
zhí yè dà xué
  • Vocational University;vocational college
  1. 我省职业大学体育的现状及改革建议

    Current condition and reform of sport of the vocational college of Fujian Province

  2. 对职业大学计算机文献检索教学的探讨

    Approaching Computer Literature Retrieval in Vocational College

  3. 职业大学公共日语课教学初探

    A Tentative study of Teaching of Japanese in a Vocational University

  4. 职业大学日语专业课程结构改革的思考

    Reflections on Syllabus Reform for Japanese Language Teaching in Vocational colleges

  5. 关于加快建设天津职业大学国家示范性高职院校的思考

    On National Model Vocational College Construction of Tianjin Professional College

  6. 我国职业大学特色纵横谈

    General survey of the Features of Vocational Colleges in China

  7. 论职业大学的历史作用与发展战略

    On the Historical Function and Development Strategy of Vocational Colleges

  8. 职业大学师资必须是学深艺高的“双师型”专门人才。

    Teachers in professional colleges must specialize in both theory and practice .

  9. 鹭江职业大学图书馆学生读者调研分析

    A Reader Survey by the Library of Lujiang University

  10. 乌鲁木齐职业大学专业实践教学现状调查分析

    A Survey of the Practicing Teaching in Different Specialities in Urumqi Vocational University

  11. 《苏州职业大学学报》1998-2002年引文分析

    Analyses of Quoted Passages from 1998-2002 in the Journal of Suzhou Vocational University

  12. 职业大学环境监测课程教学改革的研究与实践

    Study and Practice on Teaching Reform of Environmental Monitoring Course in Vocational Universities

  13. 职业大学新发展的思考

    A Consideration on the Development of Vocational Colleges

  14. 关于职业大学日语口译教学的几点思考

    Thoughts on Teaching Japanese Interpretation in Vocational Colleges

  15. 对地方职业大学办学特色的思考

    Thoughts of Characteristics for Running Vocational University

  16. 1982年成立天津职业大学,尝试高等职业教育办学。

    Founded in1982 , Tianjin Vocational Institute became a pilot project of higher vocational education .

  17. 这一套框架要求所在的大学和职业大学都必须符合这一标准。

    This set of structures requires all universities and vocational colleges to meet agreed upon standards .

  18. 技术职业大学的学位可以为你提供一个特定的手艺、工作、事业。

    Technical and vocational college degree programs prepare you for a specific trade , job or career .

  19. 求真务实开拓创新加快鹭江职业大学21世纪的新发展

    Pioneering and Practical Drive for a Fast Growing Lujiang University in the 21 ~ ( st ) Century

  20. 论文还以天津职业大学经管学院课件资源应用为例,搭建了一个实例。

    This paper also gave an real case of teaching resources of Economics and Management School of Tianjin Professional College .

  21. 抽取苏州职业大学共两个年级,六个专业的学生作为被试。

    The research targets were the students of Suzhou Vocational University who are from two different grades and six majors .

  22. 本文从人才培养模式、专业设置、教学体系设计、师资队伍建设等方面探讨了南通职业大学旅游管理专业的改革实践。

    This paper discusses this reform from the aspects of patterns of cultivating personnel , curriculum , teaching system and teachers .

  23. 论文中形成的方案已在九江职业大学得到实施,并取得了预期效果。

    The proposal referred in this paper has already been used in Jiangxi Vocational and Technical College , achieving satisfied results .

  24. 本文以黎明职业大学为例,对其内外部环境、优劣势、机会与挑战等进行了分析,从而得出其发展战略,并在此基础上提出了短期和长期战略实施的建议。

    The author analyze the environment and situation of Liming Vocational University , and put forward development tactic and implement suggestion .

  25. 我也将访问洛杉矶的职业大学,该校为员工在快速发展的医疗保健行业的职业前景进行再培训。

    And I 'll visit a community college in L.A.that 's retraining workers for careers in the fast-growing health care sector .

  26. 抓住机遇加快建设&天津职业大学九五实验室建设回顾

    Seizing the opportunity and quickening the tempo of our laboratorial construction-Reviewing the laboratorial construction of Tianjin Professional College during the ninth five-year scheme

  27. 高校学生社团发展模式探索&以苏州市职业大学学生社团发展为中心

    An Analysis of the Development Patterns of College Student Societies & A Case Study of the Student Society Development in Suzhou Vocational University

  28. 校企深度融合下人才创新培养模式探讨&以苏州市职业大学为例

    A Discussion of the Innovative Talent Training Modes in the Contexts of Deep College-Corporate Cooperation & A Case Study of Suzhou Vocational University

  29. 高职设置双专科专业探索与实践&以苏州市职业大学计算机应用与商务英语专业为例

    Research and Practice on Setting Double-majors in Vocational College & On Practice of Double-major in Computer Applications and Business English of Suzhou Vocational University

  30. 扩招对职业大学办学的影响及其对策分析高校扩招加大了高职德育工作的难度。

    Influence of Expending Enrolment on Vocational Universities & Tactics of Development The enrolments in some high schools enlarge the difficulty of moral education .