
  • 网络insulation coordination;Insulation Co-ordination
  1. 本文以社会总费用即投资,运行费和事故损失费的总和最小为目标,采用连分式极值有理法,对GIS变电站绝缘配合的优化设计进行了研究。

    This paper studies the optimization design of insulation coordination in GIS .

  2. GIS变电站绝缘配合的优化设计研究

    Study of Optimization Design of Insulation Coordination in GIS

  3. 500kV自耦变压器中性点经小电抗接地的过电压与绝缘配合分析

    Overvoltage and Insulation Coordination of 500 kV Autotransformer Neutral Grounding through Small Reactance

  4. 电磁式TV在使用中应注意选用励磁特性好的产品、减少同一系统中TV中性点接地的数量、保持系统三相对地电容的对称性,同时注意高压绕组中性点的绝缘配合问题。

    Some proposals are given : selecting TV with good excitation characteristic , reducing grounding number of TV in same network , keeping the symmetry of line-earth capacitance and paying attention to insulation coordination in neutral point of primary winding .

  5. ±800kV特高压直流线路缓波前过电压和绝缘配合

    Slow Front Overvoltage and Insulation Coordination of ± 800 kV UHV DC Transmission Line

  6. ±800kV直流输电工程过电压保护与绝缘配合研究

    Study on over-voltage protection and insulation coordination for the ± 800 kV DC power transmission project

  7. 500kV输电线路绝缘配合对暂行技术标准SD11984的意见

    Insulation Coordination of 500 kV Transmission Line Discussrion on standard SD119 84

  8. 重点分析了±800kV与±500kV在直流过电压和绝缘配合方面不同之处。

    The difference of DC overvoltage and insulation coordination between ± 800kV and ± 500kV HVDC transmission system is analyzed .

  9. 文章介绍东北伊冯500kV可控串补装置的过电压保护控制策略及主动绝缘配合的设想和措施。

    This paper discusses the overvoltage protection control strategy and methodology of active insulation coordination for Yi Feng thyristor controlled series compensation .

  10. 220kV避雷器的放电特性满足了线路绝缘配合的要求,实现了对不同类型的绝缘子串的保护。

    The discharge characteristics of 220 kV arresters meet the requirement of line insulation-coordination , providing satisfactory protection for insulator strings of different types .

  11. 它反映了浙江省部分地区的雷电活动规律,其计算公式已被电力行业标准DL/T620-1997《交流电气装置的过电压保护和绝缘配合》采用。

    It reflects the rule of lightning activities in some areas in Zhejiang Province . The calculation formula has been employed and put into the power industry standards DL / T620-1997 , the " Over Voltage Protection and insulation Coordination of AC Electrical Apparatus " .

  12. 为了使LW2220型单断口SF6断路器能达到IEC711《绝缘配合》标准中的高绝缘水平值,本文采用了加均压环及提高断路器安装位置等措施。

    In order to make the insulation values of the SF_6 circuit breakers with single break type LW_2 220 meet those stipulated in " Insulation Co-Ordination " IEC71 1 , the shield rings are used and the fixed locations of the circuit breaker are raised .

  13. 南阳油田供电线路绝缘配合优化方案

    Optimized Insulation Coordinating Scheme for Power Supply Lines of Nanyang Oilfield

  14. 灵宝背靠背换流站过电压与绝缘配合研究

    Study on Overvoltage and Insulation Coordination in Lingbao Converter Station

  15. 青海高原送电线路绝缘配合设计分析

    Design and Analysis of Insulation Coordination for Transmission Circuit on QingHai Plateau

  16. 水力发电厂过电压保护和绝缘配合设计技术导则

    Overvoltage protection and insulation coordination design guide for hydropower station

  17. 长电缆线路雷电冲击过电压计算及绝缘配合

    Calculation of lightning impulse Overvoltage on long underground cable lines and insulation co-ordination

  18. GB/T2900.19-1994电工术语高电压试验技术和绝缘配合

    Electrotechnical terminology & High-voltage test technique and insulation co-ordination

  19. 外移式防雷保护与绝缘配合技术在通钢供电系统的应用

    Application of Mobile Lightning Protector and Matching Insulation Technology in Power Supply System

  20. 葛&上直流输电工程换流站直流侧过电压与绝缘配合问题

    Overvoltages and Insulation Coordination at DC Side of Converter Stations for Ge-Shang HVDC Transmission Project

  21. 建设直流输电系统时遇到的基本问题之一就是绝缘配合。

    Insulation coordination is one of the basic problems encountered in construction of HVDC system .

  22. 大型水电工程变电站雷电波保护和绝缘配合的研究

    Study on combination of lightning prevention and insulation in transformer yards of large-scale hydropower projects

  23. 低压成套开关设备的绝缘配合问题

    The Insulation Match of LV Complete Switchgears

  24. 结合特高压交流输电系统的特性,讨论了交流换流站绝缘配合的原则和方法。

    Also , the insulation coordination principle and method for UHV converter station have been introduced .

  25. GB/T311.7-1988高压输变电设备的绝缘配合使用导侧电传打字输入输出设备

    Application guide for insulation co-ordination of high voltage transmission and transformation equipment teletype input / output device

  26. 中日特高压输电系统过电压和绝缘配合的比较分析

    Comparison and Analyses on Over-voltage and Insulation Coordination of UHV AC Transmission System Between China and Japan

  27. 在计算的基础上提出限制这些过电压以及绝缘配合的一些初步建议。

    On the base of the calculation some suggestions for protection from these overvoltages and insulation co-ordination are proposed .

  28. 文章最后提出了超高压电网绝缘配合方面应进一步探讨的若干问题。

    Finally , the various problems concerning EHV network insulation coordination are pointed out , which need a further investigation .

  29. 本文对我国超高压电力网的绝缘配合提出了初步意见。

    This paper gives certain preliminary opinions concerning the measures of insulation coordination to be adopted in EHV networks in China .

  30. 输电线路的绝缘配合主要是选择绝缘子型式、绝缘子串的片数和空气间隙。

    Selection of insulator type , number of insulator string and air space is the main basis of transmission line insulation coordination .