
  • 网络Reciprocity theorem;Reciprocity Principle
  1. 最后,利用互易定理求出对波导管TE(10)波而言孔隙所呈现的反射系数和归一化导纳。

    Finally , the reflection coefficients and the normalized admittance of the slot on the waveguide for TE_ ( 10 ) mode are calculated using the reciprocity theorem .

  2. 在散射场[通过菲涅耳(Fresnel)反射系数决定于入射场]的边界条件、互易定理及等效场原理的支持下,完善了金属闪耀光栅的多次基尔霍夫(Kirchhoff)积分方法;

    Supported by the boundary conditions of the scattering field related to the incident field through the Fresnel coefficients , and by the reciprocity theorem and the equivalent field principle , the multiple Kirchhoff integral method for metal blazed grating is developed .

  3. 在此基础上利用互易定理计算出共形微带天线E面和H面的方向图。

    Using reciprocity theory compute the E face and H face 's radiation pattern .

  4. 根据Lorentz互易定理,详细地导出YIG单晶球与线路耦合的等效电路。

    According to Lorentz 's reciprocal theorem the equivalent circuit of the YIG resonator with coupling loop is given in detail .

  5. 本文提出用矩量法和互易定理相结合的MM-RT法来分析斜置四环天线系统的水平辐射场型。

    In this paper , an approach of combination of the Moment Method and the Reciprocal Theorem , MM-RT , is used to analyze the horizontal radiation pattern of the four stoked skew loop antennas around a square tower .

  6. 基于Betti-Rayleigh动力互易定理求解移动荷载引起的地基土振动

    Solution of foundation soil vibrations induced by moving loads based on Betti-Rayleigh dynamic reciprocal theorem

  7. 分析了圆波导中平面扇形金属膜片终端的不连续性,并根据电磁场互易定理和物理光学法(PO)计算了该终端的反射系数。

    The terminal non continuity of a plane fan shaped metal blade in a circular waveguide is analyzed , and the reflective coefficients of the terminal are calculated by using the reciprocal theorem of EM fields and PO method in this paper .

  8. 本文根据特勒根(Tellegen)定理,推导出多口网络的互易定理,得到了互易定理的普遍表达式。

    A generalized expression for the theorem of interchangeability is derived on the basis of Tellegen Theorem by first deriving the interchange theorem through operating on a multilead network .

  9. 而且根据互易定理,用B-A-M电极系比A-M-N电极系计算速度提高了近1倍。

    Furthermore , according to reciprocal theory , the calculating speed for B-A-M is one time faster than that for A-M-N.

  10. 基于Betti能量互易定理推导了含水裂隙岩体初始损伤柔度张量和损伤演化方程,建立了考虑渗透压力的裂隙岩体脆弹性断裂损伤本构模型。

    Based on Betti energy reciprocal theorem , initial flexibility tensor and damage evolution of rock mass subjected to seepage pressure are presented . And an elastic fracture-damage constitutive equation taking account of seepage pressure is also established .

  11. 电磁互易定理是一个在电磁场问题中很有用的定理。

    Electromagnetic reciprocity theorems is an useful principle for solving electromagnetic problems .

  12. 广义电磁互易定理及其在涡流无损检测中的应用

    The Generalized Electromagnetic Reciprocity Theorem and Its Application in the Eddy Current Nondestructive Testing

  13. 关于互易定理在灵敏度分析中的应用

    The Application of Reciprocity Theorem in Sensitivity Analysis

  14. 广义静磁场互易定理在漏磁无损检测中的应用

    The Generalized Magnetostatic Field Reciprocity Theorem and Its Application in the Flux Leaking Nondestructive Testing

  15. 互易定理证明的一种直观方法

    A Distinct Method to Prove Reciprocity Theorem

  16. 非局部微极线性弹性介质理论中的各种互易定理和变分原理

    Various Reciprocal Theorems and Variational Principles in the Theories of Nonlocal Micropolar Linear Elastic Mediums

  17. 直流磁场的互易定理

    Reciprocity Theorems for DC Magneic Field

  18. 关于力学中互易定理的讨论

    On Reciprocal Theorem in Mechanics

  19. 该方法是基于并矢格林函数和互易定理求解电流积分方程的矩量法,适合于分析任意形状印刷线天线。

    A unified current integral equation is given on the basis of dyadic Green 's functions and the reciprocity theorem .

  20. 本文从静磁场与静电场具有很强的相似性出发,明确提出静磁场中亦存在格林互易定理,进而采用三种不同方法证明了静磁场中的格林互易定理。

    In this paper , We introduce Green 's reciprocity theorem in magnetostatic field and the different proofs of the theorem .

  21. 利用矩量法计算线天线的电流,再利用互易定理来计算线天线的近区辐射场。

    A method of MoM and reciprocity theory be used to calculate the near-field power densities or wire antenna is described in this paper .

  22. 基于互易定理研究了光波入射时微粗糙面与其上方球形粒子复合模型的光散射。

    In this paper , based on the reciprocity theorem , the light scattering from a spherical particle above a slightly rough dielectric surface is studied .

  23. 论文以天线的互易定理为基础,利用天线的辐射场来计算平面波照射下的天线模式项散射场。

    The antenna model scattering fields of antennas illuminated by a plane wave are computed by using the radiation fields based on the antenna reciprocity theorem .

  24. 对磁偶极子作环流等效处理,应用互易定理,给出了确定磁场空间分布的一种方法。

    We treat magnetic dipoles as circulation equivalently , apply the reciprocity principle , and give a method of the spatial distribution of a magnetic field .

  25. 本文应用矢量分析方法,导出了直流磁场的互易定理和电流与磁通的互易关系。

    This paper derives the reciprocity theorems for DC magnetic field and the reciprocity relation between electric current and flux by means of vector analysis method .

  26. 本文用互易定理,给出一种确定磁偶极子空间任意点的磁场的方法。

    This article gives a description of a method to ascertain the magnetic field at any arbitrary point of magnetic dipole space by a kind of reciprocity principle .

  27. 基于互易定理的天线模式项散射场快速计算。

    As a result , the radiation fields of antennas on large carries are achieved . 5 、 Fast computation of the antenna model scattering fields of antennas using the reciprocity theorem .

  28. 本文首先引用三天线概念,其次利用天线耦合公式及电磁场的互易定理导出简洁的链条关系式。

    In this paper , firstly , the concept of three antenna is cited . Sequentially , the compact Chain Relation is educed via the formula of antenna coupling and reciprocal principle .

  29. 建议一个能模拟很广泛程度背景的某类连续介质力学的实用性的统一基本模型并由此得到部分的统一结果:驻值原理,互易定理,算子自伴性。

    A practical unified model is developed which is capable of simulating some continuum mechanics against a broad background and yielding a unified solution for stationary principles , reciprocal theorems and operator self-adjointness .

  30. 由渗流微分方程定解问题,利用格林互易定理从理论上导出了渗透率场敏感系数的计算公式,并借助于数值积分和差分方法给出了渗透率场敏感系数的离散形式。

    A formula of sensitivity coefficients in porous media is derived from fluid equations by Green 's reciprocity principle . The discrete form is given by using numerical integration and finite difference method .