
dào fēi
  • inverted flight;upside down flight
倒飞[dào fēi]
  1. 倒飞是飞机的一种特技动作。

    Inverted flight is an acrobatic manoeuvre of the plane .

  2. 飞机正在表演倒飞和其他绝技。表演绝技的飞行员把他们吓得半死。

    The aeroplanes were flying upside down and doing other stunts .

  3. 蜂鸟是唯一可以倒飞的鸟类。

    Hummingbirds are the only types of birds that can fly backwards .

  4. 飞机正在表演倒飞和其他绝技。

    The aero planes were flying upside down and doing other wonderwork .

  5. 我们在一架大型侦察机上倒飞。

    We were upside down in a large reconnaissance aircraft .

  6. 后退飞行至降落区的上空保持倒飞停悬,即完成此动作。

    To complete this maneuver fly , backward to a hover above the landing area .

  7. 飞机燃油系统倒飞台角度控制研究

    On the up turn down test rig angle control for the fuel system of airplane

  8. 执行5/8内浸斗,使直升机成为倒飞的姿态,机头向下45°。

    Then perform 5 / 8 loop , helicopter should be inverted on a 45 degree down line .

  9. 象飞固定翼着陆一样,熄火着陆是很有吸引力的一个动作,特别是倒飞熄火着陆。

    Just like landing a fixed wing plane model , auto rotation is a very attractive maneuvor , especially inverted auto .

  10. 结果:①有明确飞行错觉史的74例(91.4%),发生旋转错觉、倒飞错觉和俯仰错觉的各1例;

    Result : ① Among 81 pilots , there were history of illusion in flight in 91.4 % ( 74 / 81 ) cases .

  11. 由机头朝向操控者的倒飞停悬,将升降舵拉升舵使直升机翻滚为机尾朝向操控者的正立停悬姿态,保持静止停悬5秒钟。

    From this inverted Nose-In hover , add backward cyclic and flip the helicopter back to an upright Tail-In hover , hold for five ( 5 ) seconds .

  12. 一声惨叫!混合着骨头断裂的声音,只见到这个玄天门的弟子迅疾的倒飞了出去!

    One bellows ! Mix the bone splits of voice , the pouring of pupil quickly ailment namely sees this Xuan door in the sky flew to go out !