
  • 网络physical culture;sports business
  1. 体育事业和人民健康密切相关。

    Physical culture has a direct bearing on the people 's health .

  2. 她来帮助我们发展我们的体育事业。

    She came here to help develop our physical culture .

  3. 他一生热爱体育事业,是一位颇有成就的运动员。他是比利时橄榄球冠军,曾代表国家队参赛。

    A life-long sports fan and an accomplished athlete , Rogge was a Belgian rugby champion and represented his country on the national team .

  4. 体育事业与市场经济的协调发展

    The Coordination Development of the Sports Undertaking and the Market Economy

  5. 拓宽经费来源渠道,为竞技体育事业提供优质保障。

    Broaden the channel of funds to well serve competitive sports .

  6. 现代奥林匹克运动对我国体育事业发展的影响

    Influences of modern Olympic Games on the development of Chinese sports

  7. 我国群众体育事业发展对策

    The Countermeasure to the Development of Chinese Mass Sports in Harmonious Society

  8. 发展民族卫生、体育事业,增强人民体质;

    To develop national health and sports , to enhance national physique ;

  9. 承担部分政府职能,促进体育事业发展;

    Undertaking the partial governments function and promoting sports enterprise ;

  10. 你认为政治和体育事业的发展的关系怎么样?

    How do you see the relationship between politics and sport developing ?

  11. 安妮:体育事业本身就是一项社会性的公益事业。

    Annie : Sports cause itself is a social public welfare cause .

  12. 制度变迁下我国体育事业产业化的路径选择

    Selection of Industrialized Way of China 's Sports Undertaking under System Vicissitudes

  13. 白云区文化、教育、体育事业蓬勃发展。

    Baiyun District , culture , education , sports prosper .

  14. 妇女积极参加体育事业也被高度认可。

    Women who win in sports activities are highly regarded .

  15. 残疾人体育事业也必将得到更广阔的发展空间。

    The handicapped sports cause will also have broad development .

  16. 论和谐社会中体育事业本体之和谐发展

    On the Thought on Constructing Sports in the Harmonious Society

  17. 论新时期加速发展我国残疾人体育事业

    On Developing Sports of Handicapped More Quickly in China during the New Epoch

  18. 中国也是一个热衷体育事业的国家。

    China is also a country of sports lovers .

  19. 接下来,他简要回顾了我国体育事业的发展的历史。

    Next , he briefly reviewed the history of PE development in China .

  20. 就能看出当地体育事业的活力。

    We can discern the dynamic local physical culture .

  21. 谈体育事业的发展与经济的关系

    A talk of the relationship between sports and economy

  22. 在后北京奥运时代,群众体育事业迎来前所未有的发展机遇。

    During this era , sports career has received unprecedented opportunities for development .

  23. 略谈经济对我国体育事业的影响

    On the Influence of Economy on Sports in China

  24. 论体育事业与体育产业的内涵及二者的关系

    Connotation and Relation between Sports Undertakings and Sports Industry

  25. 新时期政府发展体育事业的职能及职责的界定

    Analysis on the Definition of Function and Responsibility of Sports Government in New Period

  26. 这也是旧中国苦难深重、积贫积弱在体育事业上的反映。

    This is the old China suffering , poor and weak in sports reflection .

  27. 体育事业宏观调控政策与法律问题研究

    Research on Sports Macro-control Policies and Legal Issues

  28. 中国体育事业指标体系研究与体育改革

    Studies of " index system of china 's physical education " and its reforms

  29. 竞技体育事业核心竞争力的研究

    Research into the core competence of the sports

  30. 关于中国体育事业指标体系总体结构的初步探讨

    A preliminary approach of total structure about index system of china 's Physical Education