
  • 网络ft-lb;ft-lbs;foot-pound;ft-lbf;flb
  1. 螺钉19牛顿公尺(14英尺磅)

    SCREW 19 Nm ( 14 ft-lbs )

  2. 在绝大多数的厂商指定的火花塞的扭矩范围为14至20英尺磅。

    The vast majority of manufacturers specify spark plug torques in the range of14 to20 ft. - lbs.

  3. 它的操控非常精准,但是作为一台扭矩据说超过400英尺磅的跑车来说似乎还稍嫌不够。

    Steering is direct , but not as direct as it should be in a car that boasts more than 400 ft lbs of torque .

  4. 这些发动机的输出通常是额定105马力(78千瓦)在4800转和137英尺磅(185牛顿米)在2800转。

    Output of these engines is commonly rated at105 hp ( 78 kW ) at4800 rpm and137 ft · lbf ( 185 N · m ) at2800 rpm .

  5. 4C车身重2465英镑,采用1.7升发动机,额定功率为237马力,扭矩为259英尺-磅,拥有超高的动力-重量比。

    At 2,465 pounds and powered by a 1.7-liter engine rated at 237 horsepower and 258 foot-pounds of torque , the car has an extremely high power-to-weight ratio .

  6. 而早已灭绝的恐鳄,据估计有每平方英尺23100磅的咬合力。

    The extinct crocodile Deinosuchus has an estimated bite force of 23100 pounds per square inch .

  7. 当时,我显得比自己实际年龄大,约5英尺9185磅。

    Now , I was big for my age , about five nine , 185 pounds .

  8. 可以用稍微大一点的力,不会立刻损伤接头零件,但是禁止用大于45英尺-磅的力来上紧镍垫圈。

    Slightly higher forces maybe used without immediate damage to the connection components , but nickel washers should never be tightened with more than 45 foot-pounds of force .

  9. 伏明霞的跳水动作是12名决赛选手中难度系数最高的,她5英尺2.126磅的身型入水时溅起的水花很小。

    Fu Mingxia 's dives had the highest degree of difficulty among the12 finalists . Her5-foot-2,126-pound frame made only the slightest splash as it cut the surface of the water .

  10. 这位来自乔治城大学身高6英尺体重160磅的球员在NBA历史场均得分第七,场均时间第四,仅落后于威尔特-张伯伦,比尔-拉塞尔和奥斯卡-罗伯特森。

    The 6 '0 ″ , 160-pound Georgetown product sits seventh on the NBA 's points-per-game leaderboard and fourthin terms of minutes per game , trailing only Wilt Chamberlain , Bill Russell and Oscar Robertson .

  11. 我并不是世界上最娇小的人,我有6.2英尺,210磅,当救生舱的门关闭的时候,里面是如此拥挤。

    I am not the smallest guy in the world -- I 'm 6 '2 , " about 210 pounds -- and you can see when the door 's closed how tight a fit this thing is on me .

  12. 他身高六英尺,体重200磅。

    He 's six feet tall and weighs 200 pounds .

  13. 切尼是每个人心目中典型的警察形象:大块头白人,6英尺高,220磅重。

    Cheney is everyone 's image of a typical cop : a big white guy , six foot , 220 pounds

  14. Chusovitina高5英尺,重97磅,她站在领奖台上,手持银牌,看起来很惊讶。

    Chusovitina , who is5 feet tall and97 pounds , stood on the podium , silver medal in hand , looking dumbfounded .

  15. ESPN报道,他们依然对凯莱洛·费申科备感兴趣,但因为易建联将成为名册上的第15位球员,他们不得不裁减别的球员,才能为这个7.1英尺,体重290磅的乌克兰大个子腾出位置。

    They remain interested in Kyrylo Fesenko , ESPN reports , but since Yi will become the 15th player on the roster , they 'd have to cut someone else to make room for the 7-1 , 290-pound Ukranian big man .

  16. 水的密度是每立方英尺62。4磅。

    Water has a density of 62.4 pounds per cubic foot .

  17. 他身高6英尺,重239磅,满身肌肉。

    He 's the 6-foot , 239-pound wall of muscle .

  18. 巨大的一种可食用的马勃菌,直径可达英尺,重量可达磅。

    Huge edible puffball up to 2 feet diameter and 25 pounds in weight .

  19. 他也是个大块头的男人,大约有6英尺高,200磅重。

    He was a big man , about 6 feet tall and 200 pounds .

  20. 根据相关记载,在佛罗里达州,最大的鳄鱼身长14英尺,体重780磅。

    The biggest alligator ever recorded in Florida was 14 feet long and 780 pounds .

  21. 他至少得有五英尺长,一百多磅。

    The animal must have been over five feet long and well over a hundred pounds .

  22. 施肥的一个比较好的公式是每1000平方英尺土地使用10磅肥料。

    A good formula for using fertilizer is 10 pounds for every thousand square feet of garden space .

  23. 自1996年起,伊利湖边的这个小镇上的降落仪式主角是一只长20英尺,重600磅的碧古鱼。

    A 20ft , 600-pound walleye fish has made an appearance in this Lake Erie town since 1996 .

  24. 莱拉,身高5.10英尺,体重160磅,她决定做中量级拳击手。

    Laila is a 5 feet 10 and weighs about 160 pounds , She 's decided that she 'll be a middleweight boxer .

  25. 目击者们很兴奋地证实了这件事,他们描述称这只熊大约5.5英尺长,300磅重。

    Witnesses were happy to corroborate the story , and described the animal as being about 5 1 / 2 feet tall and 300 pounds .

  26. 谢恩•休斯身高5.4英尺,体重161磅,是队伍里最矮小的一个&也是最不可能把绳子拉进水里的。

    At five-foot-four and161 pounds , Hughes was also the smallest member of the team & and the least likely to pull the rope down into the water .

  27. 2010年9月25日,马戏团领班弗农•褒曼在为直径20英尺、重3699磅的南瓜饼揭幕,它将成为得到吉尼斯世界纪录认证的最大南瓜饼。

    Ringmaster Vernon Bergman , reveals the weight of a20 foot wide , 3,699 pound pumpkin pie on Saturday Sept.25,2010-one that will be the worlds largest once certified by Guinness World Records .

  28. 十万如此让人胆寒的杀手在林间徘徊,最大的足有十英尺高,一千磅重,且不惧怕人类。

    The grizzly bear is the most de adly frontier beast . 100000 of these terrifying killers are on the prowl . Up to ten feet tall , 1000 pounds , they don 't fear man ... yet .

  29. 非洲象身型壮硕,两腿结实,耳朵巨大,高至13英尺,重达13000磅,单单象牙就重约100磅,最长可达8英尺。

    They have massively thick bodies , stocky legs , and enormous ears . They stand up to 13 feet tall at shoulder height and can weigh over 13000 pounds . Their ivory tusks alone can weigh up to 100 pounds and can grow up to 8 feet long .

  30. 湾鳄是世界上现存的最大型的鳄鱼,身长可达17英尺,体重可达1000磅,但人们曾发现过长23英尺、重2000磅的巨型鳄。

    The saltwater crocodile is the largest living crocodile in the world reaching 17 feet and up to 1000 pounds , but it is not unheard of to find a 23-foot crocodile weighing 2000 pounds .