
  • 网络expired drugs
  1. 对减少过期药品的前期控制体系分析

    Analysis on the Beforehand Control for Expired Drugs

  2. 对过期药品控制方法的探讨

    Solutions for the Control Expired Drugs

  3. 药品和个人护理用品(PharmaceuticalsandPersonalCareProducts,PPCPs)是一类新的有机污染物,通过人体排泄、生产过程废弃、医疗过程废弃,甚至违法、过期药品流入市场等不同途径进入环境。

    Pharmaceuticals and Personal care products ( PPCPs ) are a new kind of organic pollutants , enter into the environment with different pathway through human excretion , abandoned by production and medical treatment , even using the illegal and outdated of pharmaceuticals .

  4. 过期药品不仅危害身体健康,而且对环境造成污染。

    The out-dated drug not only harms health , but also pollutes the environment .

  5. 医药企业对家庭过期药品进行回收处理是目前社会上重要的药品回收处理可行途径之一。

    Recycling by medicine enterprises is one of main way to recycle family out-dated drug currently .

  6. 如何有效地回收处理过期药品将是我们必须面对和解决的问题。

    How to effectively deal with the recovery of expired drugs is that we must face and solve .

  7. 这种方式针对我国行业自治发展不完备现状,以税收为形式实现过期药品处理的秩序化。

    This way is created based on the incomplete development of industry self-government and implemented by the method of taxation .

  8. 结果与结论:可以综合运用前馈控制、同期控制和反馈控制,实现对过期药品的全面控制。

    RESULTS & CONCLUSIONS : The expired drugs can be kept under full control by comprehensively using feedforward control , concurrent control and feedback control .

  9. 从环境法的角度分析,过期药品的任意处置将侵害公民的环境利用权与环境人格权。

    From the perspective of environmental law , dumping expired medicine recklessly will violate the right of personality and the right of use in environment domain .

  10. 以往经验告诉我们,机场和港口因堆积大量主动发送的物资、过期药品和贴有非受援国所用语言标签的药物而无法正常运行。

    Experience tells us of airports and ports overwhelmed by the arrival of unsolicited goods , expired medicines , and drugs with labels in a language that is not spoken in the country .

  11. 为了解决这一问题,保护公民环境权益,维护社会利益,笔者提出应采取征缴过期药品处理税的方式。

    In order to deal with above issues and protect the environment rights and social benefit , this thesis suggests that we could settle the problem by a solution of levying disposal tax .

  12. 我们必须做我们的努力,确保剩下的过期的药品,

    we must do our part by making sure that left over or expired pills

  13. 利用计算机管理医院药品的有效期,是防止药品过期失效,加强药品管理的有效途径,是增加医院收入,减少浪费的有力保证。

    The computer manages period of validity of drugs in hospital to prevent the drugs past expiration of date , to enhance the management of drugs , to increase the hospital income and to reduce waste .