
  • 网络Bathroom
  1. 主卧室的专用卫浴间在下一节里详述。

    Private master bedroom bathroom in the next section in detail .

  2. 住宅卫浴间的人性化设计

    People-oriented Design of Residential Bathroom

  3. 卫浴间是室内空间中一个与人的关系极为亲密的功能场所。

    Sanitary and balneal room is an important area which closely related to human being .

  4. 身后是失修的卫浴间

    At the back precarious bathrooms

  5. 卫浴间的布局设计

    Layout Design Of The Toilet

  6. 造型富有时代感,让你的卫浴间增添了不少一些色彩,也许不会再冷清了。

    Modeling time , to allow you to the bathroom a lot to insert between some colors may not featured a.

  7. 卫浴间充满幻想力的形体语言,激起你对惬意生活的憧憬,勾勒出一幕又一幕无声的美丽。

    The shape language filled with fantasy in bathroom arouses your longing for the pleasing life ; draw out the scenes of beauty .

  8. 而盥洗设备作为卫浴间中使用最频繁、使用时间最长的产品,作用地位突出。

    Bathroom and toilet facilities as among the most frequently used , the use of the longest products , highlighting the role of status .

  9. 还有许多颇具实用性的细节,让使用者每天安全、便利地使用卫浴间,同时也为其带来更多舒适感受。

    The many practical details ensure that day-to-day life in the bathroom runs smoothly and also offer lots of comfort in the family bathroom .

  10. 每间一室公寓房配有一张双人床、书桌、两个衣柜、书架、餐桌以及椅子,还有精心设计的独立卫浴间。

    Each of their studio apartments contains a double bed , desk , two wardrobes , a bookcase , dining table and chairs , and an en-suite with boutique styling .

  11. 对于住宅中最为复杂的厨卫应进行整体设计,推行整体厨房、整体卫浴间和全装修住宅。

    For the most complex parts in the residential house , kitchen and bathroom should be carried out the whole kitchen , the whole bathroom design and the entire renovation of residential .

  12. 自然而然,卫浴产品作为卫浴间的有形物体,直接与人体接触使用,是人们实现追求生活质量,表现生活品质的必要手段。

    Naturally , as a sanitary bathroom products between physical objects , the use of direct contact with the human body , is seeking to achieve the quality of life and the performance of the necessary means to the quality of life .