
shuǐ wèi biǎo
  • water gauge
  1. 远传水位表必须定期核对,以便及时发现并处理水位表的缺陷。

    The remote water gauge should be checked periodically to ensure an early detection of the water gauge imperfection and a proper treatment .

  2. 水位表的可见范围应大于最高、最低安全水位。

    The visible scope of the water gauge should not surpass the highest and the lowest safe water line .

  3. 本文分析了锅炉常用玻璃板(管)水位表发生的故障,并提出了相应预防措施。

    This paper analyzes accident about the glass board or tube water level gauge of the boiler .

  4. 用两个及两个以上玻璃板或云母片组成一组的水位表,能连续显示水位;

    With a water gauge made up by two or two more glass boards or mica pieces , to indicate the water line .

  5. 差压式远传水位表应具有压力补偿功能,以保证各种工况下都能显示汽包中真实水位的变化。

    Differential pressure remote water gauge should have pressure supplement function to ensure an actual indication of water line in the bubbles under all kinds of working circumstances .

  6. 锅炉汽包水位监视基准表和保护仪表选型

    Type selection of monitoring standard meter and protective meter of boiler drum water level

  7. 防护装置不得妨碍水位的观察,并能在水位表损坏时保护人身安全;

    The protection device should not serve as a hindrance to observe the water line .

  8. 亚临界压力的汽包锅炉在启动调试时应进行水位标定试验,以确定就地水位表的基准零位。

    Water line demarcation test should be carried out when starting up and adjusting the subcritical drum boiler , to certify the zero benchmark of the local water gauge .