
  1. 他在学习普通中等教育证书的德语课程。

    He 's doing German at GCSE .

  2. 所有的学生必须拥有认可的英语语言资质,最起码是普通中等教育证书C级别或其他同等标准。

    All students must have a recognised English Language qualification of at least GCSE grade C or equivalent standard .

  3. 大多数学生至少参加5门普通中等教育证书考试。

    Most of the students sit at least 5 GCSEs .

  4. 她已获得10门学科的普通中等教育证书。

    She 's got 10 GCSEs .

  5. 她一拿到普通中等教育证书后就没再上学了。

    She quit school as soon as she had taken her GCSEs .

  6. 我读中学六年级的时候有一年的时间可以重新参加普通中等教育证书考试。

    I had one year in the sixth form to retake my GCSEs .

  7. 教育大臣戈夫希望孩子们读更多书,并为此修改了英国普通中等教育证书(GCSE)考试大纲。

    Gove wants children to study more books , and has amended the GCSE syllabus accordingly .

  8. 最新数据显示,在今年夏季的普通中等教育证书考试(GCSE)和“英国高考”(A-level)当中,因使用手机作弊被抓的学生人数有所增加。

    The number of pupils caught cheating in GCSE and A-level exams using their mobile phones this summer has increased , new data reveals .

  9. 今年,英国有大约3710名学生参加了普通中等教育证书(GCSE)中文考试,157699名学生参加了GCSE法语考试,54037名学生参加了GCSE德语考试。

    Some 3710 pupils in the UK took the GCSE Chinese exam this year while 157699 sat GCSE French and 54037 took German .

  10. 他说,如果英国的学校都采用这个新的上课时间,那么获得普通中等教育证书(GCSE)的人数将会上涨约10%。

    If schools across the UK adopted the new start times , he said , GCSE attainment would rise by about 10 % .

  11. 自该校13年前刚刚成立起,汉语就是11岁到13岁学生的必修课程,此外,今年该校有70名学生在英国普通中等教育证书(GCSE)考试中选择了汉语科目。

    From when the school first opened 13 years ago , Mandarin has been compulsory for 11 to 13 year-olds , and 70 pupils took the subject for GCSE this year .

  12. 我15岁的女儿不愿为拿到英国普通中等教育证书(GCSE)而努力学习,称自己把时间花在穿着打扮上更有意义,为的是与她那个讨人喜欢、勤奋、上私立学校的有钱男友约会。

    My 15-year-old is disinclined to work for her GCSEs , saying her time is better spent preening herself in preparation for assignations with her delightful , diligent , privately educated , moneyed boyfriend .

  13. 16岁时,学生要参加全国统一考试,称为“普通中等教育证书”考试。

    At 16 , students take national examinations called GCSE 's.

  14. 许多英国学校的海外分支通常也提供国际普通中等教育证书。

    Many of the overseas branches of British schools also commonly offer the IGCSE .

  15. 为了拿到普通中等教育证书,我将考六门课。

    I 'm taking six subjects for gcse .

  16. 比如参加英国普通中等教育证书考试的学生,通常要学习8至12门课程。

    GCSE students , for example , usually study between eight and twelve subjects .

  17. 许多学生在拿到普通中等教育证书后便离校了。

    Many children leave school after gcse .

  18. 海伦的近期目标是帮助女儿尼基通过普通中等教育证书的考试。

    Helen 's immediate goal is to help Nikki her daughter get through her GCSEs .

  19. 中等教育证书素养再度回升,但半数以上没有好的英语和数学职。

    GCSE attainment rises again but more than half do not have good English and maths grades .

  20. 最近的数据表明,在普通中等教育证书考试中物理成绩达到A的女孩中,只有19%选择物理作为自己的专业。

    Recent figures show only 19 per cent of girls who scored an A in GCSE physics chose the subject as one of their A-levels .

  21. 她九岁的时候已经以A的成绩拿下法语和西班牙语的普通中等教育证书,目前在学阿拉伯语和俄语。

    She has already achieved two As for GCSEs in French and Spanish , which she took aged nine , and is now learning Arabic and Russian .

  22. 但是,如果国际学校依靠国际学士学位或国际普通中等教育证书的声誉作为它们的竞争优势,他们将面临严酷的竞争。

    But if international schools are relying on the virtues of the IB and IGCSE for their competitive edge , they are beginning to face stiff competition .

  23. 这些被从史密斯伍德体育学校遣返至家中的学生的妈妈们表示,孩子们原本是要在九个礼拜后参加重要的普通中等教育证书考试的。

    Mums of students who were told to go home from Smith 's Wood Sports College said they were due to sit important GCSEs in just nine weeks .

  24. 已经摆脱普通中等教育证书时代的鸿沟这一消息的推行,暗示了女孩在连续评估之外也做得很好,尽管有类似“精炼主题选择”的其他因素,更好的示范者或许也很重要。

    This gap seems to have emerged from the time GCSEs were introduced , suggesting girls have done well out of continuous assessment , though other factors like refining subject choices and better role-models may matter too .

  25. 她和9岁的儿子、7岁的女儿目前居住在三室型的简易住宅之中,而她也雄心勃勃地回归校园,考取普通中等教育证书,期待今后能成为保健工作者。

    She and her children , now aged nine and seven , are living in a three bedroom council house and she is returning to college to get her GCSEs with ambitions of becoming a healthcare worker .

  26. 继续教育是指学生在16岁后所接受的教育和培训,包括普通中等教育证书考试高级水平课程、普通中等教育证书考试补充高级水平课程、国家通用职业资格和预科课程(亦称为基础课程)。

    Continuing educating refers to student 's education and training accepted after 16 years old including ordinary secondary education certificate examination advanced horizontal course , ordinary secondary education certificate examination supplementary advanced horizontal course , national in common used job qualification and preparatory course ( also called basic course ) .

  27. 在英国学校,由于可怕的师资力量之匮乏,数学课是由那些仅持有普通中等教育证书的老师来教授的。专家称,英国中学数学教师人数禁缺5500名,逼得校长不得不将在该学科资历远远不够的老师送入学校。

    MATHS lessons are being taught in British schools by staff who only have a GCSE in the subject because of a dire shortage of qualified teachers 。 According to experts , a shortfall of 5500 maths teachers in English secondary schools has forced heads to send in teachers who are vastly underqualified in the subject 。

  28. 英国中等教育普通证书考试及特点研究

    A Study on the General Certificate of Secondary Education and Its Characteristics in England

  29. 在接受中等教育约5年后便可参加普通中等教育证书的考试。

    Examinations for the GCSE are taken after about five years of secondary education .