
hù huì
  • reciprocal;reciprocity;mutually beneficial;be mutually beneficial
互惠 [hù huì]
  • [reciprocity;be mutually beneficial] 指国际间根据平等原则互相给予的优惠待遇

互惠[hù huì]
  1. 我方希望这次合作能够进一步深化我们之间的互惠伙伴关系。

    We hope this cooperation will further develop our mutually beneficial partnership .

  2. 该协议宣称,“两国要在共同战略利益的基础上建立互惠关系”。

    This statement proclaimed a " mutually beneficial relationship based on common strategic interests " .

  3. 两所学院有一项互惠协定,允许学生在院际间选课。

    The two colleges have a reciprocal arrangement whereby students from one college can attend classes at the other .

  4. 该部门称许多国家和英国签订了医疗卫生互惠协议。

    The department said many countries had reciprocal agreements for health care with Britain .

  5. 本着诚信、质优、互惠互利的原则,公司将不断扩展与国内外更多生产、配套、经销企业的携手合作和共同发展!

    In good faith , high quality , mutual benefit , the company will continue to expand with more domestic production , support , distribution , enterprise cooperation and common development hand in hand !

  6. 年代这一原则曾被用来支持几个所谓部分互惠建议

    In the 1980s this concept was used to buttress several so-called sectoral reciprocity proposals . 80

  7. 兼爱是相爱相利,含互惠性,完全符合WTO所坚持的自由贸易精神及公平互惠原则。

    These ideas are in conformity with the spirit of free trade and the principle of mutual benefit advocated by WTO .

  8. 上周,不堪承受大量不良抵押的一家储蓄银行&华盛顿互惠银行(WashingtonMutual)破产,成为美国有史以来最大的倒闭银行。

    Last week Washington Mutual , a thrift saddled with rotten mortgages , became the largest-ever American lender to fail .

  9. 1934年国会通过的《互惠贸易协定法》(ReciprocalTradeAgreementsAct)被认为是美国关税史上的转折点。

    Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act , which was enacted in 1934 , was recognized as the tuning point of American Tariff history .

  10. 多种群互惠型Volterra生态系统全局渐近稳定的充要条件

    Necessary and Sufficient conditions for global asymptotic stability of mutualistic Volterra ecosystems

  11. 二维时变Volterra互惠系统的生存分析

    On the Existence of 2-D Time-varying Volterra Cooperative System

  12. 在我国加入WTO之后,国内钢铁企业与经销商之间如何实现互惠互利,并建立起长期稳定的营销关系。

    The paper is mainly on how to establish the long term and stable market relations between the steelmaking enterprises and sellers after China 's entry into WTO .

  13. Snyder:对于入门者来说,应当建立基于互惠的关系。

    Snyder : A relationship based on reciprocity for starters .

  14. 这是因为作为WTO成员可以利用多边谈判机制,在互惠的前提下平等地参与国际竞争与合作;

    Having a WTO membership , it will be possible for China to participate into international competition and cooperation with the mechanism of multilateral negotiation and share the principle of reciprocal benefits .

  15. 外生菌根(Ectomycorrhiza,ECM)是由土壤真菌与植物根系形成的互惠共生体。

    Ectomycorrhizas ( ECM ) are symbiont formed between soil fungi and plant roots .

  16. 保尔森告诉投资者,曾经有人与他协商,要他加入tpg牵头的财团收购华盛顿互惠的股权,但他拒绝了。

    Mr Paulson has told investors he was approached to join the TPG group in buying a stake in WaMu but declined .

  17. 的确,监管机构有足够的证据证明,摩根大通及其收购的贝尔斯登(BearStearns)和华盛顿互惠银行(WashingtonMutual)向投资者出售的债券与他们所宣称的不符。

    Yes , regulators have plenty of evidence that JPMorgan ( JPM ) along with Bear Stearns and Washington Mutual , both of which JPMorgan bought sold bonds to investors that were not what they claimed .

  18. 投资银行巴克莱资本的LucyHaskins说,这笔新交易是一笔互惠的信心交易。

    The new deal is a mutual vote of confidence , says Lucy Haskins of Barclays Capital , an investment bank .

  19. 但这对出版商来说也有不少影响,他补充说。这归根结底取决于Facebook将如何实现,取决于他们怎么保证这对双方来说是互利互惠的。

    But there are a lot of implications for publishers , he added . It really comes down to how Facebook structures this , and how they can ensure this is a win on both sides .

  20. 非互惠接入定价、F-M模式与电信网络竞争:解释及政策含义

    Non-reciprocal Access Pricing , F-M Model and Telecom Network Competition : Explanation and Policy Implications

  21. 摩根大通及其于2008年收购的贝尔斯登(BearStearns)和华盛顿互惠银行(WashingtonMutual)被指控应该为这些债券造成的一些损失承担部分责任,摩根大通同意为此支付40亿美元达成和解。

    JPMorgan is paying $ 4 billion to settle the claim that it , along with Bear Stearns and Washington Mutual , which JPMorgan bought in 2008 , are in part responsible for some of the losses on the bonds .

  22. 对互惠利他主义、微支付理论和信誉理论等三种常见的P2P分析框架和对应的激励机制进行对比分析,同时对P2P网络面临的知识产权困局及P2P经济研究趋势进行预测。

    The author makes a comparative analysis on three P2P theory bases including reciprocity-altruism , micro-payment and reputation mechanism with the relevant incentive mechanism . Finally , the author prospects the intellectual property dilemma of P2P network and its developing trends .

  23. 我相信这个CKI计划将取得成功,而更高层次的合作将为双方带来互惠。

    I am confident that this CKI program will be successful and the increased level of cooperation will benefit both institutions .

  24. 大戟内生菌E5以上特点,体现了其与宿主之间的互惠共生关系。

    These characters of endophytic fungus E5 showed a good correlation with its host , and this correlation was mutualism .

  25. 咪唑安定+芬太尼混合剂用于局部麻醉镇静最佳配方的研究他希望IDG进一步加强在高交会和风险投资等方面的平等互惠合作。

    A Clinical Investigation of an Appropriate Dosage Regimen of Midazolam and Fentanyl for Sedation during Regional Anesthesia ; He hoped IDG strengthen the cooperation of mutual benefits in Hi-tech Fair and VC .

  26. 一类互惠系统的两种群同时捕获的最优化问题

    Optimal Problem of Two Species Being Harvested Simultaneously for Cooperative Systems

  27. 由此可见,两国双边贸易是互利互惠的。

    Thus Sino-Australian bilateral trade is intertwined for the two countries .

  28. 我们的核心经营理念是:诚信立业,互惠双赢。

    Business principle : Enterprise-foundation by credit , Mutual benefit win-win .

  29. 与开源社区共同成长、共赢互惠!

    Growing with open source community for mutual benefit and win-win !

  30. 我建议我们之间订一个互惠协议。

    I propose that we enter into a mutually beneficial agreement .