
  • 网络Comprehensive;General;Miscellaneous
  1. 在已有的综合类B2B电子商务平台平稳发展的同时,新模式以及专注于新行业的B2B电子商务企业大量涌现。

    At the time when the existing comprehensive B2B platform is developing steadily , new models and many B2B enterprises focusing on new industries have emerged .

  2. 另外本文还对农业各类文献的利用进行统计分析,发现中文图书利用率最高的是农业综合类图书(S),达到了25%,西文为畜牧兽医(S8),达到22%。

    For the books cataloging in Agricultural sciences , the DURs of the Chinese books in comprehensive agriculture and the foreign books in animal husbandry and veterinary sciences were the highest ( up to 25 % and 22 % respectively ) .

  3. 我国综合类报纸NBA报道的困境及发展策略研究

    A Study on the Embarrassment and Developing Strategies of NBA News Reports on Chinese Integrated Newspapers

  4. 现在这家成立21年之久的公司的市值为2500亿美元,最近超过沃尔玛(Walmart),成为全球最大的综合类零售集团。

    Now valued at $ 250bn , the 21-year-old company recently overtook Walmart as the world 's biggest general retailing group .

  5. 经过深入学习合作学习及相关研究,并考虑现实条件,我们设计了一个新型的、综合类的合作学习模式:大家动脑成就法(HTAD)。

    After a thorough study of CL and related investigations , considering our actual conditions , we designed a new combined model : Heads Together Achievements Division ( HTAD ) .

  6. 文理综合类高校学报出路何在

    Outlay for Arts and Science Oriented Journal of College and University

  7. 试论水利综合类工程公益性资产界定的必要性和方法

    On necessity and methods of defining water conservancy project public assets

  8. 中国综合类上市公司盈利持续性研究

    Study on the Persistence of Profit of China 's Cross-industry Listed Companies

  9. 《媒介》是国内媒介行业内一本定位于媒介产业经营的综合类刊物。

    MEDIA is a comprehensive magazine targeting media industry management in China .

  10. 综合类高校开设体育旅游专业的可行性研究&以九江学院为例

    Feasible Study on Opening Sports Tourism Major in Comprehensive University

  11. 我国综合类报纸体育新闻版研究

    Research on Sports News Pages of Comprehensive Newspapers in China

  12. 全球视野中的综合类活动课程述评

    A Review of Integrated Activity Curriculums from the International Perspective

  13. 高校综合类学报编排规范探讨

    Editing Specifications of Comprehensive Journals of Colleges and Universities

  14. 办好学术期刊繁荣社会科学&第四届全国综合类人文社科期刊高层论坛综述

    Operating Academic Journal Well and Prospering Social Sciences

  15. 此次调查还就专业类大学和综合类大学分别进行了排名。

    A new classification in the rankings differentiates between generalist universities and specialist institutions .

  16. 综合类券商经纪业务发展探析证券公司经纪业务客户关系管理设计

    Brokage development on synthetical securities company The Design of CRM of Stockjobber 's Brokage

  17. 综合类院校艺术设计专业实践课教学改革初探

    On Teaching Reform of Art Design Practice Class

  18. 对办好学术期刊若干问题的思考&在第四届全国综合类人文社科期刊高层论坛上的发言

    Reflections on Several Issues in Running Academic Journal

  19. 民办高等教育应该属于综合类高等教育。

    The civilian run higher education should belong to the comprehensive kind of higher education ;

  20. 编辑思想的自觉与综合类社科学报风格的形成

    Consciousness of Editors and the Formation of style of a Comprehensive Journal of Liberal Arts

  21. 1998年出台的《证券法》,把我国的证券公司划分为综合类证券公司和经纪类证券公司。

    The security act of 1998 divided security company into the comprehensive and brokerage company .

  22. 我国主要综合类地质学报的引文分析及评价

    Citation Analysis and Evaluation of the Main Comprehensive Category of Journals of Geology in China

  23. 高校文科综合类学报的特色问题是人们议论得较多的一个问题。

    The problem of the characteristic of comprehensive university journal of liberal arts is frequently discussed .

  24. 水利综合类工程良性运行管理体制和制度建设研究

    Research on institution construction and management system of beneficial operation of comprehensive water resources management project

  25. 对综合类文化期刊一稿多投现象的理性分析

    A rational analysis of " one paper repeat contribution " phenomenon in some synthetic culture magazines

  26. 都市报是指以城市居民为主要读者对象的综合类或文化、经济、生活类报纸。

    Urban newspapers refer to general newspapers or those culture , economy and livelihood oriented papers .

  27. 从那以后,他们把冰激凌店发展成一家综合类的主题连锁餐厅,分店遍布台湾。

    Since then , they have developed into a fully-fledged themed chain with branches all over Taiwan .

  28. 选择我国北方某普通综合类大学的大学英语教师作为研究对象。

    The College English teachers of a general comprehensive university in the North are chosen as the subjects .

  29. 综合类报纸也将体育新闻版视为拓展受众空间、扩大报纸发行量的筹码之一。

    Sports news page is a good means for comprehensive newspapers to attract more readers and enlarge circulation .

  30. 早期,综合类报纸体育新闻在这一场激烈的战争中占有一定的优势。

    In early times , sports news of comprehensive newspaper pulls out the first prize in this intense war .