
  1. 目的了解网龄、上网时间等因素对青少年的泪膜质量的影响。

    To investigate internet-related factors on quality of tear film in adolescence .

  2. 可能真的是我网龄太长了,对装备和等级早麻木了。

    Maybe I have so much Internet Age . It 's numb for Leave and Equipmet .

  3. 网络使用程度的三个变量,网龄、上网频率和上网时间对三种网络公民参与行为没有任何影响。

    The variables of degree of Internet use duration of Internet , online frequency , online time show no significant effects on network political participation .

  4. 网络成瘾综合征患者的网龄、病情严重度与疗效是否存在相关性,结论尚不明确,还有待进一步研究。

    There are no clear evidence that wether age , the level of severity of the patient have correlation , which requires further studies . 2 .

  5. 不同年级在总的使用程度、网龄、上网用时和具体的使用行为上均存在差异;

    Furthermore , there are significant differences among different grades in terms of Internet use , user 's surfing time , use time and concrete behaviors .

  6. 一个有三五年网龄的网友,不会不知道珊瑚虫给我们带来如此多实用便捷的功能。

    One has the netizen of35 years of net age , won 't not know anthozoan is brought to us so many practical and convenient function .

  7. 影响初中生网络成瘾的可能因素是性别、学习兴趣、吸烟饮酒情况、网龄、上网地点、上网目的和社会支持。

    The possibility determinants are gender , learning interest , smoking and drinking , the age of using internet , the purpose on internet and the social support .

  8. 青少年互联网使用在总的使用程度和网龄方面不存在性别差异,在使用时间和具体的互联网使用行为上存在性别差异;

    In addition , there is no gender significant difference between Internet use and user 's surfing time . But there does exist gender significant difference between use time and concrete Internet use behavior .

  9. 从网络人际信任的逻辑来看,性别和网龄是影响网络人际信任的重要变量,民族在陌生网友交往中对情感性信任行为影响显著。

    In logic of internet interpersonal trust , the result indicate that gender and age are important variables of internet interpersonal trust and nationality in unfamiliar net friend communication has significant effects on the behavior of emotional trust .

  10. 大学生网络成瘾者与未成瘾者在网龄、每次上网时间、是否占用上课时间上网上存在差异,在每周上网次数上无显著差异。

    There are differences between students from Internet Addiction Disorder and not addictive students in the network age , every time online , whether occupied by class time on the Internet ; but no significant difference in the number of online times per week .

  11. 而粗面内质网在胎龄第5~6个月时最为发达,这说明晶状体蛋白质的合成旺盛,以提供晶状体上皮向晶状体纤维过渡所需的物质基础。

    The rough surface endoplasmic reticulum was found to have been well developed at the 5th-6th month of fetal age , which showed that the composition of the protein was very exuberant in the lens . This provided a material basis for the transition from lens epithelium to lens fiber .

  12. 结果:88%的护理学生都上过网,而且网龄较长,但主要目的在于休闲娱乐。

    Results : 88 % of the nursing students had browsed on the internet and the net-age is a little bit long , but the main purpose is amusement .