
zōnɡ hé kè chénɡ
  • integrated courses
  1. 提出了在高职教学计划中应确立核心课程,开设综合课程,活动课程和双语课程的建。

    The suggestion is that in the advanced vocational teaching plan such courses should be set up as key courses , integrated courses , activity courses , an .

  2. 综合课程的建设与教师的教学模式和学生的学习取向等密切相关,与学校的组织结构和互动方式也有十分紧密的关系。

    Curriculum construction is highly relevant to the teacher 's way of teaching and students ' orientation in learning , and the development of integrated courses is closely connected with the organizational structure and interactive model of the school .

  3. EDA技术在综合课程设计中的应用

    Application of EDA technology for integrated course project

  4. 以数据库原理为核心课程,建立相互支持的GIS专业综合课程体系;

    General education being purpose of cultivation of undergraduate phase , database fundermental being core course , integrated course system of GIS major is constructed .

  5. 师范专科学校综合课程改革措施的心理学研究

    To Psychologize the Improvement Measure of Comprehensive Coures in Normal College

  6. 优化课程结构,开设跨学科综合课程;

    Optimizing curriculum structure to offer cross - disciplinary comprehensive courses ;

  7. 构建综合课程体系全面推进素质教育

    Construct a Comprehensive System of Courses and Enhance Quality Education Thoroughly

  8. 借鉴建构主义学习理论设置临床综合课程

    Utilizing the Constructivism Learning Theory for the Setting of Clinical Integrate Curriculum

  9. 培养综合课程师资的模式研究

    A Study on the Mode of Integrated Course Teacher Training

  10. 高等医学基础综合课程体系的实践研究

    Practice and study on basic comprehensive curriculum system of higher medical education

  11. 综合课程:中国的曲艺、曲和庆典。

    Wrap up : Chinese rap , song and festivities .

  12. 反思型培训模式:综合课程教师继续教育的理智选择

    " Self-questioning " Training Model : Reasonable Choice by Teachers of Integrated Curricula

  13. 浅议大学英语综合课程中的口语练习

    On Oral English Practice in College English Integrated Course

  14. 多元智能理论指导下的美术综合课程设计

    Comprehensive Course Design under the Guidance of Multi-Intellectual Theory

  15. 陶行知所构建的课程体系,从本质上说是一种综合课程体系。

    Tao Xingzhi 's curriculum system is in nature a comprehensive curriculum system .

  16. 面向区域工业化的物流管理综合课程设计模式研究与实践

    Research & Practice of Logistics Management Comprehensive Course-designing Mode Oriented to Regional Industrialization

  17. 云南省普通高中综合课程教学模式探索

    Integrative Curriculum Teaching Model Exploration of Senior High School 's in Yunnan Province

  18. 探索综合课程师资培养的新模式

    Exploring on Teachers ' Cultivating Model for Comprehensive Courses

  19. 综合课程及其动态生成

    Integrated curriculum and its generating during the dynamic process

  20. 综合课程的类型及其设计取向

    The type of comprehensive curriculum and its designing direction

  21. 因此,文科综合课程被作为课程改革的重要方面提上日程。

    So the arts integrated curriculum emerges as an important aspect of curriculum reform .

  22. 力学综合课程建设的研究和实践

    The research and practice of building an integrated course in the aspect of mechanics

  23. 综合课程设计的实践模式探索

    Practice Pattern Exploration of the Integrative Curriculum Designs

  24. 高等师范专科学校综合课程改革措施是一个十分复杂的问题。

    It is a very complicated problem to improve comprehensive courses in normal college .

  25. 在普通高中综合课程研究与实验中进行环境教育的实践

    Environmental Education in Comprehensive Course at Middle Schools

  26. 我国在实施综合课程中从思想认识到具体条件方面存在诸多问题,亟待解决。

    There are many difficulties to overcome in carrying out integrated curriculum in China .

  27. 逆变器综合课程设计教学平台的开发

    Teaching Platform Exploitation of Inverter Integration Course Design

  28. 综合课程、分科课程;

    Comprehensive course , divided subject course ;

  29. 论综合课程的发展

    On the Development of the Comprehensive Course

  30. 职业学校的综合课程建设

    On Constructing Integrated Curriculum in Vocational Schools