
  1. 中国城镇职工基本医疗保险制度转型研究

    The Research on Transformation of Basic Medical Insurance for Urban Workers in China

  2. 该文分析了职工基本医疗保险制度改革中,保险方和患者之间的既矛盾又统一的关系。

    The paper analyzed the contradictory and united relationship between the insurer and insured .

  3. 推行职工基本医疗保险制度的现实问题、法律对策与思考

    The Actual Problems , Legal Measures and Thinking on Implementing the Urban Health Insurance System

  4. 我国职工基本医疗保险制度改革中医保关系分析

    The relationship between medical treatment and insurance in laborer 's basic medical insurance system reform in China

  5. 浙江省城镇职工基本医疗保险制度改革研究

    Study on the Reform of Employees ' Medical Insurance System in Towns and Cities in Zhejiang Province

  6. 同时,解决这些公平性的问题的过程便是完善城镇职工基本医疗保险制度的过程。

    When we solve these problems , we are also perfecting the fundamental medical insurance system of urban employee .

  7. 职工基本医疗保险制度改革中保方和患者之间关系研究

    A study on the relationship between insurer and insured in the reformation of medical insurance system for staff and workers

  8. 随着城镇职工基本医疗保险制度的出台,对医院来讲,机遇与挑战同在:一方面医疗保险资金为医院提供了卫生资源的主要来源;

    Hospitals are confronted with opportunities and challenges with the issuing of cities and towns laborers ' basic medical insurance system .

  9. 1998年我国开始建立城镇职工基本医疗保险制度,标志着我国开始从公费医疗保障阶段向社会医疗保障制度过渡。

    Basic Medical Insurance System was established in 1998 , it was marked the transforming from stage of public health care to Social health insurance .

  10. 城镇职工基本医疗保险制度、医疗卫生体制、药品生产流通体制改革取得重要进展。

    Significant progress was made in reforming the basic medical insurance system for urban workers , the health care system , and the drug production and distribution system .

  11. 我国已在全国范围内逐步完善城镇职工基本医疗保险制度,这一制度的改革不仅关系到我国城镇职工的健康需要,而且直接影响今后全国范围内医疗保险的实施。

    The employee basic medical insurance system that is perfected gradually not only is related with health of urban employee , but also directly influences the implementation of medical insurance in the whole nation .

  12. 我国政府已明确提出城镇职工基本医疗保险制度的改革目标,虽然改革已取得了一些进展,但距改革目标仍有相当差距。

    Government health reform object focused on building the essential health insurance system for employees in urban , and gain advanced in this field , but there are still some problems in this process .

  13. 城镇职工基本医疗保险制度是社会保障制度的重要组成部分,所以我国城镇职工基本医疗保险制度进行了一系列的变迁。

    The system of the basic medical insurance for urban workers is an important part of the social security system , so Chinese basic medical insurance system for urban workers carried out a series of changes .

  14. 这在我国城镇职工基本医疗保险制度起步已经近十年的今天是显得极不公平的,所以,这既是值得我们深思的问题同时又是需要亟待解决的问题。

    This urban workers in China 's basic medical insurance system started nearly a decade today is very unfair , so This is something worth thinking about the issue is also a need for problems to be solved .

  15. 各地要按照建立城镇职工基本医疗保险制度的任务、原则和要求,结合本地实际,精心组织,保证新旧制度的平稳过渡。

    Each district wants according to build town worker the task of system of insurance of primary medical treatment , principle and requirement , combinative this locality is actual , elaborate organization , transfer smoothly what assure new old system .

  16. 目前,我国实行的城镇职工基本医疗保险制度,退休人员参保,单位和个人均不缴费。

    Under the current system of the basic medical insurance for workers and staff members in town of our country , for the retired who have effected insurance , neither the unit nor the person himself is to pay the premium .

  17. 长期以来,受经济落后的国情制约,我国城镇职工基本医疗保险制度覆盖面较低,全民医疗保障的目标未能实现。

    For a long time , restricted with the economic backward condition , the coverage of basic medical insurance for urban employee is very low . The social development goal , all of the residents have health insurance , has not come true .

  18. 随着我国城镇职工基本医疗保险制度、新型农村合作医疗保险制度、城镇居民基本医疗保险制度的逐步实施,我国基本医疗保险制度框架基本建立。

    The gradual execution of the basic medical insurance system for urban working people and new type of rural cooperative medical care system as well as the frame of the basic medical insurance has given rise to the foundation of our nation medical insurance system .

  19. 本文通过分析城镇职工基本医疗保险制度、医疗机构和药品生产流通体制三项改革实施的背景、目的、内容,阐明改革的必然性和重要性;

    In this thesis it analyses the background , purpose and content of carrying out Three Basic Reforms & basic medical insurance system of town staff and workers , medical establishment and the system of medicines ' production and circulation , and illustrates its inevitability and significance ;

  20. 以城镇职工基本医疗保险制度、城镇居民基本医疗保险制度与新型农村合作医疗保险制度为主的城乡医疗保障体系,为我国医疗卫生事业的可持续发展做出了巨大的贡献。

    The urban employee basic medical insurance system , new rural cooperation medical system , basic medical insurance system for urban residents are the mainly parts of urban-rural medical security system . It has made tremendous contribution to the sustainable development of Chinese medical and health undertakings .

  21. 我国基本医疗保险制度以区分城乡、区分不同就业人群为标准,分别建立了城镇职工基本医疗保险制度、城镇居民基本医疗保险制度、新型农村合作医疗制度。

    The basic medical insurance system of our country , which separate urban to rural , and distinguish different employment population , established basic medical insurance system for town workers , the serious illness medical treatment insurance system for urban residents and the new rural cooperative medical system .

  22. 笔者认为在中国现行基本医疗保险的运行模式中较好地体现了国务院《关于建立城镇职工基本医疗保险制度的决定》进行医疗保险制度改革的初衷和基本思路。

    The author thought that the model for present medical insurance of our country quite good reflected the original intention and basic thinking to reform the medical insurance system presented in " Decision to establish the medical insurance system for urban staff and worker " issued by the State Council .

  23. 目前,我国城镇职工的基本医疗保险制度已经初步建立。

    At present , the basic medical insurance system of the urban worker of our country has already been set up tentatively .

  24. 城镇职工社会基本医疗保险制度的改革,是全国范围内医疗保险制度改革的大事,医院能否成为医保定点医院关系到医院今后生存和发展的大问题。

    Reform of the basic hospitalization insurance system of the employees in town is very important and it decides the existence and development of the hospitals .

  25. 完善城镇企业职工基本养老、医疗保险制度,继续扩大各项社会保险覆盖面。

    Social security coverage should be expanded by upgrading basic old-age pensions and medical insurance for workers of enterprises in urban areas .

  26. 其次,概述了青岛市城镇基本医疗保险的基本情况,主要包括青岛市城镇职工、居民基本医疗保险制度框架和主要政策。

    Second , it gives an overview to the Qingdao urban basic medical insurance , which includes basic medical insurance system framework and key policies for Qingdao urban workers and residents .

  27. 其次是要建立用人单位和职工个人合理负担医疗费用的机制,建立覆盖各类所有制单位和职工的基本医疗保险制度。

    Secondly , the system of reasonable sharing medical cost of employers and employees should be established . The basic medical insurance system should include units of different ownership and employees individual .