
  • 网络per capita living space
  1. 最后,得出了住房价格、人均居住面积、GDP和家庭收入是影响大连市住宅市场长期需求的主要影响因素,大连市住宅市场长期需求潜力巨大和短期趋于过热的结论。

    Lastly , the dissertation finds that house price , per capita living space , GDP , family income are key influence factors of market demand .

  2. 长沙市人均居住面积动态变化的定量分析

    A Quantitative Analysis on the Dynamic Change of Per Capita Living Space in Changsha

  3. GM(1,1 ̄r)灰色模型及其在农村人均居住面积中的应用

    The Grey Model GM ( 1,1  ̄ r ) and Application of Per Capita Living-Space in the Country

  4. 农村居民人均居住面积由1995年的21平方米提高到24.2平方米。

    And the living space per rural resident grew from 21 sq m to 24.2 sq m.

  5. 农村人均居住面积则由21平方米增加到24.4平方米。

    The per-capita living area of rural residents increased from 21 square meters to 24.4 square meters .

  6. 1999年,城镇居民人均居住面积由1995年的8.1平方米增加到9.8平方米;

    The living space per urban resident increased from 8.1 sq m in 1995 to 9.8 sq m in 1999 ;

  7. 城镇家庭人均居住面积已达到7.8平方米,61.7%的家庭使用煤气或液化气。

    The per-capita living area reached 7.8 square meters in urban households and 61.7 percent of the households were using gas .

  8. 城市间经济发展水平、人均居住面积等因素对东部地区城市之间住宅用地价格水平差异影响较大。

    And gross domestic product & per average residential area are the influence factors of interurban residential site differences for the east area .

  9. 关于家庭特征差异对生活用水需求的影响,人均居住面积同家庭用水需求之间存在正相关关系;

    Thirdly , of all factors in the research , living area per capita of the family has positive effect on residential water demand ;

  10. 20世纪50年代末,全国人均居住面积为4.5平方米,到了1978年反而降为3.6平方米。

    In the late 1950s ', the per capita housing area of China is 4.5 sq. meters , which dropped to 3.6 by 1978 .

  11. 卡痕、体质量指数、人均居住面积、结核病家族史可能是肺结核发病的危险因素。

    Scar of bcg vaccine , BMI , human living space and family history of pulmonary tuberculosis may be the risk factors of pulmonary tuberculosis .

  12. 2001年城市居民人均居住面积15.54平方米,比1981年增长1.6倍。

    The living space per capita in urban areas was 15.54 sq m in 2001 , which was an increase of 2.6 times compared to 1981 .

  13. 目前城镇居民人均居住面积已超过20平方米,农村达到25平方米左右。

    At present , the per-capita living space of urban residents has exceeded 20 square meters , while that of rural residents stands at around 25 square meters .

  14. 房地产开发投资额、国内生产总值、在岗职工平均工资、人均居住面积和城市人口密度这5个变量是城市间住宅用地价格水平差异的主要影响因素。

    They are the investment of real estate development , gross domestic product , the density of population , average wages bill of full-employed staff and workers , average residential area .

  15. 通过房地产价格指数、人均居住面积、房价收入比和租售比四个方面的指标,具体描述上海目前房价高的程度。

    This section describes how high the housing price of Shanghai is through four indicators including the real estate price index , per capita living space , housing price-to-income ratio , rent and selling price ratio .

  16. 据小区居委会介绍,过去住在农村时,居民的人均居住面积是9平米,而搬进新公寓后,一下子增加到了40平米。

    According to the community administrative committee , residents had an average of 9 sq m of living space per person in their old village homes , which ballooned to 40 sq m in the new flats .

  17. 西安市政府在十.五规划中,关于提高人民生活水平的预期目标中指出:到2005年城镇居民人均居住面积要增加到15平方米。

    In the municipal programming " 15 ", referring to pre-aim of the improvement of people 's living standard , which has clearly pointed out the average living area of town people would increased to 15 meter square .