
dào chá
  • pour tea
  1. 他用托盘端进茶来,她安安静静地坐下来,看着他倒茶。

    She sat herself down , with composure , in front of the tray he had brought in , and watched him pour tea .

  2. 如今由于中国社会变得更加自由,因此有时父母在家中可能会为子女倒茶,甚至老板在饭店里也可能为下属倒茶。

    Today , as Chinese society becomes more liberal , sometimes at home parents may pour a cup of tea for their children , or a boss may even pour tea for subordinates at restaurants .

  3. 由穿制服的男仆为客人倒茶。

    The tea was served to guests by liveried footmen .

  4. 倒茶吧,露西。它已经泡开了。

    Pour out the tea , lucy . it 's brewed .

  5. 别人为你倒茶你就用手敲一下桌子。

    You tap the table when someone pours tea for you .

  6. 给你叔叔倒茶。我去做饭。

    Get your uncle some tea . I 'll make dinner .

  7. 她给旅客送水倒茶。

    She brought drinking water and tea for the passengers .

  8. 我在倒茶的时候,失手打了一个茶杯。

    When I was pouring the tea , I dropped a cup .

  9. 我去给客人倒茶。

    I 'm going to pour out the tea for the guest .

  10. 你尽一下主人之谊,给客人倒茶。

    You do the honors and pour out the tea .

  11. 猫头鹰说:“请倒茶。”

    Please pour the tea ," said Owl . "

  12. 你为你未来的丈夫倒茶吗?

    That you served tea to your future husband .

  13. 等待30秒后倒茶;

    Wait for 30 seconds , pour the tea .

  14. 此时走进会议室倒茶的女服务员被眼前的情景吓得几乎晕厥。

    The woman serving tea in the conference room almost fainted at the spectacle .

  15. 我来倒茶好吗?

    Shall I pour out the tea ?

  16. 谁倒茶给你父亲?

    Who served your father his tea ?

  17. 她不停地给客人们倒茶,而他们中许多人却宁可喝咖啡。

    She kept plying her guests with tea , when many of them would rather have coffee .

  18. 若要在茶中添加牛奶时,切记要先倒茶再加牛奶。

    If you take milk with your tea , pour the tea first and then add milk .

  19. 为了遮盖自己窘态,我就张罗着给客人倒茶送水,把切得不成形的涂着黄油的面包递到人们手里。

    I tried to conceal my embarrassment by handing round cups of tea and rather ill-cut bread-and-butter .

  20. 对许多学生而言,工作经历不过是倒茶、复印和接电话。

    For many students , work experience involves little more than making tea , photocopying and answering telephones .

  21. 对于这位仆人来说,皇帝为他倒茶是极大的荣幸。

    To that servant it was a huge honour to have the emperor pour him a cup of tea .

  22. 表示歉意:在中国文化中,人们常通过为别人倒茶来表示郑重的歉意。

    To apologize : In Chinese culture , people make serious apologies to others by pouring tea on them .

  23. 我代替女主人,做倒茶切肉的事。所以在饭桌上是缺不了我的。

    I held the mistress 's post in making tea and carving ; so I was indispensable at table .

  24. 由于父亲外出不在家,母亲要求我以主人身分给客人倒茶。

    Father being out , mother asked me to do the honours of the house and pour out the tea .

  25. 赵军在另一个房间等着我,给我让烟倒茶,说:哥哥辛苦了。

    Zhao 's waiting for me in another room , so I smoke poured , the brother said : tough .

  26. 正当巴丝谢芭在倒茶的时候,一声炮响传进了他们的耳朵。

    Just as Bathsheba was pouring out a cup of tea , their ears were greeted by the firing of cannon .

  27. 当他们来我们家拜访时,我会帮大家倒茶,然后坐下来,安静地旁听他们的讨论。

    When they came to our house I would bring them tea then sit quietly listening as they discussed what to do .

  28. 通过不断移动茶壶给各个杯子倒茶,在一分钟之内将第一遍冲的茶倒进上茶的小杯子中。

    Pour the first infusion into small serving cups within a minute by continuously moving the teapot around same flavor and colour .

  29. 你一定要先倒茶,然后再加奶&你不能先放奶,再倒茶。

    You must pour the tea , then the milk - you can 't put the milk in first , then the tea .

  30. 在线广告为容貌整洁、为官员倒茶或者像夜间警卫一样的雇员提供了368个初级岗位。

    The online ad offered 368 junior posts for employees who tidy up , bring tea to officials or act as night guards .