
  • 网络Primary Health Care;PHc
  1. 初级卫生保健全球发展策略与评价进展

    Global development of Primary Health Care and progress in evaluation

  2. 新时期农村初级卫生保健事业发展的思考

    The Development of Primary Health Care in New Period

  3. 为了改善初级卫生保健工作,政府已承诺在未来6年内拨款1.7亿英镑。

    The government has now pledged £ 170m over the next six years for improving primary care .

  4. 社区卫生服务(CommunityHealthService,CHS)是承担初级卫生保健的重要载体,建立社区卫生服务机构-综合/专科医院新型双层服务体系是目前我国卫生改革的重头戏。

    Community Health Service ( CHS ) organization is of vital in developing primary health care , and is the important role in the two-level new health service system in China during the health innovation process .

  5. 结论在地域广阔,人口居住分散,经济条件相对滞后的农村地区,把结核病控制工作纳入初级卫生保健,开展不住院监督短程化疗,严格执行DOTS策略,是当前结核病控制最有效的方法。

    Conclusion At present , strictly conducted DOTS strategy , especially fully supervised ambulatory chemotherapy is the best way for control tuberculosis at the population decentralized , relatively poor and extensive rural areas .

  6. 1999年,人口平均预期寿命提高到7l岁。基本实现人人享有初级卫生保健服务。

    The average life expectancy of the Chinese rose to 71 years in 1999 . Almost all the Chinese people are now accessible to basic health care services .

  7. 在Kumuli这样的农村地区,初级卫生保健由“保健助理”提供,计划生育服务由“家庭福利助理”提供。

    In rural areas like Kumuli , primary health care is provided by'health assistants ' , and family planning services are provided by'family welfare assistants ' .

  8. 在印度旁遮普邦北部Gharuan村的初级卫生保健中心,一个家庭正为新成员的降生而欣喜。

    Inside the primary health centre at Gharuan village in the north Indian state of Punjab , a family is excited about its newest member .

  9. 试论有中国特色的农村初级卫生保健体系

    Primary health cares system with Chinese characteristics of the rural areas

  10. 初级卫生保健对此能发挥什么作用?

    What role can primary health care play in this quest ?

  11. 中德初级卫生保健的比较研究

    A comparative study of primary health care in China and Germany

  12. 初级卫生保健是卫生服务的重点内容;

    The primary heath care is the pivot of health service .

  13. 对初级卫生保健工作者进行耳部和听力护理培训;

    Training primary health care workers on ear and hearing care ;

  14. 以初级卫生保健为基础,促进加强卫生系统。

    Contribute to health system strengthening based on primary health care .

  15. 初级卫生保健被误解成给穷人提供劣质服务。

    Primary health care was misconstrued as poor care for poor people .

  16. 初级卫生保健的特点与医务人员的责任

    The Characteristics of Primary Health Care and the Responsibilities of PHC Personnel

  17. 今天,人们对于初级卫生保健的误解不再那样根深蒂固。

    Today , primary health care is no longer so deeply misunderstood .

  18. 英国国民卫生系统初级卫生保健服务的质量保障

    Quality Security of Primary Health Care Service of UK National Health System

  19. 农村某贫困民族社区居民初级卫生保健现状案例研究

    A Case Study of Primary Health Care in a Rural Ethnic Community

  20. 积极开展农村社区卫生服务不断提高初级卫生保健水平

    Developing Rural Community Health Service , Improving Primary Health Care

  21. 我国初级卫生保健体系形成的历史和成功因素分析

    Historical and Causes Analysis on Primary Health Care Successful Establishing in China

  22. 加强初级卫生保健,改进健康的公平性&巴西卫生改革对中国的启示

    Improving Health Equity through Enhancing Primary Health Care : Lessons from Brazil

  23. 我说过,初级卫生保健将是明年《世界卫生报告》的主题,也是世界卫生日的主题。许多国家在初级卫生保健方面拥有丰富的经验。

    Many countries have extensive experience with primary health care .

  24. 我们应发展社区卫生服务,振兴城市初级卫生保健。

    We should develop community health services and revitalize urban primary health care .

  25. 中美医学生初级卫生保健意愿的比较与分析

    Analysis and comparison on primary care interest between Chinese and American medical students

  26. 适应初级卫生保健需要积极发展全科医学教育

    Developing General Family Medicine to Suit to the Need of Primary Health Care

  27. 新农村建设与初级卫生保健

    Construction of New Socialist Countryside and Primary Health Care

  28. 世卫组织提倡将神经疾病保健纳入初级卫生保健。

    WHO advocates for the integration of neurological care into primary health care .

  29. 恢复了对初级卫生保健的兴趣,我特别感到高兴。

    This revival of interest in primary health care pleased me most especially .

  30. 为初级卫生保健和社区工作者提供适宜的精神卫生培训。

    Provide appropriate mental health training for primary health care and community workers .