Qigong induced mental disorder and 30 normal control subjects using the Nicolet Pathfinder MEGA .

  22. 方法采用视觉电生理诊断系统及1.5T磁共振成像仪分别记录18例斜视性弱视和15例屈光参差性弱视患者的视觉诱发电位与血氧水平依赖功能磁共振成像信号。

    Methods Using an EPI gradient echo sequence in 1.5 T MRI and visual electrophysiological system , the pattern visual evoked potentials and calcarine activation by monocular viewing of check-board pattern with reversal were examined in 18 strabismic amblyopes and 15 anisometropic amblyopes .

  23. 视觉电生理诊断系统微机软件的设计

    The design of microcomputer software for visual clinical electrophysiological diagnosis system

  24. 超声检测技术在深度电烧伤诊断中的应用

    The application of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of deep electric injury

  25. 电生理诊断早期原发性开角型青光眼的研究

    The study on diagnosis of early primary open-angle glaucoma by electrophysiological method

  26. 开关电器触头电寿命诊断方法综述

    Review on Diagnostic Techniques for Electrical Endurance of Switchgear Contact

  27. 上肢周围神经损伤的电生理诊断

    Electrodiagnosis of peripheral nerve injuries in the upper limb

  28. 高压断路器触头电寿命诊断技术

    Electrical endurance diagnosis of high voltage circuit breaker contacts

  29. 食管电生理诊断室上性心动过速及其分型的意义

    Clinical significance of esophageal electrophysiology in the diagnosis and classification of supraventricular tachycardia

  30. 射频辉光放电等离子体的电探针诊断

    Diagnosis of radio frequency glow discharges with electric probe