
wèi shēnɡ jì shù rén yuán
  • health personnel;hygienic personnel
  1. 从卫生技术人员年龄反映出乡镇卫生院的卫生技术人员年龄段较大,新进人员较少。

    The age of health personnel in town health center is older , with fewer new employees .

  2. 基层卫生技术人员服务能力直接影响着农村基本公共卫生服务项目的实施质量。

    Health personnel service ability in grassroots directly affects the implementation quality of rural basic public health service project .

  3. 普及和发展CME的必由之路是使各级各类卫生技术人员和卫生管理人员的培训普遍达到规范化、制度化。

    The only way for popularizing and developing CME is to make the training of the health technical personnel and the health administrative personnel at all levels generally standardized and systematized .

  4. 本文通过1037名农村基层卫生技术人员对继续医学教育(简称CME)需求的调查得出,CME面向农村基层已势在必行。

    It is clear that to carry out CME in the rural areas is very important and necessary , through analysing the investigation which was drawn by 1037 rural medical technical persons .

  5. 从地理分布上看,卫生技术人员与床位的Gini系数分别为0.4355和0.4318。结论珠海市卫生资源配置存在不合理之处,卫生资源配置的地理公平性需要引起重视。

    From the geographical distributing , the Gini coefficients of health workers and sickbed were 0.435 5 and 0.431 8 . CONCLUSION There were irrationality existing in the allocation of health services resources in Zhuhai .

  6. 宁夏农村卫生技术人员学历教育初探

    The primary study of Ningxia rural health workers academic education

  7. 被调查卫生技术人员工作满意度水平存在地区差异。

    Job satisfaction of health professionals investigated was regionally diverse .

  8. 2018年底,卫生技术人员达到950万人。

    And the number of medical workers reached 9.5 million by 2018 .

  9. 咸宁市农村卫生技术人员整体质量偏低。

    The overall quality of rural health rural health technicians in Xianning is lower .

  10. 2卫生技术人员配置医学教育是关键。

    The key element of the disposition of health professionals is education . 3 .

  11. 浙江省农村卫生技术人员基本素质调查

    An Investigation on the Basic Making of Health Workers in Rural Area of Zhejiang Province

  12. 研究背景:近年来,卫生技术人员的心理健康问题越来越受到关注。

    Background : Mental health problems of health professionals have been increasingly concerned in recent years .

  13. 社区卫生技术人员知识与技能需求及影响因素分析

    On demand for and influence factors of the knowledge and skills of community health care staffs

  14. 安徽省农村计划生育卫生技术人员工作满意度及影响因素研究

    Study on Job Satisfaction and Influencing Factors of Country Family Planning Health Technical Personnel in Anhui

  15. 卫生技术人员工作满意度与离职意向之间存在显著负相关关系。

    The relationship between health workers ' job satisfaction and turnover intention was significantly negative correlation .

  16. 3卫生技术人员的良性发展要做好专业、学历、职称规划。

    The well development of health professionals needs plans on professional , qualifications and titles . 4 .

  17. 聘用非卫生技术人员或者未经注册登记的卫生技术人员从事医疗执业活动;

    Employing non-public health technical persons or non-registered public health technical persons to carry out medical practising activities ;

  18. 卫生技术人员在经过培训后,提高了自身技术,提高了治愈率,进一步提高了患者的综合满意度。

    Health workers trained to improve their technology , improve the cure rate , and further improve patient satisfaction .

  19. 个体诊所、个体护理站聘用在职卫生技术人员或者储备药品。

    A private clinic or a private nursing station employing in-service public health technical persons or storing up medicines .

  20. 如不进行干预,社区卫生技术人员将减少5.5%,而公共卫生技术人员将减少11.3%。

    If not intervene , community health workers will reduce 5.5 % , and public health workers will reduce 11.3 % .

  21. 卫生技术人员总社会支持、客观支持、主观支持和支持利用度的均值分别为45.28、9.69、27.27和8.32。

    The mean of total social support , objective support , subjective support and the utilization of support is 45.28,8.32,27.27, 9.69 respectively .

  22. 全国乡村有医院病床150.2万张,医务人员和专业卫生技术人员123.2万人。

    The number of hospital beds has reached 1.502 million ; and there are 1.232 million medical personnel and professional health workers .

  23. 方法对768名军队专业技术人员(包括工程技术、社科研究、卫生技术人员)进行问卷调查。

    Methods A questionnaire study was conducted in768 professionals working in the military fields of engineering technology , social research and health technology .

  24. 使用非卫生技术人员从事医疗卫生技术工作为行政处罚的主要案由。

    The use of health technical personnel engaged in medical and health work for administrative punishment according to the main cause of action .

  25. 由于卫生技术人员职业的特殊性,他们更容易受到时间和精力等资源的限制,更容易感受到工作家庭冲突。

    Health professionals will be restricted by time and energy , and they will have sense of work-family conflict because of the particularity of their profession .

  26. 住院病人数不断增加、出院者平均住院日不断减少,也提示卫生技术人员的工作效率在不断提高。

    The increasing number of hospitalization and steady declining in average length of stay for those discharged also demonstrated the continuously efficiency improvement of health professionals .

  27. “卫生技术人员”是指按照国家有关规定取得卫生技术人员资格或者职称的人员。

    " Public health technical persons " refers to those who have obtained the qualification or title of public health technicians according to the relevant State stipulations ;

  28. 对医患关系中医务人员法律地位的研究即是对医疗机构中具有执业资格的各级各类医师、护士、药剂人员和其他卫生技术人员在医患关系中享有的权利和承担义务进行研究。

    The study about legal status of medical personnel is to study licensed doctors , nurses , pharmaceutical personnel and other health workers ' right and obligation .

  29. 卫生技术人员当中,大中专学历占69.6%,本科以上学历不到25%;无职称和初级职称占绝大多数,中级职称比例较低。

    Among these health technical workers , people with college diploma accounted for 69.6 % , while people with bachelor degree or above accounted less than 25 % .

  30. 利用灰色模型对全国卫生技术人员数量的预测研究浙江省某医院卫生技术人员职称评聘现状及对策

    Study on the Forecast of Health Professionals in China by Gray Model An Analysis of Status and Problems in the Evaluation and Employment by Title Criteria and the Countermeasures