
  • 网络sports system
  1. 全国体育系统人力资源开发方向和途径的研究

    Study on Directions and Paths for Human Resources Development of Sports System in China

  2. 辽宁省体育系统青少年篮球运动员培养社会影响因素分析

    Analysis on the Social Influencing Factor Cultivating Reserve Basketball Talents of Sports System in Liaoning Province

  3. 对体育系统中应用灰色GM(1,1)衍生响应模型的探索

    Application of Grey System GM ( 1,1 ) to Physical Training System & The Derivable Responsory Model Exploration

  4. 中国竞技体育系统运行机制及其发展对策

    The Operational Mechanism and its Developing Countermeasures of Chinese Competition Sports

  5. 中国竞技体育系统决策研究初探

    A Preliminary Study of Policy-Making in Devising China 's Competitive Sports Programme

  6. 试论体育系统固定资产账务处理及管理

    On the Fixed Capital Account Value and Management System in Sports Dept

  7. 对我国体育系统管理状况的调查分析与研究

    Investigation and Study of Sport Management System Status in China

  8. 合作共赢:非体育系统体育场地社会化管理研究&以宁波市为例

    Cooperation and Mutual Benefits Study on Socialized Management of the Non-athletic Gymnastic Facilities

  9. 关于体育系统结构研究的若干理论

    Theories on Study of System of Physical Education Structure

  10. 体育系统体育场地存量明显不足,制约了山西省竞技体育的发展;

    It restricts the development of sports .

  11. 同异反态势排序在体育系统工程中的应用

    The Application of Ordering by Similarities , Differences , and Counters in Sport Systems Engineering

  12. 我国体育系统软科学研究的历史、现状和发展趋势

    History , Present State and Developmental Tendency of Soft Science in Sport System of China

  13. 的确,对于许多运动员来说,国家体育系统给他们提供了一个机会,摆脱在乡下务农的生活。

    Indeed , for many athletes the system provides an escape from lives of rustic labour .

  14. 事实上,按照一些中国奥运选手的描述,在体育系统内部的训练生活非常痛苦。

    Indeed , some Chinese Olympians paint a painful picture of life inside the sports system .

  15. 体育系统的运行机制

    Functional Mechanism of Sports System

  16. 不过,顶尖运动员试图摆脱体育系统控制的努力通常都以失败告终。

    Yet efforts by top athletes to wrest control away from the sports system have generally failed .

  17. 优秀运动员的文化课教育是体育系统和体育院校多年来存在的学训之间矛盾问题。

    Culture education sports system is for elite athletes and sports college training problems over the years .

  18. 互动体育系统设计

    Design of Interactive Sports System

  19. 浙江省体育系统训练与竞赛场地的现状调查研究

    A Study on Current Situation of Training and Competition Ground of Physical Education Department in Zhejiang Province

  20. 如何提高优秀运动员文化素质,是体育系统内部长期为之努力,但又始终受之困扰的问题。

    How to improve the education of elite athletes has been a problem the sports system have been efforts to solve .

  21. 4体育系统短跑人才储备河南省体育运动学校在校短跑专业学生312名。广东省短跑运动项目从事短跑训练的有456人。

    There are 312 sprint talent students in the sports system schools in the Henan school and Guangdong Province has 456 .

  22. 阐述了建立体育系统仿真的依据,并对体育系统仿真的研究对象、学科性质、内容分类、基本特征和研究方法等进行了初步探讨。

    The nature of the course ? the classification of its content ? the basic characteristic and the researching method , etc.

  23. 大力吸引非体育系统的管理经营人才到体育场馆的运营工作中,尽快改善管理人员结构。

    Bring abundant non-physical systems personnel to work in sports stadium operations management , and improve the management structure as soon as possible .

  24. 全国体育系统教练员人力资源状况分析海员全体人员中的成员。

    An Analysis of Present Situation and Countermeasures of Human Resource of Sport Coaches in China a member of the crew of a ship .

  25. 在学校体育系统中,体育教学是学校体育的基本环节,是系统传习运动技术、传播体育文化的桥梁,是培养学生尚力精神的主要途径。

    Athletics teaching is the main path to diffuse physical culture and cultivate the spirit to worship the power of students in physical education system .

  26. 职业化的竞技体制是一个围绕着赢利而建立起来的社会的体育系统,实质上是竞技体育的一种商业活动形式。

    The professionalized competitive sport system is a kind of social sport system based on profit-making , which is in itsnature an activity of commercialism .

  27. 随着社会的发展,大学和体育系统的开放和改革为高校建立高水平足球运动队创造了机遇。

    Along with the social development , the reform of university and the athletics system creates the opportunity to establish the high school high-level soccer team in university .

  28. 随着冬季奥运会将于下周午在温哥华开幕,中国传奇般的体育系统将目光紧紧锁定在一个新的夺金目标上冰壶项目。

    With the Winter Olympics starting in Vancouver next Friday , China 's fabled sports system has got a new gold medal target fixed firmly in its sights curling .

  29. 通过对城市社区体育系统架构的分析,提出了城市社区体育建设应以街道为核心的观点。

    Based on analyses of the structure of urban community sports system , the author puts forwards that the construction of urban community sports should revolve around the streets .

  30. 它能把体育系统内部的某些具有的灰色因素参数而用其它理论不便于量化评价的研究领域置入它的理论研究范畴内给予量化评价。

    Some parameters with grey factors in sports system which are not suitable to be evaluated by other theories can be put into this study area and be evaluated here .