
  • 网络cepstrum;cepstral;Quefrency
  1. 在快速傅立叶变换(FFT)基础上计算自功率谱、互功率谱、频率响应函数、相干函数、倒频谱分析;

    Auto-power spectrum , cross-power spectrum , frequency response function , coherence function , cepstrum analysis based on FFT ( Fast Fourier Transfer );

  2. 算法原理是由线性预测编码(LPC)系数转换为倒频谱(CEP)参数;

    The algorithm is to transform linear predictive coding ( LPC ) cofficients into parameters of the cepstrum .

  3. Air(初三适用)空压机齿轮变速箱噪声的倒频谱分析法

    The inverted frequency spectrum analysis method of air press gear shifting box

  4. 介绍了一种利用LPC对数倒频谱包络偏离量和人工合成语音信号对数字语音质量进行客观评价的方法;

    This paper introduces an objective way to evaluate the quality of digital voice by means of LPC logarithmic inverted spectrum-envelope offset and artificial composite voice signal ;

  5. 提出一种基于旋转机械同源数据融合的全信息倒频谱(fullinformationcepstrum,FIC)分析方法。

    Full information cepstrum analysis method based on the same source data fusion of rotary machinery was put forward .

  6. 采用编码器采集机械的旋转信息,利用频率为50M的高精度计数脉冲来计算编码器脉冲的宽度,并对所采集的数据做FFT频谱和倒频谱分析。

    Collect the mechanical rotary information by encoder , use high-precision clock pulses of 50M to calculate the pulse width of the encoder , and analyse the data with FFT spectrum and cepstrum analysis .

  7. LPC美尔倒频谱系数(LPCMCC)根据人耳听觉特性将LPC倒谱系数(LPCC)用非线性美尔尺度进行变换,从而更接近人耳的听觉系统。

    LPC Mel Cepstrum Coefficient ( LPCMCC ) which comes from LPC Cepstrum ( LPCC ) changed nonlinear by Mel scale according to human auditory characteristics , thus closer to human auditory system .

  8. 然后以型号为SKF6205-2RS的深沟球轴承为研究对象,对正常情况以及故障情况下的解调做了具体仿真,还利用实倒频谱(RealCepstrum)进行了仿真对比,指出了故障存在的原因。

    Thesis makes deep groove ball bearing ( SKF6205-2RS ) for the object of study , and made a detailed simulation between normal and fault conditions demodulation that also using real cepstrum conductes a simulation analysis , and then points out that the fault is present reasons .

  9. 不同语速下语音倒频谱某些特点的初步探讨

    Research on some characteristics of speech cepstrum in various speech rate

  10. 利用倒频谱诊断液压泵早期故障

    Utilize cepstrum and diagnose the early fault of the hydraulic pump

  11. 应用线性予测倒频谱的汉语单词识别系统研究

    On Chinese Word Recognition System Based on Linear Prediction Cepstrum

  12. 基于倒频谱技术的滚动轴承故障诊断

    Fault Diagnosis Detection of Roller Bearing Based on Cepstrum Technology

  13. 基于倒频谱分析的吸声系数测量的一种新方法

    A measurement of the absorption coefficient based on cepstrum analysis

  14. 用倒频谱分析纱条条干不匀

    The application of cepstrum technique in yarn irregularity analysis

  15. 因此倒频谱是分析齿轮缺陷的有效工具.本文并介绍了作者研制的倒频谱分析软件。

    A software developed by the authors for cepstrum analysis is also introduced .

  16. 旋转机械同源数据全信息倒频谱分析与应用

    Full information cepstrum analysis and application based on same source date of rotary machinery

  17. 平均倒频谱阶层式单词识别法

    On Average Cepstral Hierarchical Method of Word Recognition

  18. 不锈钢点焊电流信号的倒频谱分析

    Cepstrum analysis of current singal in spot welding

  19. 应用倒频谱分析法对风力发电机组齿轮箱故障诊断

    Using Inverse Spectrum Analysis Method to Diagnose Complex Fault of Wind Power Dynamotor Gearbox

  20. 应用线性予测倒频谱系数的发言人核实技术

    A Speaker Verification Technique with Linear Prediction Cepstrum

  21. 用倒频谱技术消除声反射影响的方法

    A new method using the cepstrum technique for removal of the effects of reflection

  22. 基于小波与倒频谱技术的烟气轮机轴承故障诊断

    Malfunction Diagnosis of Bearing of Flue Gas Turbine Based on Wavelet and Scrambled Technology

  23. 圆网印花机齿轮传动箱倒频谱分析故障诊断

    Fault Diagnosis of Gearwheel Drive of Rotary Screen Roller Printing Machine by Reversal Frequency Analysis

  24. 小波倒频谱及其应用

    Wavelet - cepstrum and Its Application

  25. 复倒频谱分析与相位展开的研究

    Complex Cepstrum and Phase Unwrapping Analysis

  26. 最后通过对倒频谱分析法的优化来解决干扰问题。

    Finally , the optimization of cepstrum analysis was put forward to solve the interference problem .

  27. 频谱细化技术和功率倒频谱是振动信号分析的两种重要辅助方法。

    Spectrum zoom technique and power cepstrum are two important aided methods in vibration signal analysis .

  28. 倒频谱分析:相位谱分析;

    Reciprocal frequency chart analysis ;

  29. 而倒频谱分析法对信噪比有较高要求,噪声过大会使数据处理出现问题。

    Cepstrum analysis requires highly on the signal-to-noise ratio , excessive noise would cause the data processing problems .

  30. 频域的功率谱密度分析、倒频谱分析和小波包分析。

    Power spectrum density analysis , cepstrum analysis and wavelet package technology , they are analysis methods in frequency domain .