
  • 网络inter-transformation
  1. 浅谈AutoCAD与Arc/info数据属性信息互转

    On Data Attribute Information Cross-Transformation of AutoCAD and Arc / info

  2. 针对多维数据模型设计了一个完整的图元所应该包含的业务信息、显示属性、事件监听信息、XML模型互转、图元绘制信息、图元关系信息等。

    Design graph information , include business information , display properties , event monitoring information , XML model system conversion , mapping information , relationship information .

  3. 基于超集式GML数据结构的异构空间数据文件互转模型

    Mutual Conversion Model of Heterogeneous Spatial Data Files Based on Aggregative Data Structure for GML

  4. 首创性地提出了超集式GML数据结构这一概念,借助于这一数据结构,烦琐沉重的空间数据互转工作变得不再那么困难。

    This article puts forward the concept of aggregative data structure for GML in a creative way . With the help of this data structure , the arduous task of converting spatial data files can be performed easily .

  5. 单复数互转的语用功能

    The Pragmatics ' Function of Mutual Convert between Singular and Plural

  6. 概念转喻视角下的名动互转英汉对比研究

    Noun-Verb Conversion as Conceptual Metonymy : A Comparison between English and Chinese

  7. 空值环境下的基本关系代数及其最小完备性识解操作与名动互转

    The Foundational Operations in Relational Algebra and Its Completeness under Null Value Circumstance

  8. 现货与期货交易并存的电力市场理论建模与实证研究期货与现货互转交易

    Theoretic Modeling and Empirical Research of Electricity Market with Spot and Futures Trade

  9. 请看贴的朋友互转,让祝福传达给每位有爱心的朋友中!

    See Mutual Convert friend posted so blessed to convey to each loving friends !

  10. 该算法可在常数时间内完成单个结点的查询,在线性时间内完成整个序列的遍历或互转。

    The algorithms can answer a query of a node in constant time and perform a traversal in linear time .

  11. 本文从语言学及应用语言学的角度,分析了模糊语义和精确语义的相互关系,讨论了模糊语义与精确语义的互转机制,并介绍了这种转换机制在公文中的价值取向。

    From the perspective of linguistics and applied linguistics , this paper analyzes The relationships between fuzzy semantics and precise semantics .

  12. 中古汉语36声母5音8大系,同系内部的几个声母皆可互转。

    In ancient and medieval Chinese language , there are 36 consonants belonging to 5 kinds of sounds and 8 systems .

  13. 解决该问题的唯一办法必须尽快建立不同格式空间数据之间的互转机制与平台。

    Therefore , the only way out is to build an effective platform and transformation between those different formats space data as soon as possible .

  14. 本专用下载地址超级智能转霸目前支持“迅雷链”“快车链”“旋风链”专用下载地址连接互转操作!

    Download this special super-smart transfer hegemony currently supports the " Thunderbolt chain "," Express chain " and " whirlwind chain of " exclusive Download link Mutual Convert operation !

  15. 外源Bt杀虫蛋白与棉花抗虫次生物的互作关系及转Bt基因棉花诱导抗虫性的研究

    Study on the interactions between exogenous Bt-ICP and cotton secondary metabolites as well as induced resistance in Bt transgenic cotton

  16. 为摆脱异构空间数据不易实现共享与互操作的困扰,设计并实现了异构空间数据文件互转模型系统,此系统构建在COM技术之上,其结构框架由三级子系统组成。

    In order to resolve the problem of heterogeneous spatial data sharing and interoperation , a mutual conversion model of spatial data files is designed and implemented by using COM technologies . There are three subsystems in the frame of this model .

  17. 并基于突变性判据,利用互馈面实际接触面积或分形维数曲线随名义应变变化的特征,得到了坝体与坝基互馈的转异判据。

    With the help of catastrophe criterion , the anomalism criterions of the crossfeed between dam body and foundation are acquired from the real contact area or fractal dimension curve vs. representative strain of the crossfeed surface .