
chū chūn
  • early spring;the first month of spring
初春 [chū chūn]
  • [the first month of spring] 开春头一个月,即阴历正月

初春[chū chūn]
  1. 我们在初春解冻时节的泥泞中艰难行进。

    We slogged through the mud of an early spring thaw .

  2. 那位画家正准备她的初春个人画展。

    The painter is planning an exhibition of her works for the early spring .

  3. 初春季节仍有寒意。

    It 's spring but there 's still a chill in the air .

  4. 初春天气,早晨还有些凉意。

    It 's early spring now & still a bit chilly in the morning .

  5. 结果表明,淡水河口湿地的CH4释放呈现出明显的季节特征,最大值出现在夏季和夏末,最小值出现在初春和冬季。

    CH4 emissions from the freshwater estuarine wetlands had remarkable seasonal variations , with the highest values occurring in summer and late-summer and the lowest emission occurring in the early spring and winter .

  6. 雌雄性均在151~170mm组成熟,生殖期在冬季至初春;

    The matured female and male were largely in 151 to 170 mm group .

  7. 2013年初春的一天,徐鹏的班主任老师把他叫到一边,说他有可能成为毛坦厂有史以来第一个考入清华大学的学生。这座位于北京的著名高校被誉为中国的麻省理工学院(MIT)。

    Xu 's head teacher pulled him aside early in the spring of 2013 to tell him that he had a chance to become the first Maotanchang student ever to be admitted to Beijing 's prestigious Tsinghua University , known as the M.I.T. of China .

  8. 秋天利用5cm土层未冻结前的强寒潮天气,减少越冬虫源;初春进行树下防治,利用土壤小气候特点,恶化越冬茧化蛹的小气候环境,降低虫源基数;

    The strong cold currents before soil layer was frozen 5 cm deep in Autumn were made use of to decrease the pest sources and also the small climatic characteristics of soil were used to worsen the small climatic environment when cocoon pupates and decrease the number of pest sources .

  9. 初春时节选择套领毛衣,避免臃肿。

    Sport lightweight turtlenecks in early spring to reduce the bulk .

  10. 初春我们到郊外踏青。本周六去踏青好吗?

    We went to the suburbs for an outing in early spring .

  11. 在那门前,积雪在初春融化。

    The snow melts before its door as early in the spring .

  12. 初春育苗成了一大苦事。

    Growing seedlings in early spring was another hard job .

  13. 2006年初春浙北寒潮天气过程分析

    Analysis of a Cold Wave Weather Process in Early Spring of 2006

  14. 初春暴雪过程的多普勒速度特征分析

    Analysis of Doppler Velocity Feature on Snowstorm of Earlier Spring

  15. 2009年初春黑龙江省大雪成因浅析

    The Causing Analysis of Heavy Snow in Heilongjiang Province in Early-spring 2009

  16. 移植灌木最好是在初春的时候。

    Moving a shrub is best done in early spring .

  17. 青岛市初春一次雷雨天气的初步分析

    The preliminary analysis of a thundery rain weather at early spring in Qingdao

  18. 南京的初春和初秋都是很美的。

    It is beautiful when both spoken and written .

  19. 复活节百合,亦称为「铁炮百合」。复活节百合是百合中最受欢迎的品种,它在初春复活节时开花,是复活节不可或缺的花卉铁炮百合是最早预告春天来临的象征之一。传递,交给。

    Easter lily Easter lilies are one of the first signs of spring .

  20. 啊,这儿充满了醉人的初春的气息!

    Oh , the spring freshness was so delicious .

  21. 初春的时候,她浑身绿茸茸的,又脆又嫩。

    Mossy green envelops her in the early spring , crispy and soft .

  22. 这些都是初春时节带着卵的母蛙。

    It transpired that these were pregnant females from the start of spring .

  23. 初春时节,叶子开始长出来了。

    Leaves begin to shoot forth early in spring .

  24. 而你的正是纯洁无瑕的初春。

    And thou present'st a pure unstained prime .

  25. 我愿意用一千万年等待你初春暖阳般的绽颜一笑。

    I want to spend ten million years waiting for your early spring warm .

  26. 2007初春上海街头流行色彩

    2007 Fashion color of spring in Shanghai Street

  27. 江门地区初春大雾的预报预警业务系统

    The Operational Forecast and Warning System for Early Spring Fog Event over Jiangmen Area

  28. 那是初春时分。

    That was at the beginning of spring .

  29. 新奥尔良的初春和晚秋白天暖和,夜间凉爽。

    We have wran days and cool nights in early spring and late autumn .

  30. 冬至初春黄海暖流的路径和起源

    On the origin and path of the Huanghai Warm Current during winter and early spring