
  • 网络Power circuit;Electrical power supply circuit
  1. 电源回路负责给采集器各部分提供电源,并提取采样中断。

    The power circuit is responsible for provide power supply for all parts of the collector and obtains sampling interruption .

  2. 在交流控制回路中应少采用小型高阻抗中间继电器,当采用小型高阻抗中间继电器时,应注意对继电器线圈电源回路的屏蔽或隔离。

    The application of small type interposing relay with high reactance in AC control circuits should be avoided , otherwise the power circuit of relay coil should be shielded or isolated .

  3. 500kV变电站紧急备用电源控制回路的改进措施

    Improvement for 500 kV Substation Emergency and Stand-by Power Control Circuit

  4. 提出了MOSFET管控制的大电流连续二极管激光器阵列驱动电源主回路;

    One main circuit , which is controlled by a MOSFET , of the high-current CW power supply for LDA is presented in this paper .

  5. 尖峰电压信号发生器的核心是产生尖峰电压信号,通过CPU控制串联接入被试设备的供电电源的回路中,能够输出尖峰电压信号、电压浪涌信号的试验设备。

    A peak voltage signal generator is developed and used to generate and send peak voltage and voltage surge signals to the power supply circuit for tested equipment in series connection under the control of a CPU .

  6. 三相中频直流高压电源主回路的设计包括三相桥式整流电路,电压型全桥IGBT逆变电路,中频变压器升压和高压硅堆全桥整流的主电路结构设计。

    The design of the main circuit for three-phase intermediate frequency high-voltage DC power supply includes the full-bridge rectifier circuit , he voltage full-bridge IGBT inverter circuit , and the intermediate frequency transformer with full-bridge rectifier circuit .

  7. 在此基础上编制了单片机和CPLD控制程序以及LCD显示软件。最后对不同的控制模块分别进行单独的测试和对整个控制系统以及电源主回路进行了综合调试,并给出了实验结果和分析。

    On this basis , the MCU and CPLD control procedures and the LCD display software were programmed . Finally , different control modules were tested separately , the control system and the main circuit were integrated debugged , the experimental results and analysis were given out .

  8. 单端多功能逆变弧焊电源主回路的研制

    Development of main circuit on forword multifunctional inverter arc welding equipment

  9. 晶闸管相控电抗器式交流稳压电源主回路的分析与设计

    Analysis and design of the main loop of TCR AC regulator

  10. 反激型开关电源反馈回路的改进

    A New Feedback Circuit of Flyback Switching Mode Power Supply

  11. 软开关逆变式弧焊电源主回路参数设计

    Parameter design for main circuit of soft switch invert welding power source

  12. 可控硅整流逆变电源控制回路测试装置

    A Test Device for the Control Circuit of SCR Inverter Power Supply

  13. 一种抑制电源线回路干扰接线板的设计分析

    Analysis and Design of A Patch Board Suppressing Loop Interferences in Power Lines

  14. 荆门热电厂热工总电源控制回路改进

    The Improvement of Thermodynamic Main Power Supply Control Circuit in Jingmen Thermal Power Plant

  15. 弧焊逆变电源输出回路直流电感的分析与设计

    Analysis and design of DC inductance of output circuit for invert arc welding power source

  16. 基于鲁棒稳定的闭环激磁电源幅值回路设计

    The design for magnitude loop of the excitation power supply with closed-loop control based on robust stability

  17. 从电源供电回路、信号输入通道、地线、通讯网络等方面对有关的电磁兼容进行了研究。

    The electromagnetic compatibility about the power supply circuit , the input channels of signal , the earthing and the communication network is also researched .

  18. 介绍了荆门热电厂热工总电源控制回路的改进后,解决了所存在的问题,提高了该控制回路的可靠性。

    The improvement of Thermodynamic main power supply control circuit in Jingmen Thermal Power Plant was introduced , its existing problems were solved and the reliability of its control circuit was improved .

  19. 其结构是由工频整流单元、逆变单元和高频整流单元相接构成电源主回路,控制单元接逆变单元;

    A power main circuit is composed of a power frequency rectified unit , an inversion unit and a high frequency rectified unit , and a control unit is connected with the inversion unit .

  20. 确定以三相不控整流、全桥IGBT逆变和串联谐振负载为感应加热电源的主回路。

    The main loop consists of three-phase uncontrolled rectifier , IGBT full bridge inverter and series resonance load .

  21. 380V厂用工作电源开关控制回路故障处理

    Fault Clearance of 380V Service Working Power Source Switch with Control Circuit

  22. 分析了PWM全桥变换器的基本工作原理和移相控制方式,采用ZVS-PWM电路实现开关管的软开关,并以此为基础设计了长脉冲激光电源的主回路。

    The fundamental theory and control method of phase-shifted of PWM full bridge converter were analyzed . The ZVS-PWM circuit was used to realize the soft switch of the switch gates . On the basis of this circuit , the main circuit of the pulse power supply was developed .

  23. 该试验电源一次回路的设计原理较为简单。

    The design principle of the power supply is relatively simple .

  24. 保安母线电源自切回路的优化

    Optimization of power source automatic switching circuit for safety busbar

  25. 晶闸管逆变式弧焊电源的主回路分析和设计

    Analysis and design on the main-circuit of the thyrister inverter-type arc-welding power source

  26. 但如电源线及回路放置于导线管内,则本规管条文不适用。

    Provided that where both line and return are placed within a conduit this Regulation shall not apply .

  27. 介绍了强油风冷变压器的冷却器电源切换控制回路的改进方法。

    The method to improve power source switch and control circuit of cooler in forced-oil and forced-air cooling transformer is presented .

  28. 并对脉冲电源的放电回路进行了仿真分析,为电源的设计提供了依据。

    The simulation of the discharge loop of the pulsed power generator is made , which provides a guideline for the design .

  29. 由于采用复杂的双电源、双回路供配电方式冗余系统,使得系统可靠性建模与可靠性评定造成困难。

    It is very difficult for its complicated double-power supply and double-loop electrical system to realize the reliability modeling and the reliability evaluation .

  30. 电子线路输出部分控制车辆的用电总电源、喇叭回路及刹车系统。

    The output part of the electronic circuit controls a main electric power source , an acoustic horn loop and a brake system .