
  1. 从香港的点心聊起,张叔平和本报记者谈到了他的电影和室内设计工作、在eBay购物寻找灵感以及他对中式设计真实性的追求。以下是访谈摘要:

    Straight from dim sum in Hong Kong with his mother and brother , he spoke with the Journal about his careers in film and interior decoration , shopping on eBay for inspiration , and his pursuit of authenticity in Chinese design .

  2. 传统中式设计的台北国立故宫博物院于1965年在台北开馆。

    Designed in traditional Chinese style , the National Palace Museum opened in 1965 in Taipei .

  3. 旨在探索新中式设计的理念、创作方法、实现途径和创新手法。

    It aims to explore new design concepts , creative approach , innovative ways and means to achieve .

  4. 现代设计源于西方的工业社会,最早起步于对欧洲的学习,当中国对西式设计的抄袭蜂拥而至的时候,真正意义的中式设计概念已经模糊不清。

    Modern design originated in the western industrial society , initially from Europe . When the duplication of the western design overwhelmed the Chinese design , the concept of the real Chinese style design is becoming indistinct .

  5. 本课题主要是结合实际案例,以室内设计理论为指导,以新中式设计风格为依托对家居设计的空间,色彩,照明,家具陈设等方面进行了详细分析,获得最后的设计方案。

    Taking interior design theory as a guide , the subject is based on new Chinese style of home design and mainly written with real cases . It fully analyses space , color , lighting , furnishings and other aspects to obtain the final design .

  6. 温莎椅对新中式家具设计创新的启示温莎耐洗光亮棉衣料

    Inspiration of the Windsor Chair for Innovation on New Chinese Furniture Design

  7. 论类型学方法在新中式家具设计中的运用

    Application of Typology Method in New Chinese Style Furniture Design

  8. 明式家具装饰图案对现代中式家具设计的启示

    Enlightenment of Ming-Style Furniture Decoration Patterns on Modern Chinese Style Furniture Design

  9. 传统中式家居设计的文化内涵

    On the Cultural Connotation Of Traditional Chinese-style House Design

  10. 文章内容旨在对新中式庭院设计特色及设计方法进行研究。

    This article mainly studies about New Chinese style garden design features and design methods .

  11. 连身袖与中式服装设计&从1958-1976年连袖服装的流行看当代中式服装的袖型设计

    Raglan Sleeve and Chinese-style Fashion Design

  12. 通过全面的剖析,为以后运用抽象艺术的现代中式园林设计提供设计方法。

    Through comprehensive analysis , the use of abstract art , Chinese landscape design to provide a theoretical method .

  13. 在此基础上,笔者设计了三款作品作为对新中式沙发设计的尝试和探索。

    On this basis , I design three works as the attempt and exploration of the new Chinese-style sofa design .

  14. 新中式室内设计风格是继承中国传统文化、将传统进行现代化的演绎的一种室内设计风格。

    New Chinese interior design style is the inheritance of Chinese traditional culture , traditional modern interpretation of an interior design style .

  15. 研究新中式包装设计对于满足现代市场需求、传承民族传统文化都具有重要的现实意义。

    Research on new Chinese style package design contributes significantly to realistic meanings , in terms of satisfying modern market demands , inheritance of ethical traditional culture .

  16. 就设计而言我们更应该扩大自己想象力和创造力的空间,为新中式家具设计探讨新的研究领域和设计思路。

    For the design we should expand their imagination and creativity of space , the new Chinese style furniture design to bring new areas of research and design ideas .

  17. 从设计指导思想、设计元素、应用手法等方面总结出新中式室内设计风格的表现方式,其内涵体现出社会性、物质性和精神性。

    Design elements from the design guiding ideology , application technique and so on summary of new Chinese interior design style of expression . Its connotation reflects the social , physical and mental .

  18. 自从深圳万科第五园的诞生,将骨子里的中国情结得以充分地释放,新中式景观设计风格应运而生,登上中国景观设计行业舞台。

    Since the Shenzhen Vanke garden fifth birth , the bones of the Chinese complex fully release , the " new Chinese " style landscape design emerge as the times require , on Chinese landscape design industry stage .

  19. 研究结果表明:新中式室内设计现象的根本动因在于民族文化认同,传统精神内涵的觉醒,顺应市场需求,现代审美意识的改变。

    The research results show that the basic reason of new Chinese style interior design phenomenon lies in the national cultural identity , the awakening of traditional spirit , adapt to market demand , the change of the modern aesthetic consciousness .

  20. 在继承和发扬传统文化的同时,以创新理论和方法为指导,创造性的将传统文化与现代设计紧密联系起来,形成现代与传统结合的新中式室内设计风格。

    On the based of inheriting and carrying forward the traditional culture , the Neo-Chinese style , under the guidance of the innovation theory and mean , has be formed by combined traditional culture with modern design in a creative way .

  21. 然后将特征元素精髓应用到新中式家具设计实践中,并对元素的各方面加以时尚创新,运用隐喻设计手法,达到以意传形,总结出各种创新元素的创作应用方法。

    The essence of the elements apply to the new Chinese furniture design , and fashion elements to various aspects of innovation , application metaphor design techniques to achieve the " pass intended form ," summed up the creative element in a variety of innovative methods .

  22. 本文主要研究如何将中国的传统文化元素融入到现代家具设计中,以明清家具为例,主要讲传统雕刻装饰图案在现代中式家具设计中的传承与发展。

    This essay mainly studies on how to integrate the traditional cultural chemical element of China to the modern furniture design . With the furniture of Ming and Qing for example , it mainly tells the development of a traditional carvings pattern in modern Chinese furniture .

  23. 中式卷烟包装设计之管窥

    Having a Limited View of the Chinese Type Cigarette Packing Design

  24. 中式袖结构设计研究

    Study on pattern design of Chinese style sleeves

  25. 新中式家具创新设计方法

    Methods of New Chinese-style Furniture Design Innovation

  26. 新中式庭院空间设计,可以是整合式设计方法。

    The new Chinese style garden space design , can be " integration " type design method .

  27. 餐厅是海派菜为主的中式餐厅,设计时尚典雅。

    The restaurant is Chinese restaurant mainly about the new Shanghai dish group , the design is simple and elegant .

  28. 传统家具的造型元素、设计符号、结构设计等是现代中式家具创新设计的基础与灵感来源。

    Its modeling elements , design symbols and structural design mark the basis and inspiration source of creative design in modern furniture .

  29. 服装展示设计本身发展历程较短,作为其中分支之一的中式服装展示设计同样处于发展的初级阶段。

    The development process of display design is very short , being one type of costume design is also staying in the primary stage .

  30. 国内大部分的中式服装展示设计无论是在设计理念还是科技手段的运用方面,都有所欠缺。

    Most of the clothing display design , both in the design concept and the application of scientific , or technological means , is immatured .