
  • 网络Inverted Pyramid;inverted pyramid structure;inverted pyramid style
  1. 我们称之为倒金字塔结构。

    We call it an inverted pyramid .

  2. 自然地,其后我们提出了一个复杂的,不能等效成为单层膜的结构,即本征GaAs二维周期倒金字塔结构来作为顶部反射镜应用到半优化的探测器。

    Naturally , we turn to a complicated structure that cannot be equivalent to one single layer , i.e. the 2D ( two dimensional ) periodical reversed pyramidal structure of intrinsic GaAs as the top mirror .

  3. 郭鹤年曾告诉他,在酒店行业,存在一个“倒金字塔结构”,“员工是公司中最重要的资产”,因为接待客人的不是首席执行官,而是员工。

    Mr Kuok advised him that in hotels there was an " inverse pyramid where the staff are the most important asset in the company " , because they , not the CEO , are the employees who meet the guests .

  4. 上下大小石牌之间有一定的约束关系和责、权、利关系,它们组成了倒金字塔的组织结构。L上的关系(?)

    There are binding relation and rights-and-obligations relation between upper versus lower Pais and large versus small Pais , which have formed an inverted pyramid structure .

  5. 在可以预见的将来,中国四世同堂式的家庭“金字塔”将迅速演变成”倒金字塔”的家庭结构,“421家庭”将成中国社会的家庭主流。

    In the forcast future , the family construction in China will change from " pyramid struction " to " anti-pyramid struction " . The " 421 " family struction will become the main style in our China .