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  • water cooling system
  1. 新型棒材双线强力穿水冷却系统

    A New Double Line Powerful Water Cooling System for Bar Hot Rolling

  2. 硫酸酸冷却器及其循环水冷却系统的改造

    Modification of SA cooler and its circulation water cooling system

  3. PET回旋加速器水冷却系统水电导率的控制

    Water Conductivity Control of Water Cooling System in PET Cyclotron

  4. PET中回旋加速器水冷却系统的研制

    The development of water-cooling system for PET cyclotron

  5. 从温度传感器的数据反馈到中央控制台,允许IBM员工都自动空气和水冷却系统。

    Data from the temperature sensors is fed into a central console , allowing IBMers to automate both the air and water cooling systems .

  6. 几年的运行实践证明,密闭式循环水冷却系统可有效地散发SVC装置所产生的热量,保证装置的正常运行。

    The performance of the system proved that the full-closed circulating water-cooling system can provide a well heat-dissipating condition for the SVC .

  7. KR-933风机智能控制器在工业循环水冷却系统中的应用

    Application of intellectual blower controller KR-933 in industrial water circulating cooling system

  8. RH精炼炉软水密闭循环水冷却系统由表面蒸发式空冷器、脱气罐、循环水泵、定压补水、自动加药装置等组成。

    The closed loop soft water cooling system for the RH refining furnace is consist of surface evaporative air cooler , degassing tank , the device of stabilizing pressure and making up water and automatic medicine feeder , etc.

  9. 用图解分析法选择内燃机车水冷却系统的诊断参数

    Choosing Diagnostic Parameters of Diesel Locomotive Cooling System by Graph Analysis

  10. 内燃机车水冷却系统诊断参数的选择

    The Choice of Diagnostic Parameter of Diesel Locomotive Cooling Water System

  11. 珠海发电厂空压机闭式水冷却系统改造

    Conversion of Air Compressor Closed Cooling Water System in Zhuhai Power Station

  12. 南山矿压风机房水冷却系统变频改造空气压缩机进风滤尘器

    Frequency Transformation of Water Cooling System in Wind Pressure Room in Nanshan Coal Mine

  13. 大板坯连铸机水冷却系统的开发

    Developing of large slab caster 's water-cooling systems

  14. 用于等离子体喷射金钢石膜设备的循环水冷却系统

    A cooling water cycle system used in the equipment of DC plasma jet CVD diamond

  15. 密闭式循环水冷却系统及其在工业中的应用

    The Development of Full - closed Water - cooling System and Its Application in Industry

  16. 焦化循环水冷却系统节能降耗技术的应用

    The application of technology of energy saving and consumption reducing at Coking circulating water cooling system

  17. 一般有两种冷却系统:水冷却系统和空气冷却系统。

    There are generally two kinds of cooling systems : water cooling system and air cooling system .

  18. 为了对钻具有效地冷却,研究开发了一种雾化水冷却系统。

    To get around the cooling problem of drills , a spray cooling system is developed successfully .

  19. 水冷却系统保证最大负荷下携带走制动时所产生的热量。

    The water cooling system ensures that the heat generated by the brake can be dissipated under maximum load .

  20. 例如普热条件时采用普通弹簧型机械密封,并加装水冷却系统;

    At normal temperature , conventional spring type mechanical seal can be used and a water cooling system should be installed ;

  21. 冷却辊轴几乎能瞬间把基材上的热容胶体冻结,因此它必须要有合适的水冷却系统。

    The chill roll freezes the molten plastic to the substrate almost instantaneously , therefore it must have an adequate water cooling system .

  22. 用逻辑分析法选择内燃机车水冷却系统的诊断参数:建立逻辑模型图;

    This paper deals with how to use the method of logical analysis to choose diagnostic parameters of diesel locomotive cooling water system ;

  23. 大型自然通风冷却塔以其较优越的冷却性能,广泛用于电站循环水冷却系统中。

    Large natural draft wet cooling towers ( NDWCT ) are widely used to cool circulating water of power plants due to their superior performance .

  24. 报道了一套去离子水冷却系统在强流微波离子源实验台上的应用情况及将来在强中子发生器上使用的可靠性研究。

    This paper is a study of the reliability of a water-cooling system for application on a microwave ion source and on an intense neutron generator .

  25. 针对船上蓄电池组蒸馏水冷却系统存在的缺点,开发了一种根据蓄电池温度对蓄电池组进行冷却或分层冷却的自动控制装置。

    In order to improve the marine storage battery 's distilled water cooling system , a new automatic control unit based on single-chip computer is developed .

  26. 介绍了济钢焦化厂循环水冷却系统中,充分利用热源和冷源,达到节能降耗的目的;

    The paper introduced that hot and cold source were used fully to attain the goal of energy saving and consumption reducing in circulating water cooling system of Jigang Coking Plant .

  27. 根据内燃机车水冷却系统的工作原理,应用图论的基本知识建立图模型,以邻接矩阵的形式确定参数的信息度,并据此选择诊断参数。

    Based on the function of diesel locomotive water-cooling system , using the knowledge of graph theory to establish a graph-model , the diagnostic parameters are chosen with their information level defined from adjoint matrix .

  28. 本文论述了用于等离子体喷射金钢石膜设备的循环水冷却系统的特点和基本原理,给出了系统的有关参数和使用结果。

    This paper introduces the cooling water cycle system , which is used in the equipment of DC plasma jet CVD diamond film . The features and basic principles of the system are discussed and the design parameters are analyzed .

  29. 主机设有风、水循环冷却系统。

    Main engine has wind and water circulating cooling systems .

  30. 板坯连铸二冷段气水冷却控制系统改造

    High-efficiency Reform of The Secondary Cooling System of Continuous Casting of Slabs