
  • 网络Sports Culture;sporting culture;physical culture
  1. 体育文化(PhysicalCulture)属于广义文化,具有民族性、地域性和传统性。

    The Physical culture , characteristic of nationality , region and tradition , belongs to the culture in a broad sense ;

  2. 试论体育文化在人的全面发展中的价值

    The value of physical culture in all-round development of human being

  3. 现在国家掌握在大老板和侨民手里,体面人物不得不退回去搞体育文化。

    The country was in possession of the bosses and the emigrant and decent people had to fall back on sport or culture .

  4. 从CUBA现象看校园体育文化建设对高校素质教育的积极影响

    The Phenomenon Looks at the Campus Sports Cultural Reconstruction from CUBA to the University Education for All-around Development Positive Influence

  5. 文章运用文献资料法从历史的角度、现实的需要辩证地提出了2l世纪西方竞技体育文化将与中国武术保健体育文化融合,分析这二种不同文化融合的哲学原因和现实原因。

    Adopting documentation and from the angle of history and need of reality , this paper proposes that the 21st century western competitive sport culture will give way to the western health preservation sport culture and analyzes the reasons from aspects of philosophy and reality .

  6. 中国民族体育文化传统思想及其现代转化

    On China National Sports Culture Traditional Thought and its Modern Change

  7. 略论当代体育文化的四大特征

    Brief Discussion on the Four Characters of the Modern Sports Culture

  8. 体育文化力的内涵及其特征

    On the Essence and Characteristics of the Cultural Power of Sports

  9. 论体育文化力的现代价值

    On the Modern Values of " Cultural Power of Sports "

  10. 上海市高校校园体育文化现状的分析研究

    The Analysis on the Campus Physical Culture Status Quo in Shanghai

  11. 关于正确定义中国少数民族传统体育文化的研究

    The Research on the Clear Definition of Chinese Minorities'Traditional Physical Cultures

  12. 先进体育文化与高校体育课程改革

    The advanced PE culture and the university PE curriculum reform

  13. 时至今日,土家族、苗族的自然崇拜的祭祀仪式依然频繁,在这些祭祀仪式中体育文化得到了充分地展示,体育的具体实践也得到了充分的体现。

    Sports culture and sports practice have fully embodied in these ceremonies .

  14. 中国武术文化特性及对世界体育文化的影响

    Cultural Characteristics of Chinese Wushu and the Influence on World PE Culture

  15. 构建高校体育文化的思考&兼谈校运动会和体育竞赛活动的改革

    The Consideration of Construction of Sports Culture in the Universities

  16. 孔子的体育文化思想及其现实意义研究

    Research on Confucius ' Idea of Sports Culture and Its Actual Significance

  17. 足球迷现象是当代中国形成的一个特殊体育文化现象。

    Soccer fan has become a specific sport cultural phenomenon in China .

  18. 传统体育文化对构建少数民族和谐人际关系的作用

    Functions of traditional sports culture in constructing harmonious relationship of ethnic communities

  19. 当代中国体育文化与体育公关礼仪

    Modern Chinese Sport Culture and Sport Etiquette in Public Relations

  20. 东西方体育文化的比较

    Comparison of Physical Cultures between the East and the West

  21. 论校园体育文化与大学生基本道德规范的养成

    Physical Education Culture and Development of Students ′ Moral Sense

  22. 论中国近代体育文化观的演变

    Evolution of sports cultural concept in China in modern times

  23. 我国体育文化与奥林匹克精神的冲突与融合

    Conflicts and Amalgamation of Our Country 's Sports Culture and Olympic Spirit

  24. 谈校园体育文化中的德育教育功能

    On the Function of moral education in the Campus Physical Education Culture

  25. 浅谈高校体育文化建设

    Discussion on the Construction of Physical Educational Culture in Universities

  26. 论民族传统体育文化在现代城市社区的传承

    On the Inheritance of National Traditional Sports Culture in Modern Urban Communities

  27. 敦煌体育文化价值的研究

    A Study on the Value of Dun Huang Physical Culture

  28. 论中西方传统体育文化的差异

    Differences of traditional sports culture between China and the West

  29. 我国城市社区体育文化创新研究

    Creative Research on City Community Sport Culture in Our Country

  30. 社会转型期我国企业体育文化研究

    Study on the Enterprise Sports Culture at the Period of Society Transformation