
zhēn zhuó
  • consider;weigh;deliberate;qualify;weigh up;think over;weigh and consider;pour
斟酌 [zhēn zhuó]
  • (1) [qualify; consider; deliberate]∶反复考虑以后决定取舍

  • 耆艾修之,而后王斟酌矣。--《国语.周语上》

  • 再三斟酌

  • (2) [pour]∶往杯盏里倒酒供饮用

  • 过门更相呼,有酒斟酌之。--陶潜《移居》

  • 独自斟酌

斟酌[zhēn zhuó]
  1. 我们得斟酌法律应如何修订。

    We need to consider how the law might be reformed .

  2. 是否可行,请斟酌。

    Please consider if this is feasible .

  3. 斟酌一下她的言外之意,我觉得克莱尔需要钱。

    Reading between the lines , I think Clare needs money .

  4. 我把这件事留给你自己斟酌决定。

    I 'll leave it up to you to use your discretion .

  5. 他们正在斟酌能否把钱花到其他更适当的地方。

    They are pondering whether the money could be better used elsewhere .

  6. 究竟要把哪些资料收入报告,你得仔细斟酌。

    You will have to be selective about which information to include in the report .

  7. 首相斟酌着何时前往投票地点。

    The Prime Minister pondered on when to go to the polls

  8. 她讲话时斟酌再三,说得非常慢。

    She spoke very slowly , weighing what she would say .

  9. 这是个多么疯狂的计划,我用了那个词是斟酌过的。

    What a crazy scheme , and I use that term advisedly .

  10. 他认为政府在开征新税前应仔细斟酌。

    He held the opinion that a government should think before introducing a tax

  11. 当局斟酌权衡再三才宣布他们的决定。

    The authorities took time to pronounce their verdicts

  12. 我们可能会斟酌改变限额,有任何变动将通知您。

    We may vary the limit at our discretion and will notify you of any change

  13. 他说话非常慢,好像每个字都要仔细斟酌。

    He said the words very slowly , as if weighing each one of them .

  14. 经过5分钟的仔细斟酌之后,他被判谋杀总统罪名成立。

    After five minutes of deliberation , he was found guilty of murdering the president .

  15. 这样的想法值得斟酌。

    Such ideas merit careful consideration .

  16. 他仔细斟酌着这个问题。

    He meditated on the problem

  17. 她在各种选择间权衡斟酌。

    She weighed her options

  18. 他斟酌着何时给她戒指。

    He pondered on when to give her the ring .

  19. 如何处理这些投诉由你斟酌决定。

    How to deal with these complaints is left to your discretion .

  20. 这件事情斟酌斟酌再定。

    Think over the matter and then make a decision .

  21. 回答时要斟酌字句。

    Be careful how you word your answer .

  22. 这项声明须加斟酌。

    The statement requires qualification .

  23. 假如在代码中具有大批耗时的函数,你可以斟酌用C扩大的方法完成它们。

    If you have very time consuming functions in your code , consider writing them as C extensions .

  24. 开始迁移之前,必须斟酌希望用户在新exchange公用文件夹中具有哪些权限。

    Before starting migration consider the permissions you want users to have in the new exchange public folders .

  25. 科学的方法应该也对翻译过程,即极其复杂的斟酌与决策的推理过程加以剖析(Baker,2000)。

    Scientific translation studies should also cover the translation process ( Baker , 2000 ) .

  26. 如果某人总是忙得抽不出时间见你,或觉得在Facebook之类的网络上联系更方便,那你可得好好斟酌一下你们的友谊了。

    If someone is always too busy to dedicate time to you , or considers anything other than a Facebook " like " to be inconvenient , it might be worth re-evaluating your friendship with them 。

  27. 年轻的游客魏廷(WeiTing,音译)最近刚从广东来到上海,他以斟酌过的英语解释称,在新年夜挤来挤去是中国人“常做”的事情。

    Young tourist Wei Ting , recently arrived from Guangdong in southern China , explained in careful English that pushing and shoving on New Year 's Eve is what Chinese people " usually do . "

  28. 当雅西2003年撰写“愿景文件”阐述AWS的经营理念时,他对每个词都再三斟酌,先后修改了31次。

    When Mr Jassy wrote the " vision document " that laid out the idea for AWS in 2003 , he wrestled with every word , going through 31 drafts .

  29. 如果SNC的自行决定的借记或信贷数额被认为有错误,SNC保留自行斟酌在任何时候改变任何借记或贷记的权利。

    SNC reserves the right to change at its sole discretion , any rollover debits or credits at any time if SNC , at its sole discretion deems that the amount debited or credited was in error .

  30. 斟酌会议时长–会议时长在30分钟,时长越短会议越高效。

    The meeting to30 minutes , shorter meetings are more effective .
