
  • 网络Excess air coefficient;excess air ratio;excess air factor;B-MCR
  1. 过剩空气系数计算公式的比较

    Comparison of Calculation Formulas for Excess Air Ratio

  2. 提出了借助循环流化床在高过剩空气系数下燃烧的技术提供高温空气的新构思。

    A new concept of achieving high temperature air by circulating fluidized bed combustion at high excess air ratio was proposed .

  3. NOx排放浓度随过剩空气系数的增加而增加。

    For the fixed excess air , NOx emissions decrease as the secondary air fraction increases .

  4. NO的排放量随着压力的增高而有明显的降低,在过剩空气系数较低的条件下,压力越高,NO的降低幅度越显著,而N2O则增加。

    With the increase of operating pressure , N 2O emission increases , while NO emission can be decreased remarkably .

  5. 火焰温度的上升,导致CO2和H2O分子辐射力的加强,也导致NOx的生成先快速上升而后快速下降,并对过剩空气系数、燃料的燃点温度和燃烧速度等产生了影响。

    It also has impact on excess air coefficient , temperature , fuel combustion speed and the producing velocity of NO-x rised and then declined .

  6. 实验表明,SO2和NOx排放与炉内温度、Ca/S、脱硫剂细度、煤种、过剩空气系数等有密切关系。

    The test results show that the SO 2 and NO x emissions are heavily dependent on such factors as furnace temperature , Ca / S , sorbent particle size , coal type , excess air coefficient , etc.

  7. 关于低过剩空气系数燃烧控制的节能效果

    On the Energy-Saving Effect of Combustion Control with Low Excess Air

  8. 原油直接式加热炉过剩空气系数的合理选用

    Choosing Proper Excess Air Coefficient for Direct Fired Heater

  9. 合理选用过剩空气系数的重要性分析

    The importance of reasonable choice of excess air coefficient

  10. 锌精矿的高低过剩空气系数交替高温氧化焙烧

    Zinc Concentrate High temperature Oxidation Roasting with High and Low Air Surplus Coefficient Alternately

  11. 过剩空气系数对四角切圆煤粉锅炉炉膛内温度分布的影响

    The effect of hearth 's excess air coefficient on temperature distribution in tangentially fired pulverized coal boiler

  12. 过剩空气系数与富氧燃烧对理论燃烧温度影响的数值计算

    Numerical Calculation about the Affection to the Theoretical Combustion Temperature from the Excess Air Coefficient and Oxygen-enriched Combustion

  13. 热负荷和热强度受煤气压力和燃气阀有效流通面积等参数的影响。反之,它也影响频率、过剩空气系数、燃烧室平均压力、一氧化碳排放量及燃烧稳定性。

    Heat input and input rate are effected by gas pressure and effective flow area of gas flapper valve .

  14. 从实际出发采用提高绝热燃烧温度的措施,如减小过剩空气系数或预热空气等;

    Take measures to increase adiabatic combustion temperature actually , such as reducing excessive air factor or preheating air , etc.

  15. 按最佳热效率原则用自寻最优控制过剩空气系数。

    The coefficient for excess air is controlled by the self-searching optimum control strategy to obtain the highest calorific efficiency .

  16. 过剩空气系数α对锅炉热效率及烟尘排放的影响。

    Influence that coefficient α discharges to the thermal efficiency of the boiler and smoke and dust the excess air .

  17. 采用高温助燃空气和较大的过剩空气系数是一种较好的燃烧方式。

    Adopting high temperature of combustion air and relative large excess air ratio is an appropriate combustion mode for the furnace .

  18. 控制过程主要是瓦斯流量热平衡控制和过剩空气系数最优控制。

    The main control processes in the system are thermal equilibrium control of gas flow and optimal control of excess air coefficient .

  19. 排烟热损失较大是因为过剩空气系数偏大和排烟温度较高。

    The thermal loss of the exhaust gas is more because the excess air coefficient is big and the gas temperature is higher .

  20. 过剩空气系数、排烟温度、燃料用量是影响加热炉热效率的三个主要因素。

    The excessive air coefficient , flue gas emission temperature and fuel consumption are three major factors affecting the heat efficiency of the furnace .

  21. 分析了影响管式加热炉热效率的因素,主要包括过剩空气系数、不完全燃烧、排烟温度等。

    Influencing factors on heat efficiency of tubular heaters are analyzed , which mainly include excess air factor , imperfect combustion and exhaust temperature .

  22. 讨论了医疗废物焚烧过程控制中焚烧温度、停留时间、湍流程度、过剩空气系数的最佳工艺参数;

    How to control these parameters such as temperature , residence time , turbulence , and excessive air coefficient during incineration process is also discussed .

  23. 随着红水焚烧量或过剩空气系数的增加,密、稀相区温度均下降;

    Temperature in both the dense bed and the dilute bed decreases as the flow rate of red waste liquid or the excess air coefficient increases .

  24. 在燃磷量不变情况下,最高燃烧温度、壁面最大热流和平均热流均随过剩空气系数的增大而减小,但烟气出口温度缓慢增加。

    Under the condition of constant phosphorus mass flow rate , the smog exit temperature would increase slowly while other parameters would decrease with increasing excess air coefficient .

  25. 利用热力计算软件多工况计算与分析,获得了大气压力、过剩空气系数、送风量等各因素对机组热效率影响的规律。

    By means of the proposed software , impacts of barometric pressure , surplus air coefficient , and supply air volume on heating efficiency of the unit are achieved .

  26. 而在燃磷量一定时,过剩空气系数越大,最高燃烧温度越低,烟气排放温度越高。

    When the phosphorus mass flow rate keeps constant , the higher the excess-air coefficient is , the lower the maximum combustion temperature and the higher the smog exhaust temperature will be .

  27. 在过剩空气系数不变的情况下,随着二次风率的增加,密相区温度呈减小趋势,而稀相区温度则相应增大,炉膛温度分布趋于均匀,燃烧效率呈上升趋势;

    For the fixed excess air , temperature in the dense bed decreases and that in the freeboard increases , temperature distribution becomes evener and combustion efficiency rises as the secondary air fraction increases .

  28. 本文对额定蒸发量为130t/h的煤粉锅炉在不同过剩空气系数下炉膛内的温度场、速度场、浓度场进行了耦合仿真。

    In this paper , the temperature , velocity and concentration fields in the pulverized coal boiler with rated evaporative power 130t / h were coupled simulated in the case of different excess air coefficient .

  29. 在不同负荷的工况下,控制合适的过剩空气系数,把排烟热损失调整到该工况下的最小值,使锅炉的热效率达到最高。

    Under the status of the different burden , controlling the excess air coefficient to appropriate value will adjust the hot loss of the smoke to minimum value and make the boiler attain the highest efficiency .

  30. 通过在软件控制面板改变空气流速,得出了不同过剩空气系数下燃烧温度及各种气体质量浓度分布的差异;

    Through changing the air speed of flow in the software control panel , the difference of the combustion temperature and each kind of gas mass concentration distribution under the different excess air coefficient was obtained .