
zhēn jiǔ
  • pour liquor
  1. 主人以次给来宾斟酒。

    The host filled the guests ' glasses in turn .

  2. 把玻璃杯排好,我来斟酒。

    Line up the glasses and I 'll fill them .

  3. 他一面深沉地叹了口气,一面又往杯里斟酒。

    He sighed contemplatively , and poured out some more brandy .

  4. 丧子之痛加上妾离之苦让Al无法喘息,他开始斟酒来麻痹自己,最后他成了一个名副其实的酒鬼。

    The hurt and pain of the two situations were more than Al could handle , and he turned to alcohol to help him cope . In lime Al became an alcoholic .

  5. NEC系统科技公司和三重大学的研究人员设计出一款能够品酒的机器人。这款电子斟酒侍者能够识别几十种酒、奶酪和餐前小点心。

    Researchers at NEC System Technologies and Mie University have designed a robot that can taste & an electromechanical sommelier able to identify dozens of different wines , cheeses and hors d'oeuvres .

  6. 你知道斟酒人他不会忍受这种侮辱。

    You know the cupbearer he won 't tolerate this insult .

  7. 那我可以回去向斟酒人报告喜讯了吧?

    May I then congratulate the cupbearer on the good news ?

  8. 咖啡对于奶奶而言,就如同美酒对于斟酒侍者一般重要。

    Grandmother was to coffee what a sommelier is to wine .

  9. 斟酒人肯定会像抓鱼一样收拾他!

    Surely the cupbearer will gut him like a fish !

  10. 约翰教我斟酒时不滴一滴的决窍。

    John taught me the trick of pouring wine without dropping any .

  11. 但如果斟酒人发现他被骗了。

    But if the cupbearer finds out that he has been fooled .

  12. 你要过来斟酒唱曲呀。

    You must attend to sing and pour the wine .

  13. 也许请教一下斟酒的侍应生是明智的。

    It might be wise to consult the wine waiter .

  14. 珀金斯只掌管红酒,而不斟酒。

    Perkins presided over the red wine , rather than poured it .

  15. 这个囚犯会使斟酒人十分开心。

    This prisoner will make the cupbearer very glad .

  16. 执行人是优秀的斟酒人和克拉拉。

    The executors of this will are his Excellency the cupbearer and klara .

  17. 如果斟酒人疯狂的迷上了你的美貌。

    What if the cupbearer , madly in love , charmed with your beauty .

  18. 亲爱的斟酒人,我都六天六夜没吃饭了。

    My dear cupbearer , I haven 't eaten for six days and nights .

  19. 斟酒人会发现你在这,并把你当作他的对手。

    The cupbearer will find you here , and see you as his rival .

  20. 但是服务于斟酒人是一种荣幸。

    But it 's an honor , to be in the cupbearer 's service .

  21. 女人要给男人斟酒。

    Women pour only men 's drinks .

  22. 你曾经是皇室斟酒人。

    You were once the Royal cupbearers .

  23. 为我斟酒,你美目凝注。

    Drink to me with thine eyes .

  24. 我的老斟酒人依然英勇!

    My old cupbearer is still spirited !

  25. 我觉得,知道著名斟酒师喝什么酒消遣,会很有意思。

    I thought it would be interesting to know what notable sommeliers drink for fun .

  26. 你自己斟酒喝吧。

    Help yourself to the wine .

  27. 他们可能选择(或者斟酒侍者可能会建议),用特定的水来搭配特定的菜肴。

    They may choose , or a sommelier may suggest , specific waters to partner certain dishes .

  28. 负责斟酒的服务员走了进来,热情地劝我们点一瓶特别奢华的白葡萄酒。

    The sommelier arrives , keen to coax us into ordering a particularly grand bottle of white wine .

  29. 每张桌子旁边各站三个仆人:两个斟酒,一个上菜。

    Three servants waited on each table ; two to pour the wine , one to serve the food .

  30. 侍者不停斟酒,杯子从未干涸,但事后珊莎却不记得自己尝过酒。

    The servants kept the cups filled all night , yet afterward Sansa could not recall ever tasting the wine .
