
  • rat poison;raticide;rodenticide
  1. 我们需要在旧房子里放老鼠药。

    We need much rat poison for this old house .

  2. 所有地方都已放置老鼠药。

    Rat poison has been laid at all of them .

  3. 原来那奇怪的气味是老鼠药。

    Turns out that funny smell was rat poison .

  4. 后悔药买不到,老鼠药多的是。

    Regret to buy , mouse medicine more .

  5. 你没有往里面放老鼠药吧?

    Did you add rat poison to this ?

  6. 就算用来做老鼠药也不会影响到我。

    Even though they use it for rat poison , it doesn 't affect me .

  7. 你要去弄些老鼠药来!

    You gonna take exterminator here !

  8. 他不想让自己在味觉和嗅觉上的天份,最后只是奉献给了老鼠药检察员这样的职位。

    He doesn 't want to end up his talent in taste and smell with a poison-checker fate for the mouse class .

  9. 而被戴维斯杀害的两人中的一位的遗孀,为了促使事件更快获得公正解决,吞下老鼠药自杀了。

    Then the widow of one of the men Davis had murdered took rat poison and killed herself , despairing of receiving justice .

  10. 结论本法测定30种农药和2种老鼠药(氟乙酰胺、毒鼠强),其检测结果均能符合食品卫生标准所规定的相关要求。

    Conclusion The results of method for determination of 30 pesticide and 2 raticide , are accepted with correlative request of Food Hygiene Standard .

  11. 从某种意义上来说,“马粪之罪”“老鼠药之罪”“泳池之罪”[9]在此时被公布于众,对众国会议员来说实在是“最好”的时机。

    So , in a way , this is the worst of times for MPs to be caught in the sin of horse manure , the sins of mole-clearing and of pool-cleaning .

  12. 周五,猫主人金·爱德华兹发现她的姜黄色小猫罗里误食老鼠药后中毒,瘫软无力。焦急的主人火速将猫咪送到北岛陶朗加的当地兽医诊所治疗。

    Cat owner Kim Edwards was frantic last Friday when her ginger tom Rory went limp after eating rat poison , rushing to her local veterinary clinic at Tauranga in the North Island for help .

  13. 那个科学家给老鼠下了药后注意观察它们的行为。

    The scientist observed the behavior of the mice after they were given the drug .

  14. 就在上个月,我买了一些老鼠夹和老鼠药,把它们都消灭掉了。

    Only last month , I bought some mousetraps and rat poison and got rid of them all .

  15. 我们在老鼠出没的洞口处放了老鼠药。

    We left rat poison near the hole where we saw mice .

  16. 别说人,就是咱们老鼠如果没有记忆力能在这个美丽的星球上生存?还不见了老鼠药就扑上去狼吞虎咽?(笑声)。

    Put humans aside , without a memory , would it be possible for us mouses to live on the beautiful earth ? wouldn 't we have wolfed done rat poisons upon seeing them ?