
tǐ yù xiāo xi
  • sporting news;sports-cast
  1. 这家报纸对体育消息报导详尽。

    This paper covers sports thoroughly .

  2. 天空体育消息:阿森纳前锋尼古拉斯-本特纳正在与斯托克城洽谈转会事宜。

    Sky Sports News understands Nicklas Bendtner is in talks over a move from Arsenal to Stoke .

  3. 这家报纸对体育消息报导详让我惊奇的是媒体宣布此消息的方式。

    This paper covers sports thoroughly . What astonished me was how the press announced the news .

  4. 体育消息也令人镇静,果为我能够了解战熟悉许多着名的运策划。而且我最喜悲挨篮球了。

    Sports news is very exciting because I can learn and know a lot of famous players . What 's more , I like playing basketball best .

  5. 体育报纸消息头缺失现象探析

    A research on the missing phenomenon of source of news in sport newspapers

  6. 五点钟将为您带来体育和天气消息。

    Bringing you sports and weather on the five .

  7. 根据《天空体育》的消息,富勒姆门将马克·施瓦泽不会在今年夏天转会阿森纳。

    Sky Sports News understands goalkeeper Mark Schwarzer will not be leaving Fulham for Arsenal .

  8. 而且,还有一些人成立起互联网新闻服务,即时提供专门的政治、天气、股票市场、体育和时装消息。

    Moreover , some individuals have formed Internet news services that provide specialized information instantaneously about politics , weather , the stock market , sports , and fashion .

  9. 根据意大利罗马体育报的消息,在带领尤文重新回到意大利甲级联赛后,帕维尔内德维德很可能在今年夏天退役。

    After leading Juventus back to Serie A , Pavel Nedved will most likely decide to retire this summer according to the Italian daily sports newspaper'Corriere dello Sport ' .

  10. 当刘翔与他的教练从国家体育总局得知这个消息后都非常感动。

    Liu and his coach were greatly moved when they learnt the content of the telegraph from the top officials of the General Administration of Sport .

  11. 经电视化后的体育包括了体育消息、体育评论、体育专题、电视体育竞赛现场直播或实况转播、电视体育杂志栏目、体育纪录片等。

    After sports been presented on TV , which will include sports news , sports commentary , sports themes , sports competitions live on television or live , TV sports magazine columns , sports and documentaries .