
zhí yè ān quán
  • occupational safety;employment safety
  1. 另外,随着WTO的加入,我国也应与国际职业安全健康管理的趋势接轨。

    Moreover with China joining WTO , we should keep in line with the international occupational safety and health management .

  2. 我国安全事故频发,加入WTO和经济全球化迫使我国必须重视职业安全健康非关税壁垒。

    The safety fact that many accidents happened these years and our countries coming into WTO compels us to recognize the importance of occupational safety and health .

  3. IBM公司的职业安全健康管理

    Health and Safety Management in IBM

  4. 通过运用层次分析法(AHP)法,合理准确地确定各评价因素的权重,在此基础上运用模糊数学基本理论构建职业安全培训绩效定量评估模型;

    Based on which , the quantitative assessment model for the performance of safety training is set up .

  5. 系统管理的PDCA循环管理模式是职业安全卫生管理体系应采用的运行模式;

    The operational model of OHSMS should adopt PDCA model of system management .

  6. 目的探讨重症监护病房(ICU)职业安全存在的危险因素、防护措施和应急预案。

    OBJECTIVE To explore the professional risk factors existed in the ICU and their protecting measures and emergent treatment schemes .

  7. 关于质量(Q)、环境(E)和职业安全健康(OSH)的管理体系整合及其一体化探讨

    Discussion on the Possibility for Integrating and Uniting the Management Systems of Quality , Environment , and Occupational Safety and Health

  8. OSHA是职业安全与健康管理局的简称。

    OSHA is the Occupational Safety and Health Administration .

  9. 关于石油管道企业HSE管理体系、环境管理体系和职业安全健康管理体系的整合探讨和建议

    Study on the Integration of HSE Management System , Environment Management System and Occupational Safety and Health Management System in Petroleum Pipeline Enterprise

  10. 职业安全健康管理体系(下文中职业安全健康管理体系简称OSHMS)是其中重要的组成部分。

    Occupational safety and health management System ( OSHMS ) is the very important part of it .

  11. 特别是我国入世后。企业能否在全球经贸活动中生存、竞争、发展、质量(Q)、环境(E)及职业安全健康(OSH)问题已成为不可回避的难点;

    Especially after China 's accession to WTO , issues of quality , environment , and occupational safety and health become unevadable for the existence , competition and development of the enterprises in their global economic and trade activities .

  12. 通过对CE标志认证的了解,帮助企业了解与安全有关的问题,通过危险分析和危险评估将危险减至最小的责任,重视企业的职业安全管理工作。

    The enterprises will be helped to understand problems corresponding to safety via understanding of CE symbol attestation and dangers will be reduced to minimum via such analysis and evalution , hence emphasis on management of professional safety in enterprises would be taken .

  13. 中国有成本优势,由于低工资和较少的行业监管,他们没有环境保护局(EPA)和职业安全与健康署(OSHA)与及职业健康保护费用。

    China has a cost advantage due to low wages but also because their industries have very little regulation due to no EPA or OSHA and low health care cost for workers .

  14. 美国国家职业安全卫生研究所(NIOSH)主任约翰·霍华德(JohnHoward)也表示,这再次证实了我一贯的观点,即你对自己工作的控制感越强,你就越快乐。

    The survey , adds John Howard , director of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health , 'reaffirms my view that the more control you have over your work , the happier you are . '

  15. 本文从职业安全健康管理体系的一些相关概念入手,介绍了OSHMS产生的国际国内背景,并对职业安全健康管理体系的主要内容、特点以及作用和意义进行了较为系统的阐述。

    The main content , features , role and the significance of the occupational safety and health management system were described in detail .

  16. NOSA综合五星管理系统是由南非国家职业安全协会创建的一套综合的安全、健康、环保管理系统。

    The NOSA integrated five star system is a systematic framework for the management of safety , health and the environment in an integrated manner established by NOSA in South Africa .

  17. 企业建立职业安全健康管理体系(OSHMS),对提高其安全管理水平有着重要的作用和意义。

    It is very important and meaningful for the enterprises to improve their safety management level so as to establish the occupational safety and health management system ( OSHMS ) .

  18. cpe-sw应严格遵守所有相关法规,这些法规应不低于公司标准,是关于职业安全与健康以及环境保护的,适用于金秋项目的前端工程设计现场。

    Cpe-sw will strictly comply with all relevant statutory regulations , which shall be comparable to that of the company 's standard , pertaining to occupational safety and health and environmental protection which are applicable to the local where Jinqiu TPO feed design is performed .

  19. 建立和完善人的职业安全行为模式

    To establish and complete " behavior mode " in career safety

  20. 护理职业安全与健康课程的编制及评价

    A Curriculum Development and Evaluation of Nursing Occupational Safety and Health

  21. 职业安全健康管理体系实施绩效综合评价研究

    A Study on Evaluation of Occupational Safety Health Management System Performance

  22. 美国学术职业安全的保障机制

    The Safeguard Systems of Academic Profession in American Colleges and Universities

  23. 医疗废物收集人员职业安全危害因素及防护

    Occupational safety hazard factors and protection of medical waste collection staff

  24. 对交通系统职业安全卫生评价的探讨

    Investigation on Judgement of Occupational Safety & Health of Communications System

  25. 武钢职业安全健康管理

    Occupational Safety and Health Management in Wuhan Iron and Steel Corporation

  26. 海员职业安全认知与工伤回顾性流行病学调查

    Occupational safety awareness and retrospective epidemiological study on injuries in seamen

  27. 国内外护理职业安全与健康教育培训现状分析

    Status of nursing occupational safety and health education in the world

  28. 煤矿职业安全与健康对经济的影响研究

    Impact of Occupational Safety and Health in Coal Mine on Economy

  29. 研究职业安全卫生立法对保障劳动者在劳动过程中的安全健康,保障生产经营人员的利益,促进社会经济的发展具有重要意义。

    Study the legislation of occupational safety and health is important .

  30. 论职业安全健康管理体系与企业安全文化

    On Occupational Safety Health Management System and Enterprise Safety Culture