
  • 网络flip chip;flip-chip;flipchip
  1. 采用Ansys软件建立BGA倒装芯片模型考察焊点的热应力。

    BGA flip chip model was established based on Ansys software to investigate thermal stress in the solder joints .

  2. 本文提出了一种大批量层叠封装(PoP)组装方法,这种方法利用了倒装芯片组装中已有的电子封装技术。

    This article proposes an approach to high volume Package-on-Package ( PoP ) assembly that leverages the existing electronics packaging technologies for flip chip assembly .

  3. 倒装芯片衬底粘接材料对大功率LED热特性的影响

    Impact of Flipchip Substrate Adhesive on the Thermal Characteristic of High Power LED

  4. 倒装芯片和芯片规模封装对微细间距PCB组件的装配厂商提出了特殊的挑战。

    Flip and chip scale packages pose special challenges to assemblers of fine line PCBs .

  5. 铜柱形凸点是一种新型的、超高密度的倒装芯片互连形式,将成为下一代IC封装的主流技术。

    Cu-Pillar Bumps is a new , ultra-high-density flip-chip interconnect form , which will become the mainstream next-generation IC packaging technology .

  6. 将实现3D互连的方法分为引线键合、倒装芯片、硅通孔、薄膜导线等,并对它们的优缺点进行了分析。

    The methods of3D interconnection can be classified into the wire bonding , flip chip , through silicon via ( TSV ) and film wire technology , whose advantages and disadvantages are analyzed .

  7. 倒装芯片(FC)缺陷往往隐藏于芯片内部,给缺陷检测带来了很大困难。

    Defect of flip chip ( FC ) is always hidden between die and substrate , which brings difficulty to inspect defect of FC .

  8. 形成倒装芯片焊点的铜接线柱焊凸(SBC)法

    Solder Bump on Copper Stud ( SBC ) Method of Forming the Solder Joint in Flip Chip

  9. 倒装芯片凸焊点的UBM

    UBM of bumps for flip chip

  10. 采用一种自对准制造工艺和倒装芯片的装配技术,研制出GaN基蓝光大功率发光二极管(1mm×1mm)。

    The technologies of serf-aligning and flip-chip are adopted to develop GaN based high-power blue light emission diode ( 1mmx1mm ) .

  11. 简要分析了MEMS(微机电系统)器件封装的难点所在,随后介绍了晶片键合,晶片级密封,倒装芯片技术等主要的MEMS封装技术。

    This paper briefly analyzes the difficulties of MEMS packaging , and elaborates the key techniques of packaging , such as wafer-bonding , wafer level packaging and flip-chip technique . grade .

  12. 在微电子封装中,焊锡接点互连不仅用于芯片级的倒装芯片(FC)封装技术,而且广泛用于电路板级封装的球栅阵列(BGA)封装技术。

    In microelectronic packaging , solder joints are used not only for chip-level flipchip ( FC ) packaging technology , but also widely used in board-level , ball grid array ( BGA ) packaging technology .

  13. 板上倒装芯片(FCOB)作为一种微电子封装结构形式得到了广泛的应用。

    Flip Chip on Board ( FCOB ) has been used widely as a microelectronics packaging structural form .

  14. 本课题受到国家自然科学基金重大项目先进电子制造中的重要科学技术问题研究的资助,专门针对RFID倒装芯片封装设备中的预绑定模块进行视觉系统和运动控制集成的研究。

    Dispensing technology as one of most significant process in Advanced Integrated Circuit Encapsulation ( AICE ) has become an important technique problem . The project researches the integration of the vision and motion parts of the pre-bonding module of RFID flip chip packaging machine .

  15. 随着当代电子封装技术的飞速发展以及无铅化潮流的兴起,倒装芯片中凸点(SolderBump)与凸点下金属层(UBM)之间的反应的研究成为当前研究的热点。

    With the rapid development of electronic packaging technology and the rise of the lead free trend , the research of reaction between solder bump and under bump metallurgy ( UBM ) becomes a hot topic in flip chip tech - nology .

  16. 介绍了化学镀镍和镍/金技术以及镍磷层的电学性能,综述了其在倒装芯片凸焊点的UBM、印刷电路板和电感电容电阻LCR元件生产上的应用。

    The technologies of electroless Ni Ni / Au plating and the electric properties of Ni / P cladding are presented . Their applications for under bump metallurgy ( UBM ) for flip chip bumping , PC boards and LCRs are reviewed .

  17. 晶圆级芯片尺寸封装(WCSP)消除了类似传统的芯片键合、引线键合和倒装芯片贴装过程的封装工序。

    Wafer chip scale packaging ( WCSP ) eliminates conventional packaging steps such as die bonding , wire bonding , and die level flip chip attach processes .

  18. 倒装芯片各向异性导电胶互连的剪切结合强度

    Shear Strength of Flip Chip Packaging Bonded with Anisotropic Conductive Film

  19. 倒装芯片技术中无铅凸点电迁移研究

    Investigation of Electromigration on Lead-Free Solder Bump in Flip Chip Packaging

  20. 倒装芯片技术的出现,使封装技术发生了革命性的进步。

    Flip chip technology has taken a revolutionary progress of packaging .

  21. 倒装芯片中铝腐蚀的红外显微镜观测研究

    Inspection of Aluminum Corrosion in Flip Chip by IR Microscope

  22. 温度冲击下倒装芯片的热应力数值模拟研究

    The Numerical Value Simulation Studying of Flip-Chip Thermal Stress Under Temperature Impulsion

  23. 步入主流领域的倒装芯片封装

    Flip - Chip Packaging : Making the Move to Mainstream

  24. 倒装芯片将成为封装技术的最新手段

    Flip Chip will be a New Method of Packaging Technology

  25. 真空吸附式倒装芯片翻转机械手设计

    Design of a Vacuum Adsorption Dumping Gear for Flip Chip

  26. 倒装芯片互连技术在光电子器件封装中的应用

    Flip - chip interconnect technology in optoelectronics device packaging

  27. 倒装芯片焊点可靠性的有限元模拟法探讨

    Finite Element Analysis for Flip Chip Solder Joint Reliability

  28. 倒装芯片封装材料&各向异性导电胶的研究进展

    Progress of Anisotropic Conductive Adhesive for Flip Chip Packaging

  29. 用于倒装芯片的晶片凸点制作工艺研究

    Research on Fabrication Technology of Bumps for Flip Chip

  30. 有机印制板上倒装芯片的可靠性研究

    Reliability Study of a Flip Chip on Board Assembly