
  • 网络English learning software;Speak EZ
  1. 介绍了全程语音TTS技术,并在VISUALBASIC6.0可视化编程工具中利用TTS技术开发出能进行英文朗读功能的应用软件,说明TTS技术在英语学习软件以及英语教学中具有不可估量的潜力。

    This paper briefs on the latest all-distance TTS voice technology and some reading-English-aloud software used in the visualized programming tool Visual Basic 6.0 . It shows that TTS technology has inestimable potential in developing English language learning software as well as in English instruction .

  2. 每一个参训员工,免费获得专业英语学习软件一套;

    Each employee participating in the training can get a set of professional English language learning software for free .

  3. 本文主要内容是设计一个英语学习软件,实现把英语自主阅读和单词背诵相结合的新学习模式,研究其具体实现技术。

    To design a English learning software is the main content of this paper . It can realize independent reading with the combination of reciting words .

  4. 用Delphi开发的一个英语学习小软件

    Development of an English Learning Software Using Delphi

  5. 英语学习多媒体软件的评价

    Evaluation of English Learning Multimedia Software

  6. 虽然一些研究关注用户在使用某一促进英语学习的特定软件或学习系统后的表现,却很少有人调查大学生对于大学中用于促进英语学习的交互软件的满意度情况。

    Although some previous studies have focused on users ' performance after using particular software or a learning system designed and implemented in college to promote students ' English learning , few studies have probed students ' satisfaction with particular interactive software .

  7. 当今社会信息技术发展日新月异,随着计算机技术在英语教学领域的迅速应用,诸多英语学习光盘软件也随之面世。

    With the rapid development of the information technology , more and more multimedia CD-ROM programs have emerged for foreign language learning .

  8. 你是想自学呢,还是上英语班、听广播里的英语课程、用英语学习软件,又或者在线学习呢?

    Do you want to learn English by self-study , English class , English courses on the radio , English learning software or even online courses on the Internet ?

  9. 由清华大学出版社出版的新时代交互英语学习系统则是一个专门为大学生英语学习设计的软件,旨在提高他们的英语学习技能,尤其是其听力和口语能力。

    The New Era Interactive English Learning System published by Tsinghua University Press is one of the software programs dedicated for training students ' English and enhancing their learning skills , especially listening and speaking .