
  • 网络networking chip
  1. 一种可扩展BP在片学习神经网络芯片

    An Expandable BP On-Chip Learning Neural Network Chip

  2. 基于0.6μp标准CMOS工艺,设计并实现了一种可扩展BP在片学习神经网络芯片。

    An expandable BP on-chip learning neural network chip is designed and fabricated with a standard 0.6 μ m CMOS technology .

  3. 一种基于浮栅NMOS晶体管的可编程神经网络芯片的设计和应用

    Design and Applications of programmable Neural Network Chip with Floating Gate NMOS Transistors

  4. 2.5G传输容量的光传送网络芯片CDV验证

    CDV Verification of a 2.5G Bandwidth Optical Transport Network Chip

  5. 首先介绍EPA网络芯片验证平台的具体设计,从信号层、命令层、功能层、场景层再到测试层,共五个层次进行详细的阐述。

    At first , the design of the EPA network chip verification platform was introduced . The verification platform is composed of five layers , they are signal layer , command layer , function layer , scenario layer and test layer .

  6. 树型微通道网络芯片热沉的试验研究

    Experimental Study on a Tree-Shaped Microchannel Network Heat Sink for Microelectronic Cooling

  7. 网络芯片技术的发展应用

    The development and application of network - processor - technology

  8. 神经网络芯片研究进展

    The Progress of Neural Network Chip Research

  9. 高速网络芯片测试方法研究

    Test methods for high performance network chips

  10. 高性能同步数字传输光纤网络芯片组

    High performance SDH / SONET chip group

  11. 奇偶校验实验证明了该神经网络芯片具有在片学习的能力。

    The experiment of the parity check demonstrates the on-chip learning ability of the neural network chip .

  12. 针对网络芯片基于包的传输和串行通讯的特点,本文提出了一种新的逻辑自测试电路设计方法。

    This paper describes a new logic built-in self-test circuit method based on packet transmission and serial transfer , such as network chips .

  13. 通过对两种候选通信接口方案的比较,选择了微处理器+EPA专用芯片+网络芯片的技术方案,并对通信接口的硬件结构和通信程序进行了设计。

    Proposed the " Microprocessor + EPA chip + network chip " design scheme , by comparing two communication interface schemes . And then , designed the hardware architecture and the communication program .

  14. 为此,提出两种:基于工业以太网的数控系统的实现方案,一种是基于普通网络芯片的软实时方案,另一种是基于专用硬件结构的硬实时方案。

    Two realization scheme to establish networking CNC system are proposed , one is based on conventional Ethernet chip ( called soft real-time scheme ), another is based on expert hardware structure ( called hard real-time scheme ) .

  15. 本文以单片机、CAN器件和网络芯片为核心模块,实现CAN现场总线与以太网之间数据交换,完成对底层设备进行真正意义上的远程监控。

    The exchange of data between CAN filed-bus and industrial Ethernet networks is realized by essential module , the module includes microcontroller , CAN devices and network chip , and completes really the goal of remote monitoring on lower devices .

  16. 基于网络接口芯片的嵌入式Internet应用系统的设计

    The Design of Embedded Internet Application System Based on Network Interface Chip

  17. 无线传感器网络SOC芯片的低功耗设计

    A low-power design of Wireless Sensor Network soc chip

  18. 本文结果表明采用DSP芯片与网络接口芯片相结合的方案能够实现嵌入式系统网络接入。

    This result indicates the scheme that combines chip DSP with interface chip of network can realize embedded systematic network accessing .

  19. 网络处理器芯片原型采用NIOSii软核处理器在FPGA上实现,提高了网络处理器的可编程能力。

    The prototype designs with soft-core processors of Nios II in FPGA , improves the programmability of network processors .

  20. 本文在原有的ID餐饮收费系统的基础上提出了ID餐饮系统服务器的概念模式,利用单片机、串行口、网络控制芯片结合Internet技术实现基于INTERNET的ID餐饮收费系统的通用低成本解决方案。

    Based on primary ID meal-charge system , a genral and low cost solution is presented by using MCU , network control chip and internet technology .

  21. 这些模块一起配合工作,完成MVB网络控制芯片的复杂功能。

    These modules work together to complete the complexity of MVB functions .

  22. 介绍了嵌入式Internet的设计原理和EMIT技术及应用,讨论了嵌入式系统与Internet的互联方案,给出基于网络接口芯片的嵌入式Internet应用系统的设计实例。

    The design principle of embedded internet and EMIT technology and its application are introduced in this paper . Internet connecting solutions of embedded system are discussed , and the design example of application of embedded internet system is showed .

  23. 通过新型网络接口芯片PS2000A实现MCU监控系统网络化,实现了真正意义上的远距离监控。

    Using new network interface chip PS2000A to realize the MCU supervise and control system on network , and achieve the real long-distance supervise and control .

  24. 使用物理层网络控制芯片配合微控制器片内集成的EMAC以太网控制器,提供对网络传输的支持。

    The system employs a Fast Ethernet Physical Layer Chip and EMAC embedded in MCU to support network transmission .

  25. 本论文以数据结构和信息传递为线索,利用SOC单片机扩展网络接口芯片,在硬件和软件上进行了系统设计,实现了瘦服务器的功能。

    With the thread of the data structure and the communication of the information , this paper designs the hardware and software of the system and implements the functions of the thin server by using the SOC SCM extended network interface chips .

  26. 介绍一种新型的智能网络接口芯片PS2000及其应用。

    This paper introduced the application of PS2000 , a net interface chip , in vending machine .

  27. 下位机采用Veriloghdl硬件描述语言实现对压缩芯片、网络传输芯片的初始化,完成对视频数据的变频传送、读取、网络传输等功能。

    The lower computer makes use of hardware description language Verilog HDL to implement the initialization of compression chip and network chip , and then completes the function such as conveying after frequency changing , reading and network transmission .

  28. 为了简化系统、提高系统的灵活性,将I~2C控制器连接于无线传感器网络节点芯片内部的SFR总线上,来实现与外部设备之间高效、可靠和方便的串行通信。

    To achieve efficient , reliable and convenient serial communication with the external devices , the I ~ 2C bus controller is connected to SFR bus which is in the wireless sensor network nodes chip .

  29. 硬件方面,对网卡接口芯片RTL8019AS结构,引脚,收发包做了详细说明,设计了一个以51MCU、RTL8019AS网络接口芯片和一些接口电路为核心的网络控制器系统。

    Hardware facet , we explicate the Ethernet interface chip ' configuration , lead , and discuss receive information package in the detail . We designed a network control system , which is made up of 51 series MCU , Ethernet interface chip and interface circuits .

  30. 此算法及其相关软件直接应用于视频解码芯片和无线传感器网络处理器芯片(已流片成功)的物理设计流程中。

    Experiments were conducted on a video decoder chip and a wireless network processor chip .